Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
strain guide
by rex- 3 replies
hi everone just surfing and found this straib guide and thought you guys might like to have a look i know you have one but this looks good any way you make up your own mind cheers http://www.always420forum.com/forum/about2242.html
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey all. My first grow planted early December (yeah a bit late). 1st plant http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/australia-new-zealand/124668d1173865847-aussie-growers-where-you-killer1.jpg http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/australia-new-zealand/124669d1173865847-aussie-growers-where-you-killer2.jpg http://boards.cannabis.com/attachments/australia-new-zealand/124672d1173865847-aussie-growers-where-you-killer5.jpg
Last reply by koston, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 18 replies
over the last few weeks I have noticed the strange coloured leaves on the SPC Indy plant I have growing outside ATM.. I have grown this strain outside on a number of occasiona and have never had leaves like this.. what do ya think..plant looks very healthy and should be ready in a week or 2..
Last reply by nitram, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
i was just wondering when u guys start your 2 week flush at the end of the flowering period mine have just got coloured tips at the moment and i gave it at dose manutec bloom today . . should this be the last dose ?? dont wanna over do it thanks
Last reply by Howske, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Was chattin to SS about the WH i have going outside atm. This strain really likes the outdoors for sure. It was a bit deceiving at first as it looked like just another strain to try, but as the buds strated to form the whole plant took on another dimention so to speak.So heres just a cpl of shots fully into bud,probably another week and they'll be ripe for the taking,enjoy.
Last reply by Stoney, -
Help! 1 2
by Kungfupurse-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi guys, Was wondering if you could impart some growers wisdom to me here, I've heard from a lot of people that there is a chemical that you can buy which will turn a plant female? Is this the truth? Or just a little white lie they're feeding me to keep me from crying?
Last reply by Uncle Arthur, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi there...... I put a post a few days ago RE: leaves losing their green colour, and ppl asked for some pics well, here are the pics...... The bigger plant few weeks into flowering....This plant only a few leaves have this sympton The smaller plant more advanced in the budding stage, but lots of the leaves are starting to get this problem ? As you can see by the leaf below , its still got green in it, but its like its fading away Is this a Nutrients difficiency ? i usually give them a fertiliser every 3 weeks....... The one im using is N12 P3 K 6 Any suggestions Thanks, jason
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi...... one of my plants ( BUBBLEBERRY VARIETY ) has quite thick buds on it already, and by looking at the thickness of it, it looks nearly ready to harvest........... But most of the stigmas are still white.........only 5% are brown.................. at what point should you harvest..........when 70% of the stigmas are brown ? Thanks Jason
Last reply by Dave The Nefarious, -
Nitty returns 1 2
by nitram-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi peeps, Some would know me from 3 mths ago and saw last years "bowing buddah" (Thai satvia ) Grow. I had an enforced break from growing due to being run over by a car and suffering a broken tibia (lower right leg @ bumper bar height). I went to Qld as I could not stay alone. Fetching a drink was impossible never mind the discomfort/pain of doing my house duties (washing, cooking & cleaning). Queenslantd where I went was in a rurual area midway between toowqomba and brisbane at a place called gatton. It was dry and hot but I dwid get to spend some time relaxing by the pool ending up with my traditional suntan. My plants were left in the care of an i…
Last reply by bongonaussie, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
evening.. ppl Ive got a few clones i took from my female plants when they were in first 2 months of veg, & now my main plants are well into flowering, the clones have started to flower aswell. is there anyway i can revert them back to veg, otherwise they be wasted with pissy little heads. thanks in advance....
Last reply by KRINGLE1, -
hey guys. one of my plants is a sick! the leaves are turning yellow and developing brown spots, which seem to spread (on leaves only), from the bottom of the plant up. whats up? thanks.
Last reply by SukonmiSkunk, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi there..... I have 2 bubbleberry plants in pots outside...... One is in major flowering, and the other is the early flowering stage...... The plant that is in major flowering has a slight problem i think ? 10 % of the leaves are starting to loose their green colour going to a yellow colour ? The leaves are not completely yellow.....they still have a little bit of green to them, but u can see they are loosing the green colour, going to yellow....... is this a sign of lacking nutrients ? Thanks Jaosn
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 8 replies
i have my beautifull plant out side more like a tree but there are ants all over the place does it affect the plant i mean its only recently i saw them all over my plant today piss me off
Last reply by DownUnderDoper, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone my m60's outside have just started to flower. If i start some new seeds (outdoor mix) outside now will they start to flower straight away? I want them to veg for a few months when i start some new ones so they don't end up tiny. Will they grow all year round or do they just start to flower at this time of year no matter what the size? I am awaiting you wisdom all wise south coast growers!
Last reply by nitram, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Sup fellas, I got a couple of white skunks outdoors, theyre doing really well but Im a bit confused as to why the big one (4 1/2 ft maybe) started flowering so early, I'm in Perth and it started like 2 weeks ago, I would have thought the days were still too long. Suppose it don't really matter just wondering if this is normal. I wish I could get pics of these for yer they are the most stealth plants ever, my first grow behind the shed got found out like a week before harvest so I had to be real clever about where to put these new ones, they are up against a fence with a massive vine thing that is along the rest of the fence in front of it. I sacrificed a bit of space and…
Last reply by watto, -