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Edit- Google and you tube are not good places to get evidence.



Google itself is just a search engine. It'll give you websites with information related to your keywords though it's up to you to assess the credibility and reliability of those websites; so Google in itself isn't a place to get evidence though it is a search engine which if used accordingly can allow someone to find evidence. youtube on the other hand is far more difficult to assess as people generally create videos which seem like credible journalism portrayed in a convincing manner though there's hardly ever any actual referencing done so you end up with video's packed with misinformation being believed by the masses. I agree in general scientific websites/journals are the least likely to be anywhere near as biased as most sources of information simply based on how science & the scientific community works, however the real issue when it comes to the 'science' of medical marijuana is that there simply isn't anywhere near enough data from which one can draw particularly valid/reliable conclusions, which is why we're forced in general to rely on anecdotal evidence. Exactly as the article here you posted states:


Marijuana offers many promising avenues of investigation, although there will be little advancement without a change in US government policy. But for a physician, the reason for the lack of data is not nearly as important as the lack of data itself. As physicians, we cannot ethically prescribe or recommend a powerful pharmaceutical whose effects are not at least reasonably well-known. In fact, it’s hard to envision any situation in which prescribing marijuana would be ethical. If there were a condition with a lot of anecdotal data and no other effective treatment, and the risks of the condition were such that they outweighed the health risks and dependence potential of marijuana, we would maybe—maybe—have something to work with.


And that last sentence is usually what we're dealing with when speaking of medical use, especially when a doctor's involved. Cases where the risks of the condition were such that they outweighed the health risks associated with use. Until laws change at least allowing proper research to be done it isn't going to get anywhere. And to the ABS- there are lies, damned lies, and statistics lol I'm sort of joking: Statistics conducted in an acceptable manner would be good, though quite often if one digs hard enough you'll find something arguable in the numbers. What would you be able to get from the ABS in support of your legalization cause? I'm certainly not some extremist conspiracy theorist though I doubt a Government statistics company would have any numbers which could be used in support of legalization.

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Try this krackerz, This guy may be "the enemy" in some peoples eyes, but he is the brains behind the GW testing of Cannabis for treatment of specific ailments.

This is why I wanted you to look at youtube, not because it is credible, but this press release is...... watch it closely and learn how cannabis is the greatest medicine on earth, and how they realize synthesizing it is not the answer......


Enjoy.... he is quite entertaining too, ........ http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=youtube%20gw%20pharma%20trials%20press%20release&source=web&cd=13&ved=0CDIQFjACOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwn.com%2FMedical_Cannabis_Strains__Geoffrey_Guy%2C_MD_GW_Pharmaceuticals%2C_UK_Complete&ei=n17oTs7RKq-aiAfMpa3fCA&usg=AFQjCNGr7Gss25A9xeijBgSFGS77is-Q1w&cad=rja........


As for my understanding of medical cannabis, i grew it in Holland, Medicinal system there works well, can get a script from ya doctor and then either fill it from a Pharmacy or go to a coffeeshop where they will help you pick the best selection for your condition, based on strain and type, THC level and CBD levels, but only the good coffeeshops where they know their shit.

Best of luck in your research...... Peace. Gh72

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Edit- Google and you tube are not good places to get evidence except for specifically targeted searches


Is what I should have written. Sorry


I just meant the abs is a good place to check numbers and something that can be used as a good reference point but thanks for the constructive criticism, it is greatly appreciated

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thanx Naycha, I'd seen that earlier but just skimmed it cause its a big read as thesis tend to be. Seems like another good reference, thank you for the help


Yeah... real and possibly credible information is like that unfortunately. Never just laying around handily when ya need it ay...


While I commend you on your passion relating to this matter, I dont see you getting too far.



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Cheers Jai,

Good sources are like that, very long and hard to read by most standards which is why you rarely see them referenced. Maybe someone should turn them into a blockbuster movie or a 5 min report with 3 min of things some people would call jokes and put it on 'the project', lol.


Any sane rational argument doesn't seem to get anywhere in this country which is why my plan was once I have got enough references, post them all for people to read with some direction to the best points of argument. Then try to get people to keep annoying the popular media in our state with a saturation of info (all of it positive) on cannabis making hard for people to fully comprehend it all, then at the risk of looking stupid they will just go along with it.lol

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