General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
having followed someones advice and being my first attempt at growing i was told to turn the plants from growth (18 hr light) to flower (12 hr light) after just after 2 weeks i have since on reading books and going on the internet realised that i may have changed them over from growth to flower too early i am now worried i will cause problems ie stumpting the growth etc is this inevitable now and is there anything i can do ie add extra growth food i am now 3 and half wks into the flowering stage on the 12hr lighting
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Can anybody shed some light on what may be wrong here? Not all of the plant is affected, but is does appear to be spreading. Nutrient deficiency perhaps? Plant is located outdoors. Thanks
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 2 replies
Howdy folks ive got a few outdoor girls in pots and are turning into bloom,probly a few weeks into bloom.The problem is the white hairs(pistels) are starting to fry from the heat or something,i've tried taking them out of direct midday sunlight to try and stop this from happening... I've thought of putting them under some shade cloth but its a bit suss looking due to where i'm living(houses and units so close you can hear their cats fart). Anyway if anyone has any good suggestions ,please let me know....cheers..........spaceleaf.......
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 14 replies
hi all just wondering if anyone can help me this is the second time this has happend plants are 4 weeks old just introduced more light stems start turning purple slower groth yellowing of leave not sure what up so any help would be great have been growing for awhile but first time i have incounted this prob can it be heat related thanks
Last reply by SweetJan3, -
- 4 replies
Yesterday I caved into my paranoia and moved my 3 and 4 week old babies from the back yard into my nursery. Yes, yes. I know the golden rule about not going from outdoors to indoors, but there's only those two plants, the nursery was offline till now. Yesterday afternoon I went and looked in on them and saw that they weren't looking too good. The leaves have dead patches on them. I moved my lights up so they weren't as close thinking that they might have been burnt a little. Granted, they are only CFL's, but those things can still get pretty warm! Here's a pic of the worst of it. It seems to have affected all the leaves from top to bottom and on both plants, bu…
Last reply by Radic, -
Hello everyone... I have just started to grow from seed. Germinated and planted fine and for first 3-4 days all looked good. Now the leaves are starting to yellow. Not sure how to describe it, but they seem less green than before and they are starting to yellow. One of them (in blue pot) shows noticeable burn marks. They have been growing for about a week. Ph is 6.0 and I am growing in COCO with bit of perlite thrown in. I am using Canna COCO A&B mixed at rate of 1.25ml/L for the moment. I water once a day until I get about 30% run off (which doesn't take much) The lighting is HPS 400w which is about 50cm away from the plants. Grow tent is 1.2x1.2x2m and tem…
Last reply by hardeyes, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
normally i would say to anyone presenting this issue that they musnt have looked hard enough for the bugs eating the plants as they must be there somewhere, but over the past week i have noticed my jack the ripper lemon pheno mother plant being eaten alive by something. i sprayed the room down heavily only a couple of months ago which nearly wiped out my mother plants because the bug killer was made too strong and i have searched each and every single leaf in the vege room looking for anything that looks like a bug. so far all i have found has been fungus gnats and since i have lived with them off and on for years and never seen anything like this it has me worried i…
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 6 replies
It's been a while since I posted my little grow on here, but now that I've got the 400w (enclosed in a cooltube with ducting) Son-T lamp.. things are looking really really good.. It's actually growing at around an inch a day! I take it the leaves are a really good colour.. the rich dark green? I was actually kinda wondering, how tall should I let it grow before moving to the flowering stage? I've got around 6ft of grow height, and the plant's roughly about 9inches tall at the moment.. the smell's kinda starting to become a bit of a problem, it really is quite strong.. can only be a great sign I guess.. I've also got both dutchmaster's liquid light (to go with the penetrat…
Last reply by Home_Grown, -
- 2 replies
This is my first attempt at growing and it was going well but my plant doesn't seem to be doing much now. The stem is long and thin with not much stability, there are leaves at the top half but they are not bushy and look quite flimsy I have tried bio-grow but this just made it grow taller not bushier. Please help, I would hate to have to throw it out!
Last reply by konflikt, -
- 3 replies
I've posted up a few piccs of one of me girls ..i'vve explained wats up with in the gallies section...any help would be awsome cheers everyone....When the seedling was tiny it was pure black and stayed that way for a coupla weeks.......see ya"s room temps are good 26 at day 17 at night all grown in soil, i sprayed them once whilst the lights where on..... ph is 6.0....cant think of any thing more to tell you about them except the leaves are blotchy.....spaceleaf.....2nd week in bloom...thanx all
Last reply by spaceleaf, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi guys , first grow for a while , 12 plants , 3 different strains under 6 flouros, some are going great while 4 or 5 are not so great. some are a stunted and have mad leaf shapes and some are curling a little upwards along the complete leaf ???? Any suggestion guys , until i can sort out how to take and upload a photo??? Ph and nute strentght all along same lines since beginning , just started happening last 5 -6 days "?????? Any suggestions would be APPRECIATED THANKS & REGARDS Muckster
Last reply by tinderburn, -
First grow
by immy- 6 replies
Hey people, first grow for me having a few probs but not sure what it is. Here are some pics. They are all 3 weeks old and i'm using DWC. Once of probs i think was pH. I measured yesterday and was around 7.9 - 8.2 :s. Dropped it straight away to 6.5-6.7. Think the fan is causing some heat stress too but let me know what u think
Last reply by pisspotgrower, -
- 420 Crew
- 29 replies
In nearly 15 years of growing , I have never had those buds that are the size of a thumbnail, and weigh 2 grams or more , and are hard as a rock . Is it the strain , the hormones they add ( ie commercial growers) , or is it compressed ? Dont get me wrong , my pot is great as far as smoking goes , but it aint like some of the shit you buy , as far as Nuggets look. I thought maybe it was because I picked too early , thats why my latest grow has gone for so long , and now its just stretching . Whats the go ? Heres a few pics of my latest
Last reply by LOGGER_KING, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Okay.. my first grow is lookin good.. it's just over the foot mark.. and i'm excited.. first grow.. looking okay.. .. I transplanted into a bigger pot, and it's grown quite a bit since.. and the stem is really solid.. .. never got around to grabbing the grow nutes.. just been watering every few days.. and well.. here're a few new pics.. now what I'm kinda curious about is that leaf curl? whats going on with that.. and also at the lower leaves.. a few are kinda dying (to be expected?) though I've got the occasional yellow spot appearing on the upper leaves.. Again, any help would be much appreciated.. and as always, look forward to your replies..
Last reply by smokeymcpot, -
- 0 replies
Hi, i have been smoking for many years, and i decided to grow, having got pissed off in times of famine! Im growing in 12 inch pots filled with coco and using canna A & B 1.5 ml raising to 2-ml per litre adding Rhizotonic 4-ml and now 2.5m per litre of Cannazym i have also used Trichoderma powder to help with root problems if they occur. at 1 gram a litre. I have used rain water and ph'd to 5.7. I have also added a small dose of co2o to the mix in crumbled tablet form. I tried to germinate white widow but only one from 10 from amsterdam seeds have come through, the other strain is currently there free seeds which i have seven, im just getting to sexing so 2 weeks of s…
Last reply by cosmic star,