General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
Early chop 1 2
by Green Reaper- 17 replies
Good morning stoners. I was outside this morning thinning some leaves and saw the below cola and decided to chop it just in case it has something nasty. It doesn't look nasty to me, but then it's not worth the risk. The cola is from low down (bottom 1/3 of plant) facing North West. It was the only one I could find showing this brown patch, any thoughts?
Last reply by Green Reaper, -
- 5 replies
hey guys not sure to be worried or not but noticed this on one of my plants heres a few photos, is it some sort of rot?
Last reply by capasmokes, -
- 2 replies
hey lads, been trying to jump into chat the past month every now and then but wont let me. any ideas? just gets into chat then says loading chatroom for ages.
Last reply by billygoat, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys , after a little advise if possible. Few facts first, My first proper grow, inside under lights in soil. I started the bag seed in little seedling containers waited until I saw roots coming out the bottom then I transplanted into a 250mm black grow pot (standard black pot you get from anywhere). Now as its my first proper grow I've been learning from my mistakes as we all did, I'm now 15 days into flower and one of my ladies started clawing and upside down canoeing .... I thought a nutrient issue as a few of the lower original fan leaves yellowed and died (2-3 of them) but I'm thinking as I've only transplanted once from seedling and I'm now only in a fairly smal…
Last reply by Aussieau, -
Budrot? 1 2 3
by max_headroom-
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
I came out this morning to check on the last of my baby's only to find thi mess on my bud...came in overnight almost Only this part involved at the moment Help anyone...time to harvest I think
Last reply by max_headroom, -
- 18 replies
Hey everyone hope you're all doing well, I'm in desperate need of some help, I currently have a seedling only a few weeks old, It's in miracle gro professional soil, watering with 6.2 pH water, It's in a grow tent measuring 160x90x60cm and I'm using a 300w vipar led. I have canna terra nutes but have only used once about a week ago using 0.5ml/1L Temps have stayed between 24-29c Watered Sunday 28th December but haven't touched since. Please help I will take more photos of people are able to help
Last reply by GaGrown, -
Hey Everyone, Its been a bit of a bad luck run for a bit so time to turn that around and get something working for us! SOIL.... Stuffs me what keeps going wrong, but either plats from seed or clones start having major deficiencies after about 3-4 weeks of veg. Soil is a mix of Searles 5 i 1, Searles Premium garden soil, Perlite, Dolomite and Coco bricks. Feeding with either BioBizz nutes or just plain water from water tanks. The PH of the water is 5.8 and 0ppm. When watering with either nutes or plain water, runoff is at 6.8, so shouldnt be a PH in the soil prob. Mainly it looks like a Magnesium deficiency but have fed with some epsoms in the soil and as a folia…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 3 replies
hello forum can anybody help me with this i usually dont see this on my females. there s a white hair coming out of one thanks
Last reply by Stiritup420, -
- 2 replies
These babies are 27 days old I noticed all the new growth is going a very pale colour and very sudden, just in the last 48 hours Noticed it just a little on one plant a few days ago when i flushed and switched the light and now its happening on all I did notice my runoff water had i high ph when i started flushing. I also gave them half strength bloom solution last but the pale tips are far worse today. It looks like it might just be N deficient but not sure if i should just give them lots of nutes or flush again.. Really don't want to kill these What do you guys think? It looks a lot worse than the pic shows really...Any advice would be great.
Last reply by Stiritup420, -
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor Growing Medium: Soil mix: 4 units searles organic potting mix, 1 unit nf coco, 1 unit searle's 5-1, 1 unit cow manure. couple of handfuls each of dolomite gypsum and mag sulphate, perlite mixed in at about 20%. handful of myco. Mixed well, rested for around 6 weeks and watered with lacto brew regularly to get stuff working. Growing Style: Outdoor in pots, 8L- 18L Watering/Feeding Frequency: Every 2 or three days weather dependent. Keeping top layer of medium mulched and misting daily. Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): ~ PH Levels: I haven't really worried about ph...when I do measure a feed I put it through at around 6.8 (I just have a…
Last reply by itchybromusic, -
- 7 replies
Hi all, I need help... My ladies are in their 6th week of flower and the fan leaves are turning yellow with brown spots. One of them all the leaves are turning purple around the flower (see images) They are grown in a hot house in pots the soil pH is about 5.5 - 6. I have been feeding them powerfeed and budburst every other watering. The fan leaves have been turning yellow for the whole flowering duration. I have just started the flush period before harvest and have just started using pH'd water (pH of 8) to try and raise the pH a little What should I do? Is it worth feeding them still? or do I just ride it out for a couple of weeks and hope for the best? …
Last reply by NoobCBD, -
- 9 replies
Hi All! I am not sure how old my plants are, but they started as outdoor in December ~ and are 'Afghani Regular Seeds' from herbies. Out of 7plants, 3 ended up as females (i think..), 2 of them are quite tall though and one is quite bushy and short. They two tall ones are in 2x 20L buckets and the short one is in 14L. I am using some bunnings soil mixed in with about 50%~ perlite or so for better drainage. Anyway, i recently moved them into an indoor tent (1.2x1.2m) on the 26/02 (Last Friday) and I am running 18/6 until these new clones take root and then i will switch to flower to finish them off. The temp / humidity in there is approx 25-31 degrees and between 48-…
Last reply by _Puff_Tough_, -
- 7 replies
Hi all. Well as the name states I am a newb and this is my first grow and have a couple of questions. My ladies are grown outdoors in pots in a hot house. They are in their 3rd week of flower and are starting to show yellowing leaves on the lower fan leaves. I did some research and a lot of sites are suggesting Nitrogen deficiency. I have been feeding them every other day with power feed but now only feeding every other day with nutirfield budburst - as per label suggestions. Should I continue to use powerfeed as well as the budburst? One of the small plants (spotty1 image) has white spots on the leaves and yellowing leaves in the flowers, what could this be? I thi…
Last reply by NoobCBD, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I got seeds from amsterdam (AUTOS) and none of them are growing. they are not even coming out of soil!! It's more that a week I planted 2 jack herers but nothing! then I decided to open the bloody soil and check what's going on, basically the seed was just cracked open, its too slow, it does not grow. I'm using seeding soil + premixed one from Bunnings, one of most expensive soils but there is something wrong. And now this 2 are the seeds I planted directly in soil,before I used the wet paper, it took too many days for the seeds to crack open and see the white thing coming out then once in soil they will stop growing and die. but since you can see the problem st…
Last reply by Naycha, -
After my recent episode with a male plant I called my mate who had a seed from the same supplier to see if his was a female. Turns out his plant is a bit sick, so he gave it to me to try to recover it. I started this thread for advice and to help those with similar problems. As a noob this will be a learning experience that hopefully other noobs can learn from as well. Hopefully we can rescue it and this will serve as a record of what we did. The seed was put straight into the current pot filled with Osmocote Vege Mix and grown outside. The plant does not look too badly damaged and the leaves and still flat and not drooping, well most of them at least, and the stem…
Last reply by Dreddyboy,