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New grower problems

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What "hector" is referring to is that recently there were a lot of dodgy grow tents. The plastic lining emitted toxic fumes harmful to plants when heated (from the light).


I doubt your having this issue.. got any where else to grow to eliminate the tent?


Respectfully, I think this is the problem.

Have a look at the 4th of potbelly's pics.

Notice the very end of the leaf? It's withered, like it's been poisoned, not the same as over watered or over ferted. Also the leaf is still green in the centre, stripey looking as it slowly looses it's colour.

Check these out, looks identical to me, sorry for the bad quality pics.

post-24100-1230538772_thumb.jpgThese are recovering, the leaf on those seedlings of potbellies will wither half way and die like these.

post-24100-1230538890_thumb.jpgThis started out as a clone and has been revegged that many times back to health it's now a bonsai mother. Everytime it went back into the tent to flower the same thing happened. Crappy detail but the leaf is identical to the pics above.

I was told to put my tent out in the sun and if that didn't work to bring it back. The hydro shop I use said it will do a test grow with sensitive plants to see for themselves. That was only a few weeks ago. They are aware of this problem, some tents get it worse than others apparently.

Mine has too many crispy dead mull leaves through the fabric as well as finger prints all over the plastic to worry about a refund now.



Well after I'd typed all that out and went to post I see you just added it's Mylar, BUT has the plastic liner.

I still think the plastic is the problem, but hey don't just take my word for it, or HG's. Prove it for yourself.

Chuck that plastic liner as far away as you can, water half the plants the way you were and half with less water. You'll see they both grow, probably a lil quicker with the ones that are left to dry out as I agree with letting them dry out, it oxygenates the rootzone, keeps root rot away, Pythium etc.

Make sure you post back what you find.


As for overwatered leaf this is what it looks like. Classic case of 'the claw'. Happy gardening


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Sorry, was bit hard to tell with the pic with the overwatering prob ie "claw" Is that when the spiky bits of the leaves curl upwards?


Just to satisfy my paranoid mind, I have taken one of the plants out of the tent and placed it under a aquarium fluro. far far far away from the room where the tent is. I'll see which one "recovers" faster if at all.

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Overwatered in coco



Be interested to hear the results, mainly as it's been driving me batty trying to work out why my plants all of a sudden wanted to slowly die when flowered.

Just lucky I had another cab to reveg these last 4 months otherwise I'd have no plants left at all.


You need to kill a few more plants HG, stop growing them properly :peace:

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also get a PPM tester.. as testing the run off is the only way to see whats going on in the pot...


Ok, you've turfed the plastic liner and are watering less, as over watering is a common problem as well as bubbling oxygen in the water

Just wanted to add to what SS said about reading the runoff values, it's one of the best hydro 'tricks' in a run to waste system especially coco, as it seems to get the biggest EC swings.

Collect the runoff in a container and read the EC/ppm.

If you can keep the runoff around or slightly below EC 1.6/1.8 that will tell you if your medium is getting too high in nutrient strength and needs more flushing or not.

High EC(somewhere above 2.4) damages the roots, roots start to decay, Pythium takes hold, pH starts to do all sorts of crazy shit.

In coco I flush(about every 2 weeks) till I can read EC 1.0. The pH will sort it's own level out in the medium as long as you are close to pH6 going in.

If your pouring it in at pH6, don't worry if you see the run off at a slightly different level, between 5.7 to 6.1 as long as you don't start seeing massively lower or higher readings, ie below 5


Report back when you have a jungle on your hands :peace:

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All but one of the plants are looking better. The one in blue pot now has quite severe leaf damage but I think this is due to previous overwatering as new leaves are looking greener and healthier. No noticeable difference between fluro plant and tent plant. Will keep them separated still just in case. Also the tent smells less since removing the liner.


Ordered a PPM tester :peace:

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Forgot to mention that the one next to the blue pot is the fluro tester. I don't think it has "recovered" as well as the others.


Will be watering tomorrow morning as the moisture meter (stuck half way down the pot) is reading somewhere between Dry and Moist. Definately not the Wet reading I had yesterday. Any watering tips so I don't overwater again? Should I just water it slowly until I get about 10% run off? Not sure how much that would be seeing as I never let the coco go dry.

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