Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
ok well i had a post somewhere that i can no longer find. long story short i got a rather pathetic looking sativa plant that wasnt grown so well because it was only getting about maybe 8 hours of light. i have had the plant for about a week or so now, and as a result of having it under a 400w hps for 12 hours a day and using some organic plant food it has now gone up a foot or so since ive had it. the problem im having is some of the leaves that were damaged in the move are now starting to die but i think it might be ok cuz growth is not stagnant anywhere else but on those leaves. another thing is that the stems were red pretty much throughout the plant. they now have sta…
Last reply by Tony2224, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Well i have just started a guerrila grow of 5 plants and its on a very high hill in the bush, but there's signs of wild pigs here and lots of wallabies. what do you guys reommend to stop them getin to my plants? I might upload some pictures its a very nice spot you can see the ocean and my whole town
Last reply by Kyer, -
- 1 reply
hi guys just wondering wot the best time to plant seeds in southwest syd as i put down a few seeds 3 days ago and there all just sprouting now will these survive?? im planing on keeping them inside for a month or so then outside into a green house with laser lite roof should these get enough light?? any help would be great thanks
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 8 replies
does anyone here have any experience with automated watering? Whats the best way to supply 25 large plants. i was thinking small fire fighting pump to fill a tank then use gravity and drip lines to feed the plants. How high above the plants does the tank need to be to get some pressure? The problem i see with gravity and drip lines is that as the tank empties the flow rate will slow down, is there anyway to create a continous even rate? also will the plants closer to the tank get more water then the ones further down the line? the plants will be grown in a perlite/vermiculite mix in 30L grow bags. any suggestions??
Last reply by melindaskrapz, -
- 6 replies
can anyone help?/ i been growing for a while and have finally initiated my self as a genetics holder of some fine homegrown ganja. now with that said i am running in to a problem with my babys. my plants have been revegged from last fall and are growing great. just one problem that is getting worse and im stumped. it started a while back and i have tried to correct it myself with no prevail. my lower leaves ( older ones have all dropped recently and they turned yellow at the begenning. now the smaller leaves a little farther up are next to start falling to this disorder. i dont know if it is nitrogen seeing as how i feed my plants rabbit manure tea with wood ashes an…
Last reply by Radic, -
- 2 replies
A frind of mine from sydney can only grow 3 plants on his patio so this year he is going to try grafting a few strains to 3 bigger plants that will have been started inside. This means that if he grafts 2 strains to each (if you allow root stock in general to shoot it is harder to make the grafts take) then he will have 6 tasty strains for himself. My question is will this work and has anyone had experiencwe doing this? Seems like a good idea for people with space issues or even with these stupid new laws that only allow a minimal amoount of plants. Imagine doing a MASSIVE scrog grow with 8 different strains grafted onto the one root mass!!! Have 4 600 watters focuse…
Last reply by ekul, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone know what the flowering time of these two strains is? I'm moving house soon and these plants are in pots that are too small, I'm not moving for a couple of weeks and these plants are in their first week of flowering. I was thinking of putting them in big pots but then i would have to drive them 3 hrs to my new house, prolly not a good idea. The other option is to pop them in the groulnd and then wait it out. I'm pretty sure that ruderalis has a quick flowering time so i may not have to wait that long. On another note, these strains are the strangest plants ever. I had them under 600w light, 18hr at first and they starting heading, put the lights up and the…
Last reply by ekul, -
- 6 replies
From seed in the first week of March... Two girls http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5628/001bq1.th.jpg Both with a nasty case of browning on the lower leaves & some king of invisible enemy taking chomps out of them http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2231/002tz6.th.jpg http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/3226/003qb0.th.jpg http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/2045/004ty2.th.jpg Munch Munch Munch http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/6180/005gm5.th.jpg Ouch... http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/2425/006nl7.th.jpg http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5530/007sp9.th.jpg http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/2331/008hv3.th.jpg
Last reply by llama farmer, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
After 100% germination rate, losing 5 m60's and 5 mexican sativa's with only a slimy trail behind really hurt. That's why i had to to something about it, and purchased this today from Bunnings for $19.95 It has 48 sections and 3 open/closing air vents as well as plenty of height. I'm really happy with this purchase, reusable too. I'll be starting some Lowryders from snow-white.nl in there soon (that arrived yesterday, only 7 days after he sent them) as well as maybe some more mexican sativas and some seeds out of sensi's outdoor mix(if it arrives). Happy growing.
Last reply by Josephlove, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hey all. I have a Big Bud lady in coco that I have just reveged to get some decent clones off her. She is looking so good now, that I'm thinking of chucking her outdoors just to see how she goes? I know its about the right time to do so, maybe too late but hey... Missus is against outdoors for obvious reasons and I live in a built up area too. My question is this... How bad will this bugger smell if flowered outdoors? Is it that noticeable that my neighbour could be curious, and dob me in, causing descovery of my little indoor setup? Cheers
Last reply by gouger, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi guys, im new to these forums and a noob to growing marijuana. So this is how my story goes, i was given a clone of OG bubba kush and a OG Master kush seed which was female according to my friend and they have placed outdoors and are growing. When i was given my OG bubba clone i had noticed that 2 of the leaves on the bottom part of the plant had been trimmed on the outsides.. I thought nothing of this until i began to see my leaves looking crusted/dry on the outer portion of the leaf. I have continued to take care of my clone and after 4 1/2 of being outdoors a couple of my leaves on the plant have completely dried. Is this normal? Now i havent used the PH scale on the…
Last reply by DRkush101, -
- 8 replies
If, say, you planted a seed in a pot, with top soil ect. and left it outside, how much of a chance of survival would the plant have during winter? And if it survived what growth will it have, if any? Jus' curious : )
Last reply by gouger, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
G day, Ill let ya eyes do the talking any questions or comments feel free....
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
Hey Guys i have 3 plants growing, all from bag seed. Its not my first grow but it is my most sucessful so far, . Well here are the Pics The 2 Big Ones are almost 3 months, they both germd at the same time the third is only 2 weeks. All the pics are UP, Im sorry it took so long. The first plant i know is a Hermie, should i still let this one live on? The second plant is still in Vegetaion i guess, Should i pinch the top or let it grow taller? I cant wait to see if this one is a female And the baby, well she just has to wait and grow I noticed that the Hermie has a Darker shade of green leaves than the other, is this because they are different strains of b…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 5 replies
Attached is a pic of my runty 2007/8 crop. Trying to avoid a repeat of last years indiscretions (my sativa kept stretching over the neighbors fence..) I slowtracked and trained this plant. So much so that the bloody thing hardly grew! As most of the pistils are already browning I'm thinking it's time to harvest. So is there any merit in pruning and leaving the stem in soil hoping for further growth? Or do I just yank it and aim for better next year ? I remember hearing years ago second harvests were possible but I'm not sure if the cannabis plant works that way eg. when by basil finishes it finishes for good. Any replies appreciated xG
Last reply by Gruntus,