Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 49 replies
How long do you think it will be until cannabis is legally available in Australia's states and territories? there are a few sub legalities i suppose i have to describe. 1. Available for medical use, and supported my doctors. 2. Available from designated/approved shops / cafe's 3. Available from your local, same as alcohol and tobacco (with the proper 18+ ID of course - don't want kiddies having it) 4. Being able to smoke where ever you like (within reason i suppose - same as tobacco smoking, smoke free zones etc) 5. Being able to Grow and Posses your own without fear of the law. what do you guys think? personally i think that 1yr - not a chance, 5yrs - maybe medic…
Last reply by Delta 9, -
Well I was doing a bit of reading today on the NSW elections that are coming up. It's been known for a while that Labor is gone, but wait, there's more! Barry O'farrel wants to introduce "the peoples parliment" and has stated that any matter brought to him with a minimum of 10,000 signatures would be taken to parliment. This is meant to show people the govt. will concentrate on subjects that matter to the community, as opposed to concentrating on things that work for the govt. (I'm not holding my breath but was pleased to read this). So, although I strongly believe Cannabis should be 100% legalised, I would like to present the medical argument if this election promise g…
Last reply by alchamest, -
- 4 replies
Not sure if you guys have seen this or not. But a very rewarding read. Link***: Just a teaser quote from the article: "Policy positions on the legislative status of cannabis are related to some extent to public attitudes. The legislative options debate has gathered momentum in Australia in recent times, reflecting a shift in public opinion. Recent Australian survey research conducted under the National Drug Strategy indicates that a little over half of the general community now supports cannabis possession and use becoming legal. Moreover, a substantial majority is in favour of…
Last reply by alchamest, -
- 10 replies
I believe it comes into force next month. I've heard that Optus, Telstra and someone else (?) will be using the Senators Web filter. Does this mean that this Site will not be available/BANNED to folk using these ISP's? If so, can someone maybe suggest an ISP that will NOT implement this ban?
Last reply by alchamest, -
- 2 replies
Tommy Chong weed quotes debating on the issue of medical use marijuana: "Do you know Montel Williams ? Montel Williams has M.S. It's a debilitating disease that he keeps under control by using marijuana. Melissa etheridge suffers from cancer and she survived thru the use of marijuana, so it has medical use, so that lie you've just said it has no medical use what so ever it's a lie...and the reason you tell that lie it's because you're being payed to tell that lie, like the rest of the liers..."
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 3 replies
look at a few news sites here in Perth, were there banning kronic synthetic cannabis. I read this comment on Helen from WA Posted at 6:34 PM June 14, 2011 I just heard on the news that there is going to be a protest at Parliament House. I wonder if there will be any high flying corporate people or others who hold a steady job, have a house,family with kids who actually smoke the stuff and find nothing wrong with it at all and find this ban coming into effect an INFRINGEMENT ON THEIR RIGHTS? I hope its not only a bunch of young pot-heads who turn up.I hope there will be someone from EROS ASSOCIATION there to speak on behalf of the people? The problem…
Last reply by STONEDAJ69, -
I looked around and all the threads i found relating to questions were about growing, i figure we need one for the activists. What i think we need to do is start by covering all the bases. I see a lot of people answering the questions and problems as they come which is good but I think it would be really helpful if we could see a list of all the possible questions that the anti-smokers, or whoever else out there, might throw up laid out in front of us first and then go through them one-by-one. For example.... 1. Why should we legalise cannabis? 2. Who would this benefit? 3. What about the children? 4. What are the harmful effects? so what i would like people to do…
Last reply by Aurora2020, -
- 6 replies
I'm new to the cannabis scene but do find it fascinating, not only as a substance but also the botany behind it and how you can have so many strains of the same plant by harvesting it differently. Just thought I'd ask you guys why you think its illegal? I mean I compare it to tobacco/alcohol that cause death, destruction, chaos in some cases and the fact that alcohol is scientifically linked to liver problems - not to mention lung, cancer and overall health problems tobacco causes (and is proven). Yet there are no studies of cannabis causing death, liver problems, its never been successfully linked to lung/cancer issues from what I've read and not only that it also has a …
