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I don't doubt that the moment he leaves or is expelled from office, Matt Stone and Trey Parker sign him up for a comedy series... ::):


I like to see that... it'd be a huuuge hit, funny as crap too... And they wouldn't even need to write for him! :;): You'd just see "G. Bush says something here" and no matter what the situation was, it'd be hilarious! :)

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Yelling, "I love free speech" as the Greens Senator was hauled away for attempting to debate in a debating chamber..... :angry:


Like i said prooves the integlience of the green's and thier followers when somebody has the house call in parliment weither it be bob brown with a new License law or Peter castello with the budget or Paulin Hansan with a new Imagration act who ever has the floor has the floor and no interuptions are allowed from anybody untill that topic is bought up for house comment . its basic politics 101 , When it comes to pronucing words you should here our acent and how helirouse that is should of seen Merric and Russo a few weeks back in regards to that topic . Also notice the wink given to Howard by Bush after bob brown was kicked out of parliment it was all set up just incase you didnt notice that either . they should have bush adress parliment more often and see how polticaly credible the green party actually are .

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I like arguing politics with you cronic, it's just so much fun....


Like i said prooves the integlience of the green's and thier followers when somebody has the house call in parliment weither it be bob brown with a new License law or Peter castello with the budget or Paulin Hansan with a new Imagration act who ever has the floor has the floor and no interuptions are allowed from anybody untill that topic is bought up for house comment .


The intelligence of the members in the entire house must be quite low then... I seem to recall that whenever I watch or listen to parliament, (which is quite often, btw,) the interruptions and insults fly thick and fast, from both sides of the house. I know the standing orders disallow that, and I'd venture that the Green members are amongst the best behaved in the Senate. Show me otherwise. Many, many times have Liberal and Labor members been thrown out of the chamber for far worse infractions than trying to debate an issue more than half of Australia believes was based on lies and deception. I'd be interested to know if you think that the cat calls and interruptions during question time and debates coming from the major political parties are ok as well? I thought so. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Geogie Porgie is terrified of debate and dissenting thought, as well as the voicing of those opinions to the wider public. This is the president who has held less press conferences in the history of the presidency. He's taken hiding from the media behind the more eloquent of his administration to a new height. If Bob didn't say something, who would? Labor was pathetic on this... and I would have loved to see a similar sight to the visit by Johnny Howard to the U.S. repeated here... Half of the seats had to be filled by staffers, as they couldn't be bothered turning up. :) That would have been far more eloquent a statement than not clapping like some Labor members did.


When it comes to pronucing words you should here our acent and how helirouse that is should of seen Merric and Russo a few weeks back in regards to that topic


It's a lot more that pronouncement, the guy is as dumb as a plank. He's the single stupidest President that's ever been elected... oh, sorry, that's right, he wasn't was he? And aside from reading off a teleprompter, (extremely badly too, I might add...) he's about as eloquent as a dead rat. If you don't concede that then I just don't know what weed your smoking, but I'd like some please. ;)


Also notice the wink given to Howard by Bush after bob brown was kicked out of parliment it was all set up just incase you didnt notice that either . they should have bush adress parliment more often and see how polticaly credible the green party actually are .


Uh, yeah, Bush winked, probably more because he was expecting it... It's not as if Bob didn't let everyone and sundry he'd be doing something... Quite obviously George was given a heads up by Johnny on the issue, thus the pre-prepared answer, stupid as it was. If you think that somehow means it was all set up.... I don't know where that came from. You don't seem to think much of the 2million dollars it costs to recall parliament everytime he wants to visit... And as to the credibility of the Greens, the moron couldn't last 5 minutes in a debate on any issue whatsoever with a greens member, let alone Senator Brown or Nettle. ;)


Georgie Porgie is a dickhead, a moron and has no right to sit in the position he does. For him to come down here like a God-figure and bestow a sherrifs badge on Johhny for services to sucking the U.S.'s dick, for him to say that he imagines Australia is "much like texas" and had that view confirmed visiting Canberra... (WTF???? Was he in the same city? Oh yeah, most places look pretty similar from Air Force One or a limo.) for this bastard to come here and try and tell us what's good for us, so shut up and do what you're told... total wanker. :angry:


