Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
I have a nice M60 Male and paired it up with a Bubble Gun & an AK mum. These plants have been outdoors all winter and have budded up ok. sure the have felt the cold with some purpling up of the leaves but generally they have made it. all I need now is a pollination to occur. In order for this to occur I have placed them together closly and letting nature do it's thing. pic is oef the 2 selected mums first at top is mum Bubble Gun and below is AK mum all puckered up. Here we have a male Pig (M60) with mslle flowers laying in the bot5tom of the pot. Th…
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
sup stoners iv been trying to change my personal photo but when i do it its just bringin my old 1 up and ive deleted it off ma pc but it still does it i havent even got it no more wat the f**k is that so wierd or what do any of u no why
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 4 replies
So, I'm currently growing outdoors....just about 6" plants now. I dunno what it is, one of 'em is mango, either way, don't much give a fuck what strain it is until I'm growing hydroponically. so, I'm gonna attach a picture here (mad, MAD art skillzzzz) and show you what I got going on. I kinda got it growing in an ex animal cage. In the bottom part, as shown in awesome cutaway effects, is the little pots. They fit underneath the border of the white "base", but the plants have grown to about the top of the "cage" part (top segment that is, the middle is clear plastic type shit)...the top part is allowing airflow, and yeah, enough sun gets through the top and middle. What…
Last reply by cheeba, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
i wasnt sure where to post these pics ... they are both indoor and outdoor , hydro and soil ... so anyhow without further ado ... hmm i cant load such big files , so a link is what you will h ave to have ... this is pineapple c99 ... http://www.icmag.com/ic/gallery/showphoto....&sort=1&cat=500
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 3 replies
i am on my second outdoor grow and have learnt alot of things and the main one is patience, ie not fertilizing so often, watering so often. this grow my plants are absolutely kickin the shit out of last years, and starting with real genetics is a massive advantage to the hermi bagseed i grew last year, by the way im growing magic bud from planetskunk (clone off freind). another important factor is a good mix, i am a beleiver in this stuff called baileys soil improver - 30%, that mixed with 70% "professional potting mix enhanced with seasol" and a small handful of dynamic lifter and there thriving and i mean realy growin quick. ive only fertilized once with a mix of seas…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
hey guys i transplanted a skunk special outdoors last week she has now seeeetled in and is showin new growth she is currently at day 18 of flower, expected flowerin time is 7.5 weeks now i no that the days are getting longer etc will the plant work this out?? will it stay in flower ofr will it begin the task of revetation?? in my area it is recomended that 5th oct is the date for puttin plants out that wont send em to flowerif i get nice buds ill pull but i mite even leave to see if she does the revege thing whats the oppinions on this all thoughts are appreciated peace bpa
Last reply by Budman2012, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I think I might have found a good spot for a decent size guerilla grow. I don't have any questions right now instead I'm looking for a guide that will hopefully answer most of them for me. I want to find out how much work I will need to put in and what the possible results are, I've heard of half - full p if grown optimally and long although is this dry weight cured etc? This is all for personal use ofcourse, I have alot of friends Cheers in advance
Last reply by notneo, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
gday, Im curious about which strains (or which general TYPES of strains) handle drought well? I'm not too far from Perth and this will be my first outdoor grow which I'm doing with a mate. We're only growing for ourselves so we only plan to grow about 3 maybe 4 plants, but each of a different strain to help increase our chances of getting one thatll survive, so it's important for us to make educated guesses about which strains might do well here - if we get 1 plant to survive then it'll be worth it. Interestingly I did a global search through the Overgrow strainguide (i downloaded the whole thing shortly before it was taken down), and strangely the word "drought" only…
Last reply by cerebro, -
by stonerweed-
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
hi all do any of u no how to upload pics off my pc to the site
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
if a plant has nute burn do the leaves turn brownish black and sort of spotty then dry out and crumple in your fingers. if so will it die i hope not thnx
Last reply by nitram, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Just a couple Q's before I use them for my first outdoor grow here in dry ol' WA. I've got a small pack of them but the packing text doesnt answer these questions 1 - how long do they generally last? Could I get away with watering each plant just once every 4 weeks with say 3L of water? 2 - it says to use 1 teaspoon per 5 litres of compost (or something like that anyway), should i double or even triple that to make it last longer? (does more quantity = more duration?) I know that some pot plants can be grown in 100% water crystals (the crystals are often coloured for effect), but I'm not sure about cannabis plants - might be an interesting thing to try with a Lowryde…
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
I have heard a number of conflicting stories about when to begin germination and get the plants outside. Will be growing a number of different strains in guerilla locations (pictures to follow) Durban Poison (DP) Holland's Hope (DP) Shaman ® VOODOO ® Lowryder I thought i would give these strains a try outdoors. Any conjecture? or inferences? Secondly i was always under the impression that for us folk around the sydney reason grand final week of teh (NRL) or rugby league was the best time to get things underway? Is this the case? Sorry for what is probably a stupid question but i just dont really feel like fucking up from the outset thanks in …
Last reply by snowbuds, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey Guys, Im New to this site i was an overgrow member but as it is shut down i cant do n e thin n e more. I was just asking, because i had my plants indoors to start with and i thing i transplanted them outdoors a bit late, now they are a bit smaller than my first indoor grow and i cant understand why. can anyone help? Ill try and post some pics on monday. Cheers Perfection.
Last reply by tony2wheelsgood, -
Moon Cycles 1 2
by cerebro-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
I've been reading up on Moon Cycles, and the effects of propagation timing and plant characteristics. Do any of you plant by the moon?
Last reply by cerebro, -