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Would you let a doctor addicted or under the influence of heroin preform brain surgery on you or a member of your family? Or let a heroin addict drive a bus full of people to work everyday???


just imagine......you need urgent brain surgery within 24hrs, only 2 doctors on the planet can perform the surgery safely.

1 doctor is an alcoholic.

the other doctor is a heroin addict.


who do you want to perform the surgery to save your life?

if you have an answer.....why did you choose that doctor?

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lol Heroin addict. And I'm not exactly sure why, but that's who i'd choose.


Pharmacy grade heroin is apparently very safe, so surely something of that form would beat the methodone program?


Quite simply they need a cheap, reliable, pure supply. If they don't need to spend all of their money on heroin, they can be as productive as you and me, and they can use their drug in private.
Beats the current system of turning everyone into criminals.


White Cluster (walter_cego): Please use only one identity to try and prove your point in future posts.

Nice nick btw :B):

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I agree with aa. Heroin is not a particularly dangerous drug and you can lead a normal life on it. Doctors prescribe similar drugs to patients on a permanent basis. The only way non heroin users see heroin users is junkies on the street, needles left around etc etc. But I reckon its likely there are a lot of responsible heroin users out there who lead normal productive lives, don't share needles and dispose of them safely. Its because they are like this that we don't know about them. Heroin basically just zones you out. Not disimilar to the effects of pot really. The fact that good gear is expensive is what creates junkies and needle/health problems because they need to turn to crime to support their habit, and you can't grow it easy like pot. Of course, legalisation would put a big dent in this problem.
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When there not affected by herion they spend their time trying to get their next hit.

That's my point exactly B)


If they know where their next hit is coming from (the chemist/gallery), they're not spending all their sober time finding the next hit, robbing people and hocking their shit for cash, shooting up in alleys etc.


User need better quality Herion:

You can't put out a fire fuelled by unleaded petrol by pouring hi-octane avgas on it. The only way for intravenous drugs users to function perfectly well is society is to stop jabbing themselves with needles.


Long-term, sure, but they're never going to get off if they have no reason to. They need stability in their lives, they can't get this while their only source is the black market. We're not going to get them off heroin overnight, therefore we need to improve their lives as much as possible while they're still using heroin - get them into a position where they're not robbing people, not prostituting themselves, they've got a supply, get them a job and a home etc. Then, and only then, do the majority of users stand a chance of kicking their habit.


This Zero Tolerance bullshit is the problem mate, addiction is a health problem - why do we insist on adding to their pain, putting every obstacle in their way that we possibly can?


Alcoholics, as a rule, don't go around robbing people, neither do tobacco smokers.


I doubt you will find much support among the Cannabis community for your cause and associating Cannabis with Heroin and other hard drugs just makes the work of people fighting for Cannabis reform even harder. Hence the responses you have received from so many on this forum.


Good Luck!


Time will tell, but I would hope people contribute to my "cause" on its merits - not because they disagree with some of my unrelated opinions. This is a pretty sarcastic and unhelpful comment here man. Why so harsh, just because you disagree with me? It'd help if you knew what I was actually saying. And if you knew anything about my cause you'd know that I want it to be transparent, open and community driven - everyone has an opinion, but we need to work together for a common cause. I do not want to be a leader, and I abhor the idea of dictating to others - if people join up and follow, great. If they lead me further down the road, even better.


As for associating cannabis with heroin, I've done no such thing. Society has already done this, this was my point. They're both illicit drugs, but I agree with you that this has been one of the problems - the wider community lumps them all together, the law has lumped them all together at one time or another. NAP are working to reform all drugs laws, not just the cannabis laws - and so I completely understand their choice of logo. Do I think associating the two is a good thing? Go read my posts.


You don't really seem to be reading what I'm actually saying, you're responding to what you think I'm saying and you're just plain wrong I'm afraid. I'd love to be given the chance to prove you wrong, don't give up on me Sir! lol

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The heroin addict of course.


I've just found this thread, and find it very interesting, full of fear, mis-information, and good information too.


But the heroin addict doctor is not likely operating out there..he is. A recent study (well it was recent a few years ago) came up with a huge stat. of doctors that write their own prescriptions for opiates, and the addiction rate was quiet amazing, if true.


But all this talk about why give someone heroin, and syringes left careless about, mixing needles with grass leaves....it's all just predjuices.


