Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
power generaters? 1 2
by kiwi4-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
High people? Has anyone had any experiance with desel or petrol generaters to power there lights? I have had a bit of a look around the web but camt find a lot on the subject. With some sound proofing and venting i cant see why they wouldnt work. Any comments?
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 16 replies
Hi all Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the Growlush 600W MH & HPS lamps Wondering if they were any good. Also, (and I probably should have searched this), if I was to use MH & HPS, can the one ballast take both kinds of lamps Use 1 lamp for veg then swap to other lamp for flowering? Thanks for any help Cheers
Last reply by thc24, -
- 5 replies
Any way to do this without compromising air flow? Cheers
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
$39 bucks plus $15 delivery aust wide . check it out.
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, fairly new to the indoor scene and would appreciate opinions from more experienced indoor growers than I. I have come across the following light online and would like to know what people think about the light and wether it would be any good for cloning and / or seed raising. I'll try to add the info and then include the link at the bottom - this is an Aussie business. Very Big Compact Fluorescent Spiral $45.00 Click to enlarge Not the worlds biggest compact fluorescent lamp but nearly. This lamp uses only 85 watts but punches out an amazing equivalent light output of a standard 425 watt in…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hey guys Im not sure if anyone has any ideas for my problem... Im setting up an underground (cellar) grow and have all the gear ready to go. I realise one of the most important factors in a grow is fresh air. The problem i have is that i dont want to spend considerable dollars and risk potential damage to my house by getting air from outside down into my cellar and back out again. Obviously through two ducts. I have been researching the internet and have noticed a few growers using sealed rooms with air conditioning and CO2 generators to cool and replenish the air. Has anyone used this successfully? What is the best gear for this situation? My room is 3.5m x 4m …
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
As the topic says, I have the light and shade now for the wardrobe (180x75x50) and now want to try and squeeze in a good ventilation system in there but there's not a whole lot of room!! (note to self - get bigger wardrobe next time ). Any ideas on how to rig this up? Cheers
Last reply by piglish, -
- 3 replies
hey. i was told by a mate yesterday about the possibility of using banks of led light bulbs to light up my seed raising fridge. i was telling him about c130 cfl lights, and he reckoned you could achieve the same amount of light using led's. which are cheaper to run and you can position them more accurately. as in, 10 to 15 banks of ten. think they are 2 watts. .............wattiya think...........cheers
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 2 replies
OK not many ppl realise that a bulb in a horizontal shade does not leave a circular light footprint. Even though it lights your entire room it may not be giving your plants the good strength light and most of your room could be lite up with weaker reflected light. Now this mainly affects cupboard grows with a rectangle shaped grow area but also applies when laying out several lights within a room setup. I hope that the image is self explanatory and helps yous get the most from your lighting into your precious babies. PS now vertically lights in china hats etc are different as most of the light is reflected and the d…
Last reply by Shithappens, -
- 420 Crew
- 17 replies
Can anyone out there give me some advice. I recently spent $800 on cool tube set up for 2 x 600w but I have not seen any difference in temps. It is quite chilly here today( 21C), but temps in room are 31.5C and that's about what is was without the tubes last year. There is warm air being extracted as when I touch the outside of the exhaust duct it is warm. The fans are from fantech, noisy as buggery, supposed to pump 210 litres per second. Each light has its own tube, fan, ducting etc. I don't know what info to give you to get advice, so you can fire away with questions.... any help appreciated aussie1
Last reply by aussie1, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
if so join in this topic ill keep it running for a while unless no one posts then ill just be lonely so here goes just to give everyone a overview of what we are going to be talking about A plasmon is basically just an oscillation of the conduction electrons in a metal. is the basic formula thats used basically or im stupid and dont know what im talking about we could in theory make a shell of metamaterials that could bend electromagnetic radiation around its central cavity so it would be invisible to the human eye the effency of light emmiting dioids in great but we can make …
Last reply by fsagertyaef, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
G'day! I just went to the markets where I bought 2 second hand horticultural lights. For $60, I got 2 x SuperNova 600 reflector hoods, 2 x 400W MH ballasts, and 1 x 400W HPS ballast. Now I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to these lighting systems (I have only previously used compact fluros with pretty crap results), so I was hoping some more knowledgeable people here would be able to please help me out. Are these reflectors compatible with the ballasts? They are called SuperNova 600 so I assumed that meant 600W (the bulb socket says 1500W 600V) but the ballasts are all 400W. If not, what kind of ballasts should I buy to match the reflector? If they are compat…
Last reply by chippy, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi all I was wondering if it is possible to do a complete grow from veg to flower with a Spectrum 130W CFL? My local hydro guy usually knows his shit and has never lead me astray before and he said he tested one in an area of H:120cm x W:90cm x D:45cm, with 2 nice plants with great results. He used the 6400k bulb. Due to current living arrangements, this size area is all i'm going to have to work with. I have been using a 400W HPS for many years now and is perfect for my usual grow area, and as much as I would like to use it again, I don't want to burn down my new temporary home. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by bush buggered, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I was just at the hydro shop (a new one I have just found). I still use my old magnetic ballasts, and he told me the new ballasts, whch apparently simpy interchange MH and HPS (not that I use MH), use 25% less power! Can this be true? cheers rob
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
hwdy guys and gals. have been M.I.A for a while. site looks great. I've got a 2 door cupboard I grow in. I wanna put a board down the centre of it so I can have one side for flowering, one side for veg. I grow with a 400w son-t-agro setup, and i wanna put the same on the other side. r there certain bulbs you use for flowering and veging? Or do I just buy another son-t-agro setup and and just have one side 12/12, tha other 18/6? Do both sides need to be sealed off entirely? (in regards to lighting) Also considering buyin this stuff online. found hydro shops lately are chargin a small fortune. thanks again...
Last reply by pacificrim, -