Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi Guys...I need a bit of help here. I have ten kali mist sativas that I am flowering indoors under a 600w, at present they are about four weeks away from finishing with the hairs only just starting to turn red. What I would like to do is pollenate some of the female flowers with pollen I have collected off one of the original males I had when I started to flower from seed originally. I collected the pollen from the males and stored a bit of it in a tupperware conatiner in the freezer as I was told this is the best method of storage. What is the best way to pollenate a female bud?.....I dont want all my buds to turn to seed so I was just thinking of using a brush to…
Last reply by louise, -
- 6 replies
Gday fellas Ive always took my clones while mothers were on 18 hrs , what I want to know is how far can I push into 12/12 before it will effect the speed of cloning , It would suit me if could take them at a wk into 12/12 but not if its going to put me back ,,,, my normal strike rate is 100% with roots between 4 and 9 days occasionally a few may go 12 days . Thanks Rod
Last reply by bignose007, -
25 year old seeds 1 2 3
by keg-
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
just got some seeds off my mum wrapped in a plastic bag and sealed in a small tuppawear container circa 1980, was thinking about trying to sprout them, any idea on my chances?
Last reply by bbud666, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Got a nice healthy Sensi outdoor skunk living outside and basically loped the top 30cm off to make a few clones to see how it performs in the drobe. Does it matter that the stems are hollow? I imagine woody stems are better but I'm just having to make do with what I've got. anyone had this issue ? I don't have much confidence in hollow stems myself
Last reply by John c, -
- 1 reply
Sup peeps Just a quick question for any old skool growers, Have read somewhere that strains start to deviate and lose potency after the 4th or so generation (Starting from a single mother) Can anyone help me out and shed some light on the subject as i'm prepping a SOG Grow and have 2 white russian mothers that all the clones will be coming from. Was planning on stripping them both and take 1 from each to re-grow? Needing some advice on the best way to go about it and to find out if there's any truth in this deviation theory?? Thanx in advance and Happy Christmas 2 all xD P.s Sorry if this is in the wrong section =) Storma
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey all, I am looking into grafting different varieties of my fruit trees in the yard, while i was watching videos on how to do it, naturally it came to mind..How about grafting cannabis!? Sure enough it's been done before and i'm sure many of you know about it, here is an example video of multiple strains on one plant: I know it's possible for grafting on to a branch already, but what about grafting onto the rootstock of a cannabis plant? if you had a plant that is going through flower, after harvest could you graft a new top or younger plant onto it to keep the already huge root system alive and reveg the new cuttings or does the system just shut down after the pl…
Last reply by Astro84, -
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
Hey all, I have successfuly cloned my baby plant since I topped her, it's been 2 weeks since i put the stem in a jiffy pellet, although it was a very slow wait, the leaves never wilted once and it looks pretty healthy, some very slight burning of the very tips of some leafletts but the overall leaves are fine. The roots never showed through the peat moss untill just recently although i only noticed the roots appearing today, i would assume they pushed through 2 or so days ago? now that the root system is established, how long should i keep this clone this way before transplanting into some soil mix? it's only about 8-10cm tall, should i wait for some new growth or put …
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I've been taking clones and inserting into rockwool, grwoing them under a flouresent light for two weeks and then putting under metal halide for two weeks of growth. Its a turbo tank sorta design with two 6inch air stones down each side and a pump with 4 little sprayers spraying down the middle and plastic mesh pots holding the rockwool and a few clay rocks around it. Is it possible to just skip the fluorescent bit and put my clones in rockwool straight into the plastic mesh pots and grow them under metal halide from scratch? Cheers ya'll any input is good input.
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
are these strains for real? do they yield? are they potent?
Last reply by louise, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hey all, one of my plants that i topped with three stems i'm training to run horizontal, at present it's in a small pot (see my other thread for info and pics) i can see some of the roots almost poking out of the drainage holes however the plant is only 10-15 cm tall and new growth is about 5-10cm outwards. I want to keep this plant healthy but i also want to keep it compact including the pot size for the moment so i can at least get another 5-10cm or more sideways growth. My Q is should i just repot it and stop fussing? or can the plant veg out a fair bit for the size of pot? Astro.
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey just another quickie, one of my young plants has 2 stems growing on each side of one intersetion, it's on the second node pair from the bottom and there's about 6-8 nodes on the plant so far. What can i do to make these little stems grow up nice and big, I already topped the plant's youngest growth and will wait for the new shoots before i do anything else, here's a couple pics this is the plant on the left, if you look right in the middle you see 2 shoots, both sides have them but only on this intersection
Last reply by Astro84, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey guys, new grower here. Currently got 1 seed which popped a root out, so its now in some rockwool. hopefully will sprout in next day or whatever. Just wondering about ordering seeds online rather than using bagseed. Is this even possible in OZ ? I would like to get a lowryder strain for my particular area, but I can only get these imported, correct ?
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
So a mate sent me a heap of ak47 seed recently and i planted about 10 doin the usual- looking for a good mum to take cuttings from. I raised em like i raise all my seed, soak for 24hrs in filtered water then when they break put em in potting mix under 100W 6400K CFLs for 3-5 weeks on 22on/2off a day. Then I take cuttings from em all and throw the mother plants under 12hr on/off to find the best/males/females. My prob is that everyone of the 10 turned male on me! Now Ive only been growing since i was a kid, over 20 yrs, and I have neva had a ratio like that! Does anyone have any ideas why? I thought it may be something im doing? or is it just bad luck and i should sta…
Last reply by MUD, -
- 7 replies
is it possible to stress one of two clones from the same plant so that you can breed them or will the male turn out sterile
Last reply by elwood, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Hi there, Looking to clone for the first time. I know the process of taking clones and how to look after them but I am slightly unclear on the process of selecting a mother plant. I will explain what I was going to do and hopefully someone can tell me if this is correct. I have 3 plants that have been vegging for about 1 month now from seed (not female seeds) I was going to chuck them from 18/6 down to 12/12 until they show sex, get rid of the male/s and then revert back to 18/6 veg a bit more and then take cuttings from the fem plant/s is this correct when growing from seed? Thanks, UC
Last reply by nitram, -