Nutrients and Mediums
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hi guys, who uses cannazym out there if yes, how does it go. it says 1litre to 400 litres ,ineed help with the math part . i have a 15 litre container, so how much millage of cannazym for my 15 litre container?. thanx everyone spaceleaf
Last reply by 420Downunder, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
anyone use or have experiance with dutchmaster zone????? can you use it with oxyplus? can you use it with cannazym and biobugs? i just cant seam to find any good info on it at all. thanks
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 5 replies
I mixed up my growing media today. it consisted of" ~9L of coco coir 5L of premium potting soil 5L of perlite how do you think it will go? should i add anything? or is it sweet as tits
Last reply by Budder, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi all Many people have been telling me to add perlite to my potting mix but just recently I have been told its not a good idea. Here is what they said they said: “All composts are made to have as near as possible correct air and water holding capacity, adding things that make it drain faster and hold more air mess it up big time for plants like cannabis and it reduces the fertiliser reserves, ie makes it weaker. Cannabis is a greedy plant that likes plenty of food and does best in compost that has good water retention, in fact once in final pots the addition of water holding crystals can be a big advantage, especially when its hot in the summer, thats the absolute o…
Last reply by Budder, -
h202 1 2 3
by sparkee_42-
- 420 Crew
- 22 replies
when is the best time to use or can you use through out the grow
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
looking at putting couple auto pots in spare shower. Would the fan in ceiling, open window and oscaliting fan be enuf for a 400w hps??? (might panda the 2 sides of shower other 2 are white tiles, and leave the door lil open for tha fan while lights on) hit me up some advice, ta.
Last reply by mrsmokey1, -
- 7 replies
hey guys gots me a lil flood n drain table 1m x 1m should be a nice lil producer imo wats the best medium..i hate rockwool so i thought hydroton? perlite would end up strerssin the rootzone with the bottom feeding ??wouldnt it? and how many bags of ydroton to fill it ya reckon.???????? was gunna cut tha ass outta some 4 300mm pots.. fit them into the tray in each corner that way ill hopefully get the masive root zone all tips are gunna be appreciated guys was gunna fed every 2 hrs for wat 15mins?? im gunna use the sensi 2 part from advanced wat yas reckon? take care and happy growin bil
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Just wondering if anyone has got nutes from the the US before. Looking to try other nutes than the standard stuff I've used before here like Canna, Ozi and DM. Would like to experiment with Foxfarms and Botanicare lines. I used to use earth juice until import restrictions banned the organic grow and bloom formulas, wondering if the same applies to the other brands? Nothing on the TGA/customs sites about this either.. Anyone?
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I'm starting an indoor outdoor grown, well suited to the tropics with 11-13 hrs day light all year round. Have some afghans vegged and ready to go out soon. The thing is they will go into the ground in a patch and thats where the medium will stay also. So what are some of the options and consequences of different soil/medium combos. Gotta say fast veg is priority along with improving the patch. Can i have my cake and eat it too?
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
G'day stoners! Just a quick question. If you use coco as a growing medium, do you need to buy specific coco nutes to use in it? Because I already have some Canna Substra nutes (the ones sold at Bunnings), and I'd like to use them if I can, rather than spending heaps on new nutes. Or would I be better off just spending the money and getting the coco ones? Cheers for any advice. Peace!
Last reply by kezz, -
- 9 replies
I've always loved this stuf. Along with ryzontic, I think most of growing's concerns are covered 9unless u have serious probs I suppose. Anyway, the question is, PK 13/14 stipulates due to it being pharmacuetical grade nutrient, it should be used forno longer than 7 days. I'm always tempted to run it a bit longer, you know the thinking. "if it oes this good in just a week, what would it be like for a month!!?/" I've never run it more than ten days, figuring they must have some reason for saying not to exceeed such a time, but I'm just wondering what you beaut hydro geniuses we have in here that know aboutthe active stuff in this gear, and can edumakate me as to why…
Last reply by Al B. Fuct, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Does anyone know what the pros and cons would be if I hit with PK 13-14 twice, once at 3 week flo then do a partial harvy at 6 weeks, then hit again with PK 13-14 and do next harvy at 10 weeks. Trichs are never amber at 9 weeks so I'm assuming 10 weeks will be ok. Plants are giants and not getting enough light in underneath and I don't want to just waste it, so I will harvy at 6 weeks and then again at 10. I would like to give them a boost after first harvy and thought a dose of PK13-14 would do it. any ideas aussie
Last reply by Tom, -
- 12 replies
hi all many times when i transplant rooted clones into the main system at 3 wks old they seem to freeze up and take a couple weeks to really kick off. other times they kick off in 3 days. i used to think this was due to overwatering, but last crop i watered very very little (1lt per plant twice a day), and they took a couple weeks to get moving. i usually only use nutes at 700 ppm and h202. ive read that CANNA RHIZOTONIC greatly assists seedlings to kick off instantly. ive heard its best to use it for first 3 days with NO nutes. and then introduce nutes after that. and also that it works best when nutes are at a low EC can someone tell me what is the correct/be…
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 7 replies
Hi all. Where can I buy 15-20 liter square pots in Aus? I cant find any on the internet. Thanks dudes
Last reply by oldtimer, -
- 3 replies
anyone had experience using Monkey juice? Seems to make my PH very difficult to lower. Anyone had this problem with it? Not sure i like it, although i hear good things. thanks
Last reply by ozdaz,