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hey guys, anyone from ADF here? I'm a regular MJ smoker. but planning to join ADF in the near futuer. can someone tell me why they ask you if you ever experinced MJ in the medical questionire? (I've told the nurse I did, and he asked "this year"? I said "yes" and that was it. he passed me!) and also, when is the full medical examination conducteds before entry to ADF? do they do drug test? how long before should I stop smoking?
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Dependes on how much u smoke if u are a heavy smoker it can take a few months as it gets into the fats in your body and can take a little wile for your body to brack it all down IMO i would give it 3 months just to be safe and even then i would go and see your GP and get a test to see if still in your system and if u tell your GP not to give that info out he is bound by law not too, so yer it comes down to how much u smoke i think.
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Are you going full or part time?


They dont really care about marijuana at recruiting its more hard drugs and needles etc and you should remember on the medical in confidence it actually pin points between the two, basically you arent going to catch aids or hepatitius from a joint but you will from a needle


The defence force also has alot of trouble filling positions so they dont want to knock back people because they have smoke, cause that means alot of people will not be aloud into the forces.


If you are in the army they test you for diabetes at recruitment and if you are preggas if your a chick. at basic training you get tested for aids and hepatitius.


It costs the army $40 000 to put a single soldier through basic training, this means they dont want to lose an investment because someone had a puff now and then.


Sorry im rambaling, heres what i mean

1. 1 in 10 people who apply actually make it to basic training, so no drug testing initially becuase that would probably be cut to 1 in 100 people pass

2. The defence force has put to much money into training you so it is not worth them testing you

3. Drug tests cost alot and there are better things to waste money on.

4. You get told at basic "There is a zero tolerence policy on drugs" then in the next lesson you learn that 4 full time defence force members died last year due to a herion overdose, and if addiction is a problem the defence force will help and try to get you off the drugs


They arent going to test you unless they have a reason, such as you are found stoned, you get arrested for growing 48 plants etc


If you want some more info just ask but i think i have dribbled on enough

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I spent 10 years in the fulltime Army, Engineers to be exact, only left in August 2000, so i have a fair ammount of first hand advice on what happens relating to drug policy in the Defence Forces.


The only time i didnt use any illicit drugs while in the ADF was during 3 months triaining at Kapooka and During my 6 months Inital Employment Training at The School of Military Engineering, reason being was that your basically a nobody untill your posted to your Unit as a fully trained soldier. I mean there were fellow trainees that were hooking in the whole time but i just thought i'd take it easy untill i'd done the hard yards.


Anyway you really need to work out what your prioritys are, being a good soldier and having a well paying fulltime job was more important to me than being off my face everyday. Here's another pointer, if you make it to your unit after training and you decide to live in the lines, then do your smoking well away from the base and have absoloutly no smoking paraphenalia around, if you then get randomly drug tested ( or heaven forbid narced in ) you can say that you have a group of civvie mates you hang with and they all smoke pot, obviously youve showed positive due to being a passive smoker !!! I have personally known soldiers to get off this way, i have also personally known of good soldiers who like a smoke get lagged in by narcs who have a personal vendetta against them, so choose your close friends wisely, you will find that all the potheads and social users will magically attract to each other anyway :P


Here's a list of drugs i used while in the army, pot, coke speed, acid and was a steroid user for 2 years, never got tested once as i was discreete on how i went about it, good luck and happy soldiering.....

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well.. I'm a regular smoker for about an year now. I am definitly not smoking at the recruit training and after. Its too hard to keep an normal routine and been a regular smoker at the same time anyway. so maybe I'll come back to it when I retire.

so, what do you guys think of ADF? is it worth it? I heard people gets bully and shit.

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The ADF is having a large crackdown on drugs at the moment, something happened up in the NT to make the brass concerned enough to institute random drug tests... check out this link... and there are a couple more posts on this in the Aussie MJ news forum.


Personally I think the ADF is one of the worst things a person could do with their lives, but I'm a left wing looney so I suppose my opinion doesn't count. B) I'm not saying we don't need a defence force, but we do need to seriously change it's function and structure. Meh, I could type for bloody ages about it, but I won't do that, it's up to you. There are many, many occupations and ways to get to occupations better than the ADF, and I doubt most of them involve going to war at the whim of the yanks. lol Just putting foward my opinion on this, so I hope you don't take it personally.


If you do join tho, I'd quit smoking full stop, as drugs and drug use are going to be investigated even more strenuously within the ADF than ever before... Just a warning there mate, it could be worse than ever before for you should you ever get caught... Oh, and as Ozmade said before, MJ stays in your fatty tissues for a long time, so if you plan on joining up you should quit asap and at least a month before actually joining them. Any cannabinoids in the system will show up for about that long after last use, but hairs and certain other body tissues can hold onto it and it's derivatives for even longer, so give yourself plenty of leeway... Maybe cut your hair before going, so you can't be caught that way... You're only going to lose it anyway, and this way you know it won't be used against ya. ;)


God, I ramble a shitload when I'm smoking my h-oil. Whatever you decide Seeker, I wish you well.... ;)

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i dunno about drugs in the australian army. I do know that the US millitary ships that dock in Fremantle WA[a civillian port by the way!] they bring with them huge quantitys of Meth. some is sold on the black market, some is given as payment to certin groups, the rest is used by those arse-munching bumbandits AKA the US NAVY. druging your soilders has been around for ages--germany did it in the 30's and 40's, america has been doing it since!.


when it comes to gundjas thou--I cant see how being stoned would help soilders be more efficiant killers. but it would make killing americans[opps there on our side] even more fun!


war is wrong. If you are in the ADF. take my advice: They give you a gun, they take you there, Its up to you who you shoot! take out as many yanks as you can! officers are worth 50 points!...


seriously thou. war is bad! let the rich figt there own battles. stay here and have another bucket!. fuck the millitary!, if you really have the urge to shoot people--shoot people you know you hate. [start with john howard!]

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haven't done that ADF bullshit thing for decades now now, but I can tell you this much. If you are ever bumped out for any drug use, put the shit right back on them.


You tell them something like: The barstadisation and stress was what made you do it. You pricks ruined my life!


I guarantee they will let you off with a pension, rather than a humiliating DD and a kick up the arse.


I agree with the above..... let the rich and ignorant FUCKS, fight their own wars.

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