Guerrilla Growing
239 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
I understand the darkness requirements of cannibus to flower (grown a number of crops indoors). Yet it i hear of people plants in spring and getting buds before christmas. If i plant 1 month old seedlings 1 st of November is it possible to get a harvest before end of January?? I understand strains may differ. i have purple haze and plan to get northern lights. has anyone got experience with late spring planting mid summer harvest??
Last reply by miccyj, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
wat do u guys think ??? i have never done this before and cant do it at home cos of the olds...... will people takeing there dogs 4 a walk be a problem i mean if its in bush land in the park people wont see it or smel it i hope but i dont want dogs running in there causeing attention
Last reply by farmermatt, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I've got five of them. I don't really know anything about growing weed, but I figure that since I've got the seeds,why not give it a try? There are quite a few obstacles though. I can't grow them at home since I live with my parents. I could probably sprout them at home if I needed to, but after that they've got to go out. I've got a huge nature reserve type thing within walking distance of where I live, and that's the only place I can think of to grow them. They'd be at least partially covered by trees, so they'd get plenty of ambient light but probably not a huge amount of direct light. I suspect that the soil quality isn't very good either. I hear that you can grow t…
Last reply by hashy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
After reading through many grow diarys and guerilla grows, i have decided to have a crack at it myself. I live in melbourne and am tinkering with the idea of a "urban guerilla style grow" Any advise, tip, previous experience will be much apprecited!! For interest i plan on having 10 Cariabean pearl, 10 Lowryder and 10 Bagseed.
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hi all. i'm fixing to do a small gorilla grow this season in some lantana on the edge of reedy wet land . cut a tunnel through the lantana [surprisingly easy to do] to waters edge. stomped down some growth to make a super stealthy spot.Now my cunning plan is: fill some green[say no to plastic] shopping bags with chunky coco mulch [they hold an easy 25 liter] and place em' so there in about about 2 in of water. now, i hope the airy free draining nature of coco will prevent the evil toxic layer from you think i'm on the money, or am i just going to end up with bonsai cannabis?...ta
Last reply by ilegalalien, -
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
i have read a lot of people say that you need to buy this soil or that soil when you grow in the bush. and that the hole needs to be this by that (what a bunch of cobblers) that just adds to your work load and in my book a waste of time. here are my white heaven plants in the bush in some gutless white sandy soil, i have done nothing but dig a little hole for each of them and thrown them in,i threw around a bit of dynamic lifter, and i will feed with fish emulsion and seasol with a bit of molasses thrown in now and again. i intend to water every 3rd day.
Last reply by nitram, -
- 9 replies
I have a bunch of seeds and i want to start a small plant in the bush. There is a large national park down the road from where I live and it has a solid creek. I have been reading as much as I can and from what I gather a plant needs 12hours of sun light and you don't want it to flower. I read about soil mixes so I think I'm ok with that. Also ok for finding a good spot. I got a few basic questions though: How often do you need to water them if your doing it by hand? Is a water pump worthwhile? I'll only be starting with one or two plants. Is it the female plant you want to grow? How do i tell the difference between male and female plant? Is now the best time t…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 5 replies
gonna drop a few outdoors over summer gotta cart water in by backpack weather dependant thinkin two or three litres plant each week will be sufficient any ideas im new to this. i know the more water the better but is this enough?? or will i be wasting my time?? gonna put two of those liquid resevoir sachets in each 20 ltr grow bucket as well
Last reply by GIY, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, ive been reading up on a lot of things guerilla...however they mostly seem to target the Oz/USA, so I was wondering when the latest you can plant is!! thanks in advance guys, look forward to being active on this forum.. (im half Oz btw )
Last reply by nitram, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey, I was just wondering, I'm thinking about doing a guerrilla grow and was wondering if it is possible to do a scrog outdoors. I was thinking it might lead to rotting problems or mold or such things.... Has anyone tried it and is there anything to do to prevent this or would it just not happen? I was thinking maybe scrog it and then plant a few other shrub type things around the area. Cheers, lucid
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hey fellow aussy stoners...this is my first grow and she is nearly done so I thought I'd share the final stages with you guys. I had her under some fluros inside for about 6 weeks then decided to flower outside Heres some pics from last week. I will most likely be seeing her tomorrow so will have some updates soon
Last reply by ipod, -
Ducksfoot? 1 2 3
by Kansasgrown-
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Hello from across the pond (USA). I have been trying to track down one of your landraces "Ducksfoot". Anyone know of any seed company that may have these? Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by wallyduck, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys, Im thinkin bout startin a guerrilla grow I am scoutin now have found a few good places near rivers which is good. I will be growin 10-20 plants hopefully just was wondering wat the cycles are in the sydney area cause i have only know stuff about hydro so this is new to me. Like when to plant and harvest. Im gonna grow a mother from seed gonna start in a month and grow that near home i live near a bush but not doing my crop there will do in a diff place. Few Q? How does the mother plant work when it is outdoors cause i know when it is indoors you just keep it in veg but when outdoors wat happens? Q?And would it be a good idea to use those soft pots, i would b…
Last reply by BehindTheLine, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Hey guys, just writing a quick note. New to the site and growing, but most definatly not new to smoking. Could anyone suggest a good strain to start as a beginner? Would love to eventually Have an outdoors crop out in the country where i have afew acres. Good soil
Last reply by Gloomshade, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, i live in northern victoria, round the kinglake area, i usually grow inside, but have just moved back in with my grandparents and have bean forced to grow outside, i have ordered some more seeds from,, i am just waiting for delievery now. Should arrive this week, i am wondering, as i am a first time outside grower, is it too late at this time of year to grow early misty? im only planting about 15, im hoping 8 or more will be female, and that will keep me and my mates going for a little while, any feedback will be appreciated
Last reply by mistyville,