The bastard will be charged with war crimes, you mark my words. You're bloody lucky there is a Green Party... I imagine if you were one of the hundreds of citizens around the world of various nations, including our own, who've been kidnapped and tortured without charge or trial, or even the prospect of a vaugely fair one, all on the say so of the Commander in Cheif, then you may look at the issue of the U.S. hegemony a little differently. :)

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The intelligence of the members in the entire house must be quite low then... I seem to recall that whenever I watch or listen to parliament, (which is quite often, btw,) the interruptions and insults fly thick and fast, from both sides of the house. I know the standing orders disallow that, and I'd venture that the Green members are amongst the best behaved in the Senate. Show me otherwise. Many, many times have Liberal and Labor members been thrown out of the chamber for far worse infractions than trying to debate an issue more than half of Australia believes was based on lies and deception.


that's right because the house now has the call and any topic can be discussed but while a Sertian Speaker is adressing the bill they can not speake and will be warned if faliure is noted of the warning they will be thrown out . You tell me how that was recnoized with Senator bob brown respecting the speaker with the call in this cash Mr bush love him or hate him he had call of pariliment and mr Senator bob brown was out of line the liberal and labor members you speak off only do so during dicusion time not during the time the speaker has the call .






only people that belive it was a lie and deception are green voters because according to poll's taken %85 of the country will vote howard in again . and a few weeks ago on a Msn poll taken 4,342 think John Howard is dooing a swell job in representing Australia compared to the 1,342 people who did not



don't know where that came from. You don't seem to think much of the 2million dollars it costs to recall parliament everytime he wants to visit...


Please with the money spent on Herrion Clinics around redfern that are so frequently used and how well thier keeping needles off the street and the other days of the year politicerians have to disciuss other issues, that a Invertation from John Howard for george bush to come to Australia seems a bit un resonable dosent it considering George W Bush is only the 3rd american presidient to vistor Australia



It's a lot more that pronouncement, the guy is as dumb as a plank"


What universty did he graduate from again ? and what was your Secondry Acerdemic Achivments ?



but i bet you got no problem with Arnie becoming the governer of California :) . and from now on please use philosphys you understand yourself

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but i bet you got no problem with Arnie becoming the governer of California ;) . and from now on please use philosphys you understand yourself
WTF does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?

Honestly, I thought John Howard had the smallest dick in the world, but I think Bush and him BOTH have got the smallest dicks in the world. Especially Bush, the man totally has no penis. Which is okay, he's only a puppet for his old man anyway...........

I'd back Bob Brown or Kerry Nettle anyday of the week over George Bush, or most of our pollies for that matter too. Why the big deal, they were the only ones with enough balls to stand up and confront Bush

"an issue more than half of Australia believes was based on lies and deception"


only people that belive it was a lie and deception are green voters because according to poll's taken %85 of the country will vote howard in again . and a few weeks ago on a Msn poll taken 4,342 think John Howard is dooing a swell job in representing Australia compared to the 1,342 people who did not

M-hmmm, I'm going to take an irrelevant piss ant little poll like that and say, yep, Australia definitley thinks Johhny is doing a swell job......... :)

The only reason Howard was voted in, is because of certain events that occured over the campaign and election (i believe anyway), the Tampa and the stance on refugees the main one.

And I've forgotten to thank him for the GST too, that's a fucking huuuuuuuuge bonus he's given to us :angry:

And for putting us up for target practice, yep, thanks very much, oxygen theif

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Hello cronic, welcome back, pity you have not taken previous advice to heart and learnt to research a subject before you make public comments. Your hero John (Mr Sheen) Howard has been proven to be the US lackey in a big way since you last tried to de-fame the Greens and their supporters on this site and he has even had a promotion too, from Bush's arse kissing pint-sized deputy to a head-job height local sheriff.


Also notice the wink given to Howard by Bush after bob brown was kicked out of parliment it was all set up just incase you didnt notice that either

And you are proud of the fact that our "honest and respectable" :;): Prime Minister would collude with a foreign power to do this?


Like i said prooves the integlience of the green's and thier followers

As you have been told before, The Greens are usually far higher educated than your average Liberal or Labor Party politicians (labour is spelt US way by them), a little research on your part will prove that, please don't go demanding that others do that for you again, or claiming that you, as a Liberal supporter, are smarter than me because I am a member of The Greens.


When it comes to pronucing words you should here our acent and how helirouse that is

I think you spend too much time watching US television and listening to rap crap, what sort of accent do you put on then? Something hilarious to Australians I suppose. :)

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