Cannabis Law and Politics
Is it my imagination or have there been quite a few dope related busts over the past few weeks?
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
THE STORY OF THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold. THE MODERN AUSTRALIAN VERSION : The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grassho…
Last reply by Cronic_la_jar_jar, -
- 5 replies
An interesting read:
Last reply by skankmaster, -
busted with 30 plants 1 2
by Guest mr evo 3- 15 replies
hey ozstoners!!! ive heard of many people quoting laws and what people would get for some small amounts of mj but does anybody know of the amount of time you would get say if you where pinched with thirty or so plants its not as if you could say its perso.... thanks mr evo 3
Last reply by dirty, -
Justice? 1 2 3
by INDICAtive- 24 replies
Hiya all! This is my first post here(I think!) A little story for ya'all... My partner has an arthritic condition, and spinal injuries sustained through her ex-husbands inability to control himself :angry: I put her onto 'erb about 3 years ago and after securing the right clone,she was able to function 200% better than before! Although the legal risks involved were too high, so she has discontinued treatment and has re-lapsed. This fool (ex-husband) grows copious amounts of 'commercial bud' for re-sale,we know this as he used to weigh up and sell in front of the kids....but doesn't contribute anything but hassles and threats to us and our 3 kids (not that we want …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 58 replies
I was just bored looking around and came across this site.Network against Prohibition. I reckon this shit is fucking wrong eh, they seem to think pot smokers and junkys are the same thing, Syringe Festival?? I think thats just fucked, a fucking diesease festival, and the poster for it with a bunch of junkys directing a syringe at a cop car, what are they trying to do there?? force cops to take drugs or give them aids/overdose, I dunno, who can understand a junkies mind. Maybe I sound like a christian right now, but I dont think a pot leaf should ever be seen next to a fucking syringe, I got nothing against opiates, thats your own business, but using syringes to take d…
- 9 replies
Hey, Does anyone think Bob Carr will start his announced medical cannabis trial before he loses office? I suspect the Liberals/Nats will bury it if they get in next time.
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
MJ and ADF
by Seeker-
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hey guys, anyone from ADF here? I'm a regular MJ smoker. but planning to join ADF in the near futuer. can someone tell me why they ask you if you ever experinced MJ in the medical questionire? (I've told the nurse I did, and he asked "this year"? I said "yes" and that was it. he passed me!) and also, when is the full medical examination conducteds before entry to ADF? do they do drug test? how long before should I stop smoking?
Last reply by fossil, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi Guys & Girls of Oz stoners, My name is Wayne, formerly known as generic hippie, and I publish a small pro-cannabis monthly newspaper which was removed from circulation by Joe Friend, local camphor laurel eradication fanatic. In my October edition I published some observations about camphor laurel trees I have made personally, this is the article as written; Camphor Bloody Laurels again… Well, I got the jaws around the place flapping again with my mention of camphor laurels last month. Tony Baron gave me a call asking me to air the other side of this potentially explosive issue. Ok, so it is only “some camphors” that cause problems, not the beautiful specimen …
Last reply by Tom, -
- 6 replies
Authors: Maddox, S; Williams, S Title: Cannabis-related experiences and rate of cultivation: would they change under a policy of decriminalization? Source: DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 5 (1): 47-58 MAR 1998 KeyWords Plus: AUSTRALIA Abstract: It has been argued by many involved in the treatment and prevention of drug-related problems that policies of prohibition have been largely ineffective, that they produce a range of health, social and economic harms, and may well have contributed to an increase in the use of some illicit drugs. Policy makers in some countries are considering the adoption of strategies which aim to reduce harm without necessarily eli…
Last reply by Brash, -
getting seeds sent from the UK
by Guest strongbads- 5 replies
If I were to say get seeds sent from the UK or whereever and they were found by customs what happens? Do they just confiscate them or can the police prosecute you for something? If all they do is confiscate them, does anyone have any good sites with an option for extra fast shipping they can recommend? thanks
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 1 reply
Alright, I was listening to the radio the other day, and they were discussing the best way to beat a Piss Test. This guy calls up and says that he works at one of those Urinalisys Labs, and he said that, "Niacin is the only thing that works on THC" I was still pretty skeptical about it, but until I talked to my friends about it, and they said that they've been using it for drug test too, and it always works for them. But anyway, I had already been smoking earlier that week, (we must have smoked about 6 bowls). So I ran to the health food store, and bought a bottle. I took 2 pills, and it made me feel a little bit uncomfortable, my skin started turning red, and I had a …
- 6 replies
Drug Offences in NSW Drug Legislation Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act: -In NSW drug use is regulated by state and federal laws. Most drug charges are laid under the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW). -There are offences in the act for use, possession, supply and trafficking (amount of drug determines seriousness of offence), aiding and abetting, and possession of drug-using implements. -The drugs covered by this legislation are listed in schedule 1to the ACT. They include most street drugs-mj, heroin, speed, ecstasy, LSD, cocaine, and many others. Customs Act: -The customs Act 1901 is a federal law that is meant to prevent the import/export of prohibit…
Last reply by syk613, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
I'm wondering if pot was cheaper, would you buy less alcohol?? or less cigarettes for smokers?? I highly doubt people would, I don't see what the alcohol and tobacco industries fear so much, if pot was cheaper I think more alcohol would be bought, and more ciggarettes would be bought as spin. I think the amount of pot smokers who also smoke ciggarettes is higher than the amount of non pot smokers who smoke ciggarettes. Some people just like to fuck there lungs. I don't buy ciggies or alcohol myself, but I don't think the alcohol companies are the people keeping pot behind bars, the legality of marijuana won't effect the consumption of alcohol the same as the legality of…
Last reply by chief23, -
by DrGreen- 28 replies
Over many years conversating with people in the USA and having been there myself i realise that the war on drugs in many ways is a War On Citizens where neighbours are encouraged by Government Advertising to "dob in a grower,a personal use grower even)"The Us Government often hound innocent people and investigate totally legal sales of Hydroponic equipment in the hope of capturing a "grower".
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff,