General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I saw this on another site and thought it sounded rediculous, any comments are welcome. "* First make a 2Ltr solution of water with 1 capful of bleach(5ml) (ordinary household bleach, mine is fragranced. Still works a treat though!) * Then soak seeds in solution for 4-6 hours. * Then rinse and soak in fresh water for 5 mins. * Then add to pot full of medium (i use coco but any well aerated mix works well), and cover seeds with another 1/2" of medium. * Water with light nutrient mix. * Cover with cling-film and poke a few small holes for air. - Thats it! With this method i got 90% germination and 100% females (out of 16 seeds!) This is only my first time using thi…
Last reply by F420, -
- Admin
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Hey guys, i planted 1, yeah i know i should have done more, just to c if it would grow or not. To my surprise it did and im happy about it. It was planted about 3 weeks ago. There is no exact date because my mom planted it and she forgot what day. Just sometime before valentines. Anyways here are a few pics. if you have any helpful info it would be nice. Strain is unknown. Gender is Unknown Outdoor plant Fert. i used was found in my garage which i have pics of. Oh, yeah. And i used 1 other special Fert. which my mom told me was good for it. Eggshells and banana peels blended with water. Which looks likes it works
Last reply by Puffpuffpass, -
- 420 Crew
- 84 replies
Read alot in here and on overgrow about sprouting seeds. Most people seem to just pop them in a glass of water for 12-24 hours till they crack and show a tap root. Then they place them in a Pot soil/Vermiculite/Perlite mix. My seeds have been soaking in water now for 20 hours in a warm dark place, and nothing has happened. Should I start to worry?
Last reply by New Holland, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
G'day to all I have a question about my two plants. Both are from bag seed, so I have on idea about variety, but am curious about the big difference in their flower structure. One is in the ground under a fruit tree and get's sun all day until mid-late afternoon. This one is low and spread out and the flowers are quite clumped and thick, and you can see the glands all over it with the naked eye. And come within a few feet and the smell will knock you out. The other one is in a large pot and like a christmas tree. It's about six foot tall and has flowers all over it (a beautiful sight I must say!) but it isn't very smelly and it gets the sun all day long, . The flowe…
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
for anyone who still uses superbud - how long do u leave it in the nutes for? it says 2 weeks but ive heard best is only 9 days? thanks
Last reply by keepleft, -
- 2 replies
Ello growers, I picked up some "Add bud" (Fast way Aquarium & Hydorponics) from a shop the other day and thinking that I can use it outdoors on my grow. The labling is short on when to administer "add bud" and the dose is said to be 2 ml per lt of water (in adition to your flowering nutes) My questions are: 1) Can you use this product in a compost/soil grow ? 2) When do you administer "Add bud" At 2ml per lt in addition to flowering nutes it soulnds like PK13/14 which is used at the final stage of flowering. I don't want to administer it too early, nor too late. I asked the store dude who said you can use it any time. It this right ? thanks nitram
Last reply by nitram, -
will this work???
by Guest SOMEONE- 3 replies
hey all, gots a few questions in the c02 area... i myself know NOTHING about c02.. nothing nadda nil zip squat but today i got this regulator thing originally designed for straight oxygen.. can i use this for a co2 system??? and can u please tell what ewlse is required for it to become "system" thanks for all the previous knowledge take care peace out someone
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 14 replies
Is their any thing I should do like soaking the seeds first or do I just plant in soil? some advice would be great
Last reply by qazxcbb, -
- Admin
- 6 replies
Hi I had some photos that I would share on oz stoners to help people with sexing their plants. They are not the best photos but they could help someone. These are male plants I do hope this helps!!
Last reply by thatswho, -
When purchasing a light from a hydroshop, does the ballast come included? Also, is there any where else to purchase a ballast from? eg normal light shop or hardware store? Ta
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
If you have the cash - are adjust a wings the go? Over most other lamp shades? Also - Which brand of globes do you pros reccomend? Ta Again
Last reply by thc24, -
- 12 replies
Hi all: I have been following this grow program, and IM WONDERING IF ITS ALL WORTH DOING? Can I get one of the MODS to go over and read this thing to see if its just smoke or the truth. Its posted by SpUnJaH, How to produce mostly females from standard seeds. It should be in his signature. posted 9-24-2003 It has a essay from dutch passion about female seeds. Thanks anyone that can make sense of it for me.
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Im using a 20-20-20 chemical fert. I was told not to go by instructions on box. Everyone here seems to have alot of knowledge. I use about a 1\4 tsp per gallon. My fruits are not looking the greatest. Go by the box 1 tbsp per gallon is that too much?????? Please work with my limited knowledge.... I learn fast.
Last reply by groundcontrol, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey guys, my lrger plant, we have already found it is femaile, and my girl is startin to get her white hairs out of her crowns. Now will either of these two fertilizers help her bud at all, or do i need something else? or....
Last reply by mull, -
- 3 replies
Just wanted to ask a newb question. How long does a plant take to show its gender. Thx
Last reply by nitram,