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Very Interesting Document found on AIC website regarding views and tre

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Not sure if you guys have seen this or not. But a very rewarding read.


Link***: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/A/D/5/%7BAD592CF2-21C6-45A9-AC71-0CF4445CF355%7Dti48.pdf


Just a teaser quote from the article:


"Policy positions on the legislative status of cannabis are related to some extent to public attitudes. The legislative options debate has gathered momentum in Australia in recent times, reflecting a shift in public opinion. Recent Australian survey research conducted under the National Drug Strategy indicates that a little over half of the general community now supports cannabis possession and use becoming legal. Moreover, a substantial majority is in favour of removing the criminal sanctions that currently apply in at least some circumstances in all Australian States and Territories."


Go to love that that's posted on a government webpage. I never realised that a democracy didn't operate on the principle of majority rule? :P Anyway there's plenty of good ammo in there complied by professionals.


For those who do not have time to read the entire document: Here was their conclusion:


"In Australia the evidence is accumulating - from public attitude surveys coming down on the side of liberalising cannabis laws, from

criminal justice system data indicating a vast, expensive and relatively punitive net being cast over youthful cannabis users, and from evidence that

liberalisation does not increase cannabis use that the total prohibition approach is costly, ineffective as a general deterrent, and does not fit with the National Drug Strategy's goal of harm minimisation. On the other hand, a strong constituency exists for maintaining the current approach to dealing with cannabis. This reflects, in particular, concerns about the health impacts of the drug."


Ed (ewkerr)

Edited by ewkerr
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16 years old but it is a great read, i guess because its been so long, and since 1995 theres been TONS more reefer madness out there and now more people are against it than there was in 1995. Spread this though, it would be good for more people to know about it!


Great post ewkerr

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“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.â€

Mahatma Gandhi


Weed has first been ignored, then everyone made jokes about the drop out cannabis smoker, now they've been fighting us for some time, victory is now withing view upon the horizon. People are becoming more and more accepting of cannabis and it's only a matter of time until the whole country gets sick of the prohibition. I'm optimistic about the future.

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Good document !!


i think that there is some good movement in this area, globally it is getting a lot of attention even iwth the UN setting up a comittee to review the whole war on drugs issue.

The future does look good here, ithkn if there was more of a push on pollies from the public it could speed things along. however organising something like that does not seem to happen very easily.

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