Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 4 replies
Well as we are staring to get into winter I was planning to get order some seeds and get a mother so I can clone females off to grow this summer coming. Can anyone recommend a good tough high yeilding strain? I live in Byron Bay to give you an idea of the climatic conditions around here, warm hot summers with frequent rainfall. I was thinking maybe a big sativa, as I have in the past walked past really big ( two meters) plants and hadn't even noticed them because of their size, what do you think?
Last reply by Chronmasta, -
Bean info: The seeds were mad by me playin around. AK47 was the female that produce all the seeds some 2 summers ago (2 yrs). Thread somewhere I don't know all the system changed in OS Profile page and this stoner don't go there much to access past posts or find them . The weathers so good so I though that I would toss 5 -10 brans in & see what pops up. If I sex them in 4 - 5 weeks I could set up my indoor room and do clones indoors while the others chug along outdoors. OK since there was some confusion in 2007 if I is indoors or outdoors - I may-be both - may-be just indoors but not both unless I am real lucky. I'll keep ya informed. You see 'The Te…
Last reply by nitram, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone i have been growing indoors for about 3 years now. and I am planning for an outdoor grow this spring. Sth Hemisphere. I have picked a location not far from me that gets ideal rain and provides the possibility of remote locations but without tree canopy. Sounds odd but such a place exists. average rain is 900mm per annum. Will mould be a problem??? and if mould will be a problem can you treat the plant with preventative sprays such as copper or sulphur. These after a certain with-holding period should not affect the buds. Has anyone tried this???
Last reply by Untitled, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
So have these little bastards been feeding any one elses arms,legs and face yet............ went to go transplant the autos to bigger pots today after work and when i got stuck into it i swear i had like 50 Mosquitoes on me at any given minute... got hectic bites all over my arms and legs.......... hope my face dont flare up to much tommoz b4 work...
Last reply by s4l, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey, I'v searched the internet and could find much really about these things, so.... Firstly. I'v been paranoid that when starting to grow, that the weather is going to be to wet and not sunny enough as we are going into winter in Australia (doesn't snow here) . Is this a problem? or should I wait out for the end of winter?? and also what is the recommended time to start growing? Secondly. I'v been looking for soil (i'll be growing in a pot). So what would be the most beneficial I should get from a regular greeny. Should I just get some soil with a pH level of around 6.5? Remembering that this is my virgin ride on this trip. So, any extra info and description wo…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey guys, just writing a quick note. New to the site and growing, but most definatly not new to smoking. Could anyone suggest a good strain to start as a beginner? Would love to eventually Have an outdoors crop out in the country where i have afew acres. Good soil
Last reply by Gloomshade, -
Sativa 1 2
by need4weed3-
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
This sativa planted sept 08 top removed at 2.5mtrs 14 days ago 52 branches on this girl
Last reply by Al Fish, -
- 20 replies
Hey fellow OS'ers, I have a quick Question to ask you guy's, I have this 1 Female plant that I think is ready, since over the years of estimating when's the time to pick. But I would like all your opinions on it too before it comes time for the chop. She was a slow grower as well as my mini female (They are the same Age) and started showing clusters in January sometime, so I think she has been flowering for about 10 weeks but i'm only counting for sure 8wks. She and the Mini plant were both seeded by a tiny male I had, that has died now. They were seeded about 7-8 weeks ago and I can now see the seeds poping out with a decent slit in the bud..., so I think the see…
Last reply by Bush_Grower, -
- 1 reply
As anyone who live in Southeast Queensland can tell you we have been having A LOT of rain recently. I went to visit my crop of my piece of land on the weekend only to find that after surviving the police and the thieves this year I got a big kick in the balls from the heavens above. My beautiful stand of plants (eight all up) had been smashed by a flood that went through the property over the weekend. My 2+ pounds of prime sticky buds had been ripped of their stems and washed away with the torrent of water as it took off down the creek. All that I managed to save was about 2-3 ounces of mud soaked bud that might yet go moldy if I can't get it to dry properly. Fuck …
Last reply by Thylacine, -
- 6 replies
Well i have been trolling google and such for over an hour now struggling too find anything of interest. Can only get seed banks and "how too grow MJ from a seed" guides. My plant is seeding madly at the moment, which isn't a bad thing as the it was some good smoko that i got from a mate and he grew it himself. Gave me seeds, don't know what strain though. however back on topic, i was wondering if there is a best time too pick the seeds? i noticed the pods holding them appear too be splitting on some, i assume this would mean they are ready but am not sure?!? also i don't want too let them fall off naturally as i would end up losing far too many if someone could po…
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 15 replies
hi everyone this is a couple of pics of my plant its an unknown variety from bagseed.I planted it in about November a bit late i know, but it seems to bo coming along ok despite some fertilizer burn wich is a bit strange because i havnt given it any fertilizer,however i did put some horse shit in the bottom of the hole and the shit wasnt totally dry so i think that was what burnt it,also i put some wood ashes around the top of the plant i dunno if that would hurt it or not? now im just hoping that it turns out to be female cause im getting sick of paying for shithouse deals that are mostly stem and really crappy bud .To try and combat the fert burn i gave it a really good…
Last reply by Bush_Grower, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
G'day All, I'm a first timer, so please be gentle with me. I have arrived at what i believe is Harvest time, Growing outdoors, Trichomes starting to go amber on the big buds, pistils mostly dark. I am going O/S for 3wks, i am intending on drying/curing in a big 'esky', it has ventilation, (plugs/lid adjar), lined with butchers paper. I realise this isnt optimum,its not a big yield, but dont want to ruin it, just the same.
Last reply by potrocket, -
i got 2 dogs that are always filling my yard with crap. anyone ever used dog shit on there plants?
Last reply by potrocket, -
Rip this now? 1 2
by koston-
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi all, first post in awhile but...... Shall i rip now, see pic attached!!! Planted in Sept 08
Last reply by potrocket, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Ive got two small Kindu Kush babies growing around the side of my house, but they are right next to the electrical box/metre. Is there any way I can find out when the metre reading guy comes around to check them? I plan on growing one guerrilla and one will stay there to get nice and big In a pot of course so I can move them when necessary.
Last reply by potrocket, -