Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
- 168 posts
- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
- Last reply by Gandaillon,
- 66 posts
899 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
what a freakin day. this afternoon, cause it had been so hot here in brisbane today, and windy, i thought my babies could do with a bit of a fees and water.i went to my hidey hole...only to find that some fucker has taken them...25 plants 2 ft tall, and about 20 seedings...all freakin gone. this was my first grow....and all i have is one tiny seedling and 1 plant left. i could cry....i took such care of them i have decided that next grow- if anyone ever gives me some seeds, will be the way...noone knew about these plants(cept husband, and even he really didn't know exactly where....they were in a someone has come across ythem...and pulled em out...b…
Last reply by WhiteWiDoW, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
The problem with the laws in deciding what amounts of drugs are deemed to be trafficable quantities is that they apply the same rules to growers as they do to buyers, which just isn't right. Someone who buys their weed is usually only going buy up to an ounce at a time and as they start to run out they buy some more. More often than not however, if someone buys a number of ounces or a pound or more, chances are they are dealers and are going to break it down and try and make some money. So fair enough, you have to set some thresholds to try and stop this sort of thing. But, the personal grower can't make an ounce or two magically appear as their stash starts to ru…
Last reply by d_amo, -
Vote 1 Greenies 1 2
by chief23-
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
Not only do the GREENS have great drug policy, but the told g e o r g e.... w..... b u s h were to go in parliment today. Go the greenies!!! Chief
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
International Press Release PRESS RELEASE OCTOBER 6, 2003 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDICAL MARIJUANA -- ONTARIO COURT OF APPEAL TO RULE ON PRECEDENT SETTING CASES AFFECTING CRITICALLY AND CHRONICALLY ILL CANADIANS For more information, please contact: Counsel: Alan Young -- 416-964-1999 -- Paul Burstein -- 416-204-1825 -- Joseph Neuberger -- 416-364-3111 -- Leora Shemesh -- 416-364-9020 -- Litigants: Alison Myrden - (905) 681-8287 - - Marylynne Chamney Catherine Devries ari Dvorak Warren Hitzig/The Toronto Compa…
Last reply by sols, -
- 420 Crew
- 0 replies
There is rumor going around that there is gonna be busts all over the place today in port stephens...u dealing or growing i would hide it for the day just to be on the safe side
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
someone told me tonight that the cops can't charge you with possession of a utensil to smoke an illegal substance unless they can prove you were going to do so, and they cannot test it for mj residue. So usually they ask "what are you going to use this for?" A lot of the time people just admit it is to smoke pot since they have already been busted. But if they didn't say this and the device wasn't packed or the police didn't actually catch you in the act chances are you don't get fined for a utensil, which may mean your fine is halfed if all they've got you for is posession. Don't know if it is true or not but thought I'd put it out there. Irrespective the old rule…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
what do you people reckon we can all do to help legalisation along?? and make the thought of it more appealing to the general public??
Last reply by boulder, -
C'mon People! 1 2
by Chev- 15 replies
Hey Guys and Gals, Where's all the spirit gone? No-one's willing to do more than whine about our current status as community black sheep, and criminals. Except for a few members. I suddenly realised, you hear all about anti-cannabis rallies and all of that. But how many MJ users out there are seriously willing to stand up and actually DO something about this unnesessary prohibition? I am. Give me a time, a place, and I'll be there. I'm a normal person. I'm sure most of you are too. What's the worst that'll happen to you? ATTENTION AUSTRALIA: I smoke Marijuana! Woopdee fucking doo. Wow. So what? You probably smoke cigarettes (Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Throat Cancer). And…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 0 replies
A summary of the basic facts about drugs and the drug war. Best Overall Introduction to the Subject. Basic Facts About the War on Drugs
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 1 reply
Newest pics of funny animals, photos, pot humor
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Hi all, Just want some of your opinions..........There is all the talk that using mj medically causes patients to have an increase in appatite. Short term users find that they get the 'munchies' when smoking - but long frequent use does somtimes lead to the opposite effect ie - loss of appatite and weight loss. I know because when I quit smoking pot (not cigs) for a while my weight balloned 10kgs but now I am smoking again I find myself slowley loosing weight again. Is this due to us aussies using tobacco in our mix? I do know that there are chemicals in tobacco are meant to have a laxative effect - and smoking through a water pipe may enhance it also. Does anyone …
100% of all mails enter Oz are screened 1 2 3
by Guest Urbanhog- 28 replies
I was watching that current affairs crap "Today Tonight", they were reporting on the custom's new mail centre where all overseas mail enter Australia. They reported that "100% of ALL parcels and mails entering Australia is screened by "high-tech x-rays". Since the government made a new law that all parcels entering Australia must be screened earlier this year, they have seized more illegal products, mostly narcotics, steriods, medicial stuff like chinese herbs and animal parts, and dangerous weapons by almost tenfold. They seize illegal automatic weapons, knives and other dangerous weapon making products almost daily. One fellow even tried to import a live genera…
Last reply by happyherb, -
- 3 replies
i am currently trying to do some advocating in canada, the usa, and oz(with the help of bacchus). i will take your ideas about what needs to be changed in the current laws of oz regarding mj. we will then put your ideas on an electronic petition and send it to your federal government. give us some input on the current situation and what needs changing? we will get as many sigis as possible. the more the better. i think 10,000 or more could be conceived as a political threat to any world government. can we do it? yes we can! help us out if you have the time. let's get up in their mother f*ckin faces people. that is how you bring about change. thanks in advance to all whio …
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 37 replies
I doubt many people will agree with me but: Marijuana should stay illegal to preserve genetic identity. Those Dutch bastards have already stuffed up cannabis genetics enough. Because cannabis is a wind pollinated plant, There would be great restrictions on what you can grow, as the cannabis factories won't want seedy buds. I believe female only strains may be the only thing available to the public limiting the homegrowers chances for strain improvement. Also buying drugs off some hippy, helps keep money out of the hands of the rich. Sure it hurts the economy, but it helps keep that money away from the corporations.(for a while, anyhow) Many people will lose their so…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could fill me in on the laws on MJ possession in QLD. I know they are a stricter state than most - but to what degree?? Cheers