Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
air cooled hood 1 2
by Ozzy420-
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey all, i was not happy with my 1st air cooled hood mk1 so i am doing a mk2 should be finnished in a copule of days i will post some pics when i have got it all just about done. Bong on aussie ozmade
Last reply by ShaftReturns, -
- 7 replies
Typically lights are quantified in watts, but is this really an accurate measure? Watts only refers to the amount of power used, not amount of light given. For example an 18W compact fluro will give about the same amount of light as a 60W incandescent.
Last reply by boe~pimp, -
- 4 replies
Has anyone ever tried led lights...there's a thread at overgrow where on bloke claims he was getting 2.5 pounds every 60 days with a 130w led setup...fact or fiction...what do you think??
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 7 replies
umm, im wondering why this is happening, any some advice would be mucho appreciated, im having trouble running a timer with my ballast, i hooked it up ,an set a few cycles to see if it would work, an it turned off ok, but when it went to turn back on, the globe just flickered and didnt turn on, this also happened when i tried running the ballast off a double adapter ,and also when i tried running the ballast off an extension lead, i tried putting the timer straight in to the wall and plugging the balast in , but it would only flicked when it turned back on?, it seems like it will only work when the ballast is plugged straight in to the wall, have i got a bodgy timer? or a…
Last reply by pipeman, -
Light versus Yield
by Guest Field_of_Light- 7 replies
A `freind' has a 2.5 metre by 2.5 metre mesh system with 3 plants covering the entire mesh system...current yield is 3 pounds 5 ounces with 2800 watts of light and superbud....If the light was increased would there be a noticable yield difference. All the lights are above the plants.
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
Anyone have any information on where you can buy water cooled light jacket covers for 1000w hps lights. Have seen them on the net in canada and US for sale. They are supposed to remove alot more heat them air cooled lights, any information about them at all would be great. Thanks
Last reply by OldmanMozz, -
Air cooled hood..?
by Guest elefunk_delivers-
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Sup guys i was wondirng if any1 could make me upn an air cooled hood.. ive got 2 lamps that im lookin get done.. 2 x 400 hps just a fan on the top and the side ill supply fans so bascily the cut needs to b done..? ele
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 3 replies
I run my 400watt Son T 18/6 how much should i expect to see on my power bill per week from this??? Im in NSW
Last reply by Ganganaught, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Cheapest I found so far is $205 AU for lobay 600W or 160 for a 400W at Anyone bought from them??? What is the service like then?? Cheers.
Last reply by sols, -
- 2 replies
What area would one 1000w hps light cover?
Last reply by jackfrost, -
well,, im feeling pretty good about now,,,,,,,,,, hey tom,,, i was talking to me local hydro shop guy,,, he was cool as,,,, they got lights + plenty of different nutes,,, he said he only had one 400 in stock, but more coming, an lots of ballasts an reflector,,,,, i got quoted $200 bucks ," light reflector, ballast" he reckons, reflector $70, ballast $125, globe $65, or $200 the lot,,, i think is more than affordable,,,, didnt price the nutes,,,,, now to get a cupboard that breathes,,, nearly there boys, nearly there,,, over an out
Last reply by Tom, -
- 19 replies
im thinking of getting meself a light,,, but i figure i should atleast know what to expect,,, ok,, i know shit all but,, i wouldnt get anything under a 400 watt hps,, maybe a 600 watt im not sure,,, but what do i hafta buy,, how much would ya expect to pay for a 400,, or a 600,, theres a hydro shop down the road,, but i wanna know a bit first if ya know what im sayin,,,,,, what other things do ya need, do these lights just plug in to the wall, do ya need to one with a long cord??? i really do know shit,,, dont hassle me, i normally grow under the sun,, but location has made me change my methods,, any comments appreciated,
Last reply by denske, -
- 7 replies
Hey i'm gonna start growing for the first time soon and one of my concerns is light... Is HPS neccisary, or will flouros do the trick? what wattage or voltage should the flouros or HPS lights be? what is the difference between compact and non-compact flouros? i have space limitation.... QUITE a samll place, like a section of a wardrobe, so what would be less dangerous? are all hps lights pricy, or does anyone know where i can get a relatively cheap one in sydney(and if possible a few other growing supplies)? sorry i don't know anywhere but i moved here about a year ago and i only just started the whole growing thing... thanks, crzc
- 3 replies
Just enquiring about water cooled hoods for 400w hps lighting.... Does anyone have any experience or know of any friends with experience using a water cooled hood? I've been thinking more and more about it as I have only a small amount of room to put a grow in, my last room being a small cupboard, 600mm x 600mm x 1800mm. I found that keeping the temps down in such a small space was extremely hard, to say the least! I recall that at one time in the last grow I had a small disaster, the extraction and intake fans failed! I didn't notice for only about an hour, and in that time, the entire canopy was burned brown down around 4 or 5 cm down from the tops in some places…
Last reply by Tom, -
- 5 replies
Okay people now i have some serious gear and need some help. I have got a 600W MH, 400W HPS and a 150W HPS. ( All this will goto a big cupborad. For the veg i plan on using the MH and the 150W HPS but they will be in a fixed postion (will be able to move up or down but no side to side). So some plants will get only MH, some will get both the HPS and MH and some only HPS. Is there anything i can do so the plants get best of the MH and the HPS. I know about those things that move the lights but as stated they are going in a cupborad. But the real question is do u think it would be better to have Just the MH for veg and the 2 HPS for the flowering. please help
Last reply by i have no idea,