Last reply by cenzo, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
This is the translation of a letter sent to the coffeeshop unions in the Netherlands, I am proud to translate this good news.... Dear folks, The big news today is that the new Tolerance Policy will become active from July 1, 2011, and will be valid until June 30 2015(!). The AHOJG criteria are already avaiable on The good news is not much is going to change. The most important conclusion is that the AHOJG crtieria have not been complemented with the Weedpass and the Distance Criteria. Nothing changes in this area. The announced additions will not be part of the national regulations for coffeeshops. This means that all the evil measureme…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 2 replies
Cannabis is often spoken of as ‘A Gateway Drug’, but always in the negative. Well, we are here to tell you that…… Cannabis can be a positive ‘gateway’. Not all gateways lead to destruction or abuse. To medical sufferers who gain great benefit from respectful medical cannabis application, Cannabis/THC is most definitely a gateway ‘drug’. 1) It is a gateway to most definite improvement in quality of life for sufferers. 2) It is a gateway to medical benefit - For seizure disorders, it is a gateway to seizure control. For muscle spasms and cramping, it is a gateway to alleviating spasms and cramping. For pain disorders, it is a gateway t…
Last reply by Dr Kush, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys. I have seen previous threads saying lets start a group. I posted replies and I have send PM's and comments etc. to try get in contact with other people in WA who are actually interested in starting the revolution that this country needs. As nothing seems to be happening with these other threads I figured I would start my own for people who are actually interested in doing something. Im not gonna ask you to reply on here in the hopes that I will check back and see you are interested blah blah blah. If you are in Perth please email me on I live near the coast so I would love to host a BBQ at Scabs some time for those of you who are intereste…
Last reply by GUNBUDS, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Message DaveN Newbie Joined: Jun 06, 2009 Posts: 19 Location: Australia And what about your drug, Mr. Abbott? Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:51 am “There is no safe way to use illicit drugs. A message we’ve got to get out is that there’s no glamour, no fun, no joy and no real release in the use of ….wait for it…..illicit drugs!†- Stated by Fed. Minister for Health (at the time...he's now the Opposition Leader in Australia), TONY ABBOTT when launching the Salvation Army’s booklet warning of the dangers of drug USE and alcohol ABUSE. These criminals love socially segregating their drug, ethane hydroxide, from not only all so-called illicit drugs, b…
Last reply by Wez1R, -
- 2 replies
‘HARK THE POLITICIANS SING’ - Cannabis/Prohibition Protest Parody of ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’. Hark the Politicians sing, “We’ve helped silence freedom’s ring. War on earth, politically styled, while your culture we’ve defiled. With hate-filled aggression we did rise. Attacking you from land, sea and the skies. Take only our drugs, is what we proclaim, While upon others’ choices, we lay the blameâ€. Hark the politicians sing, “We’ve helped silence freedom’s ringâ€. “Our drugs are constantly adored, while we target you with fire and sword. We invade your home with immunity, while we legally get off our tre…
Last reply by Wastehead, -
- 2 replies
''HEATH'S DEAD'' - Cannabis protest parody of "Peace sells, but who's buying" - Megadeth. NOTE: Our Aussie boy, Heath Ledger, was first thought to have died from illicit drugs. Everyone kicked up a massive fuss, but when it was discovered that he'd joined the countless other 'legally dead' in the U.S. no one seemed to give a shit anymore. In response, I wrote this. What do you mean, I have to take your drugs? Your way's not the only way. What do you mean, your side effects are normal? Yet normality is thrust aside. What do you mean, my medicine's a crime? It's safer than what you do. And what do you mean by 'pay, and we'll fix your ills'? Nothing but a sick joke…
Last reply by Wastehead, -
- 0 replies
- 451 views About a woman having to take an uncountable number of tablet for illnesses, most of which Cannabis has been known to keep under control or cure. Also they arise due to side effects of previous drugs all of which started with simple sleeping tablets. Cannabis has no such side effects so this should be a big help. This topic is also a place for you to post any other drug related new report for which had the person involved had taken cannabis instead might of avoided their fate.
Last reply by Tsigle,