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Cannabis Activism In Australia?

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Hmmm, maybe we do need to hold a bbq?... If we ring all the people we know, even the pricks we don't like, and if someone can ring Woody Harleson 'cause he'd be wikid having a sesh with as all the straighto's wouldn't have a clue he has a toke, and someone else makes some dip, we could put the smoke off a giant joint through the air-con, just like Cheech and Chong did and get everyone smashed to the be-Jesus together, mung out on the dip and bickies, talk all the anti-cannabis pricks into signing a petition asking for fuckin stupid people to mind their own business, get all flowery, hold hands,.... job done........ what? Edited by bufo marinus
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here is a letter i am sending to news papers .... thoughts?


I am writing to you to ask you to stand and be counted, in a recent poll 82% of those surveyed agreed with legalisation of marijuana. We the people of Australia are not lambs that follow we lead, we are a nation of inventors, a nation of battlers and people who believe in a fair go.

And yet each and every day our friends and family are locked away sometimes for years at a time, and for what? smoking a plant, a non toxic, brain protecting plant, not many people are aware of the effects of marijuana on the brain, but here are just a few of the diseases or protective benefits of imbibing marijuana.

Aids, alzheimers, anorexia, arthritis, Autism, Cancer, chronic pain, crohns disease, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, high blood pressue, insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome, ADD, ADHD, Liver fibrosis, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, epileptic seizures, touretes syndrome, PMS to name a few of the medicinal benefits, marijuana also helps protect the brain from damage from alcohol and strokes a study reported recently.

Most of the population of Australia has at least once in their life "tried" marijuana, and yet we still demonize the most useful non toxic plant on our tiny planet. According to an approved statement from the US Department of Justice in 1988, "Nearly all medicines have toxic, potentially lethal effects. But cannabis is not such a substance. There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality. In practical terms, cannabis cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity."

In America Doctors prescribe THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is prescribed in purified pill form, the claim that "todays pot is stronger than the pot from the 60's and therefore more dangerous" is actually a misnomer as it is prescribed as a pill, Whilst THC content does change depending on the plant, and the breed and a whole range of things too long to list, THC is still a non toxic and brain protective chemical.

Not only do we continue to outlaw this plant for its medicinal uses we also outlaw it for its recreational uses, marijuana is one of the least violent of all things we can imbibe, when one smokes some "pot" fighting is the last thing on their mind, they are far too busy being relaxed and laughing, and having excellent open and honest discussions with friends.

The majority of people in prison for drug charges in this country is for possession of marijuana or its smoking devices or its cultivation.

So I ask again why are we throwing our friends and family members in jail for growing, possessing, or imbibing a natural non toxic plant?

Then we have the industrial uses for Cannabis, at present we can make : Paper, (cheaper than wood pulp paper and ten times more energy efficient, and soaks up more carbon than trees) clothes, Rope, Oil, Plastic, Diesel, food, Soap, Rudolph Diesel Designed his engine to run on hemp oil.

The total number of products we can make from Hemp numbers well over 25,000.

We have heard the religious side of the argument for prohibition, now let me put forward my view Genesis 1:12, 1:29-31, Paul 1, timothy 4:1-3, ezekiel 34:29, Revelations 22:1-2

Cannabis was used 12 ways: Clothing, paper, cord, sails, fishnet, oil, sealant, incense, food and in ceremony, relaxation and medicine. " for so the lord said unto me, I will take my rest and i will consider in my dwelling pace like a clear heat upon herbs, for afore harvest when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower'. Isaiah 18:4-5.

It is the year 2012 and prohibition has been ongoing for over 70 years and still we are being lied to, we all know that marijuana is not the demon it is made out to be, 82% of us are in favor of legalisation.

Stand and be counted, Let us tackle the details head on, No drug driving, the same as drink driving, No smoking in public, No public display of product just like tobacco, and no sales to minors (under 18) Legalisation is the only way for us to move forward, so what if your uncle likes to smoke at the weekend, does that make him a criminal? It was once illegal to consume alcohol, but it was soon realised prohibition was not the answer, and guys it still isnt.

So people of Australia STAND AND BE COUNTED write to your local member, speak to your friends openly and honestly and lets get this country back on track, and stop locking up our friends and family.

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as i said before in a previous post... i will spell check 6 times before i send but i want your opinions too as i feel when i wrote this letter that i was not only speaking for myself but for others also p.s i will also make the text the same size and font ... damnit i need to stop editing posts :chair: Edited by crimsons
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I didn't read the whole thing because a journo/editor won't. They want to know what's in it for them.


Do you have the money to take out a full page ad? cos that's what will make them print it.


The only other way you'll get your words printed is in the letters page and that's about 100 words max. and that's if your opinion agrees with the CEO's.


Sorry to burst your bubble mate.

Edited by Cerberus
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Need to do a little more research old chap, as Frazz pointed out it is Cannabis if you cant get the name right your pushing the proverbial up hill with a pointed stick and quoting the bible isn't going to get the brownie points your searching for. Your trying to push two causes into one, either deal with Cannabis as a medical issue or Hemp as a commercial one.


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Thanks guys some goods points there, :D


The reason I tried to put the both together is because I felt we should make the whole case, including draft legislation by which to regulate.


Point taken on name cannabis - will change that, also want to edit it to make it a lot shorter, I was thinking about the bible part when I wrote it didnt fit, but left it in to get your opinions will take that out. will keep that for replies if someone says its against gods will or something.


A letter was published in a local paper the other week, which has inspired me write in also in support.


(I write letters to the local papers a hell of a lot most of them start out this long lol i edit them down to 150 words)


Is there any more informaton you think needs to be added into the initial letter?(there is a heap i can take out! but want to know if i missed or need to add anything)?


What I want to do is write in a letter that gets people thinking about Cannabis and its legalisation and legislation and inspire some lively, open and finally some god damn honest debate, sure if it goes in the letters page only 50 people will see it I know that.


Like I said im not rich, im not famous, but i am sick of having to hide like a common criminal when im not.


But If we can get some kind of open debate happening maybe a "seed" can be planted in the mind of the general public.


I already have enough trouble dispelling the myth that smokers are lazy to friends and family.


I will probably do all this and not end up sending it after all - but hey I dream....

Edited by crimsons
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