Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
- 784 views Experts will have their say at forum - and so can you May 21, 2012 Dr Alex Wodak ... one of six experts who will discuss drug law reform at the forum. Photo: Stefan Postles The Drug Debate – check out the WikiCurve to have your say TONIGHT, The Sydney Morning Herald, in conjunction with Sydney Ideas, will host a public forum on the issue ''Should the government decriminalise drugs''. The forum, at the University of Sydney, will feature a discussion between a panel of experts. A…
Last reply by Allotropy, -
- 2 replies
End Cannabis Prohibition Petition Sign & Share with friends -
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Cannabis. It's legality in the next 10 to 20 years. Where can you see it? Will logic and science reign supreme in the motives behind legalization and prohibition, or will it continue on its path of ignorance and unfounded suppression?
Last reply by jend90, -
- 12 replies
Cannabis Culture Petition Hopefully this will get the ball rolling.
Last reply by buzz lighthead, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Link to the recent debate held in london.. lots of political leaders, Branson.. Great to see some actual discussion on the subject
Last reply by crimsons, -
- 420 Crew
- 38 replies
I have sent this message to the Australian drug law reform foundation and would appreciate anyone that wants to help me with some research. I would really like to hear from people with a high level education and some experience in research, but any help will do, no disrespect to people with out it (me included). "To whom it may concern, I am a person who hopes for marijuana reform in NSW but have become frustrated with the people who are behind most of the campaigns who seem to be arguing for medicinal use which I feel is not evidence based and is to me a bit of a lie. Even if a law was to pass allowing medical use it would still force me to lie about something I do bec…
Last reply by daemon, -
Well, looking at the situation in Aus... I see that there is a movement in Nimbin with HEMP embassy and nearly NORML. I'm wondering if there are any other groups in the entire country. Granted, I have only done 2 days of research. Here in the states, we have a NORML group in virtually every major city. The best situation was in Austin, TX when I lived there. We would do banner drops over the interstate and on major buildings downtown. The theme there was "no victim, no crime". I went to every banner drop and every Texas NORML meeting. Basically, we would just get involved with the community. If there was a festival, carnival, parade etc... we would always have a "tent", b…
Last reply by ammun, -
- 2 replies
Can you still send images anonymously to people around you (say, on the train on the way to work) via bluetooth? If so then is there anything illegal about circulating this with a device name "pass this around": (or something else or better)
Last reply by nici, -
- 1 reply
Title is pretty self- explanatory. Who should I write to? Can I write to lots of people? I'm thinking about writing to the australian hemp party and asking them to please make a copy of their website that I can actually make head or tail of. I can't understand a single thing they say there, so much political lingo, how is the common man even supposed to figure out in the first place how to support them? Anyway. So I decided screw them I'll act on it my myself. Anybody got some ideas? Also, does anyone know if it's illegal to hand out flyers/ Hm maybe I should make a seperate thread for that.
Last reply by merl1n, -
Train OUR dogs to be sniffers?? 1 2
by Guest Urbanhog- 12 replies
I was thinking about training dogs to be our own "sniffers", as I am thinking about getting other puppy in couple of months, and I would like to train my new puppy to be my personal sniffer dog, I mean if the law enforcers have theirs, why don't we have our own?? I heard that it's a long process to train dogs to be professional sniffers, but I believe I have the time and patience to train my puppy from young age to find/smell weed, as it would be funny to go to mate's parties or whatever and my dog gets excitied at others with possiblity having weed in their pockets/bags and I will come up and say hey looks like you are carrying, and see thier reactions...heheheh A…
Last reply by El_Badass, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
- 716 views It's got 2 days to go, and the results so far are pretty outstanding. Whether anybody in public office listens is another thing, but this is just another opportunity for us all to voice our opinions on decriminalisation. Ending prohibition won't happen because of one incident/report/poll, but from a culmination of voices being heard in many formats all saying the same thing: Decriminalise now, the public supports it.
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
Get your voice heard and help get legal medical cannabis in Australia. Use the 'Petition' link below to download the petition. Print out as many copies as you need and get them signed by as many people as you can. (please read the note at the bottom of this post) Then return them to ACLRM c/- OS, Po Box 146, Kenthurst NSW 2156 and we will present them to the Members of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales when we have 10,000 signatures. Help legalise cannabis Australia! Petition Front Page PETITION front page.doc Petition Extra Pages PETITION extra pages.doc Please Note: For the petition to meet rules of submission...... 1. The petition must…
Last reply by El_Badass, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
In a world-first, researchers from the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC), based at the University of New South Wales, are leading a study to determine whether the pharmaceutical drug Sativex can help people better manage cannabis withdrawal symptoms as a platform for ongoing abstinence. It is estimated that there are at least 200,000 people dependent on cannabis in Australia, with one in ten people who try the drug at least once in their lifetime having problems ceasing use. “One of the major barriers for regular cannabis users when they try to quit is withdrawal,” said NCPIC director Professor Jan Copeland. “Withdrawal symptoms may include sleep…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
In a world-first, researchers from the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC), based at the University of New South Wales, are leading a study to determine whether the pharmaceutical drug Sativex can help people better manage cannabis withdrawal symptoms as a platform for ongoing abstinence. It is estimated that there are at least 200,000 people dependent on cannabis in Australia, with one in ten people who try the drug at least once in their lifetime having problems ceasing use. “One of the major barriers for regular cannabis users when they try to quit is withdrawal,” said NCPIC director Professor Jan Copeland. “Withdrawal symptoms may include sleep…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Can anyone tell me if I can legally purchase cannabis seeds online? Thank you, mim
Last reply by space cadet 101, -