I talk with users, and they think pot smokers are paranoid dickheads. I talk with pot smokers, and they think users are all sleeze, it's simple old fashion predjudice. I'm not as low as him...I'm not black, so I'm alright, I'm not a junkie, so I guess I have it together better than him..bias.


I use equivalent to one and a half gramms of smack a day, by prescription. I've done a lot of that up my viens over the years, and the syringes all went into a home portable sharps bin, then taken to my GPs office when full, then transported off to be destroyed at some incredible temprature, steralising and destroying any future harm ever happening.


Why don't people with my similar level of use do the same? because it's illegal of course. I also do youth work, well I'm too sick to do much now, bu until a couple years back I did. One of the most productive things i did was to take their syringes and dispose of them for them. They would visit my house, leave them with me, and i would take care of them. Why didn't they do it themselves? They're scared shitless they'll be seen at that critical point of dropping them in the bin properly. So even if they go there, they often just get lobbed in the general direction, Or else the friggin bins are overfull and not emptied. One or other.


Why panick being seen dropping them off? if you fear being arrested for pot, then you have no idea what the fear is for being arrested for using gear. Knowing the hour you're arrested, you'll be in withdrawal, sick as a dog, unable to function...unless you've had a cold turkey experience to opiates, you cant get the picture. so the fear of going to those bins is real. Illegality again is y the bins dont get used.


So why do I get by, raising a family, volunteer my time to help at risk youth, do all kinds of normal every day things on such a fuckin HUGE tolerance? Because I can get it legal. and if I were a surgeon, i would be able to do that quiet fine, so long as I had my dose.


If I were an alcoholic, no matter if i had my dose or not, my ability to function is shot to pieces.


So I can only imagine, if heroin were provided free of charge to all who needed it (at about AUD$1.60 a dose, based on European trials), then you'd have people who could use what I am at least, around 1 and a half grams a day, without stealing anything, dropping needles anywhere, or causing any of these other problems associated with users. In fact, I tell you without doubt, you wouldn't even know they were using.


Heroin should be free to all who are addicted. You'd find the rate your television is stolen at would drop, your car, and so on..the streets would have none of these needle troubles, and the general stigma of drug users would be wiped clean off the face of the earth in one clean swipe.


If I had my gear stopped tommorow, what would I do? I don't even want to think about it, but belive me; if you know no different...a gram and a half a day is fucking enormous. If I were using illicitly, I gues I'd be up for 500 dollars a day or more. And that would all have to be stolen, each day, every day.


Regardless of if you like dope being pictured with gear, in a poster, or in the back of people's imaginations simply whenever they hear of these topics, the images are linked now. if there was no sleeze factor involved, it would disarm the prohibitionsts in your street tonight. In one single night.


It isn't an easy thought to go with, to consider the outright legalisation of all drugs. But seeing as it isn't likely to happen anyway, just run the figuress and changes through your mind, and see what you come up with.


And if you think it'll come upo with more and more addicts, then you have it wrong. The places that adminisiter free heroin have lower addicion rates than USa, who has the heaviset penalties for using.


As in, the USA has if not he heaviest laws in the west for drug use, close to it. Amsterdam, and switzerland have some of the lowest rates of addiction to hard drugs in the world. Switzerland gives away heroin to addicts...USA throws them in jail ,and throws away the key. But yet, USA has the highest rate of hard drug use in the world, pro capita. Switzerland one of the lowest. Sit down and wonder y, and wonder would it work here? Of course it would. And anywhere it were implemented.


The reasons are manifold, and I can give them to you here if you want, but I dare imagne it's already worn a lot out to get this far on a thought they are shocked by.


Simple slow steps I guess.




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Intravenous drug users only have themselves to blame and I have no sympathy for them at all. They know the outcome of their actions and have nobody to blame but themselves.


Although, I do agree that all drugs laws should be reformed, including heroin laws.



Call me an arsehole or a, (my spell chucker don’t know how to speel that big word), prick but I stand by what I said.

You use 1.5 grams of heroin a day. Is that my or our problem? Did we hold you down and force you to inject yourself with heroin? No we did not. Why should we help?? So our homes don’t get broken into and our plants, TV’s or DVD’s don't get stolen? Yeah right.


I agree with a previous post somewhere on this forum, throw a junkie into the boot of a car with 25Kgs of lime and a shovel; drive out to the bush, make them dig a hole,bury them and forget about them. Come back 2 years later and grow a nice gunja tree.


Actually happened to someone I once knew, but he escaped.


Sorry if I have offended any intravenous drugs users. Well not really but anyway, you guys suck!

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