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whole plant turned lime green 1 week into flower

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Indoor/Outdoor:     Outdoor

Growing Medium:     Soil mix:   4 units searles organic potting mix, 1 unit nf coco, 1 unit searle's 5-1, 1 unit cow manure.  couple of handfuls each of dolomite gypsum and mag sulphate, perlite mixed in at about 20%. handful of myco.  Mixed well, rested for around 6 weeks and watered with lacto brew regularly to get stuff working.

Growing Style:    Outdoor in pots, 8L- 18L

Watering/Feeding Frequency:  Every 2 or three days weather dependent.  Keeping top layer of medium  mulched and misting daily.

Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): ~

PH Levels:  I haven't really worried about ph...when I do measure a feed I put it through at around 6.8 (I just have a one drop kit , the cops took my good ph pen) and its only a rough estimate cos I can't see the colour diff too well so yeah, around 6.5-7

Temperature/Humidity Levels:  18-30C, 50-90% rh

Air Flow/Fans etc.:   ocean cooled

Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):   :sun:

Total Wattage:   God knows

Growth Stage:    One week into flower

Plants Age:  12 weeks or so?    

Cannabis Strain:   greenhouse seeds jack herer F


Hi OzStoners :toke:


I am stumped.  I have this what was a super vigorous jack Herer starting to flower and it has turned like completely lime green?   It was in the same pot as when vegging and was green and healthy..just had it were I was satisfied that I had her bent around and stuff enough to yield a bit but within the week she started to stretch, turned lime green and pretty much stopped.  Foliage looks healthy, but I have noticed this grow leaf twists and mutations...but that occurred in the searle's premium plants I have going as well. 


Here are a few pics of the plant:


6 March  post-48457-0-50555200-1458263446_thumb.jpg


12 March  post-48457-0-49340300-1458263555_thumb.jpg


18 march post-48457-0-09807600-1458263684_thumb.jpg


Her clone on right, 15 March.  all of these cuttings are in the same brew as the flowering plant.post-48457-0-34321800-1458264455_thumb.jpg


I have re-potted her this morning after culling a non-F pineapple chunk and its clone.  the roots looked healthy.  I thought it may have been root hassles or overwatering.  Not too soggy either.  thought about N then Fe.  could be but I would imagine the soil would have all the necessary minerals with the materials used?  Tried a wak N foliar.  tried a potassium silicate foliar.  Just don't know.  Her clone is powering in the same brew.  what do yas think its got me stumped?


I was going to try to stagger 3 flowerings over the season and I don't want to lose this one after the PC...this was the middle one and will leave a dent in the med dept if I am unable to sort this out and bring her home.


any help would be hugely appreciated.  I don't know what else to do.  I gave her a flush yesty arv with 8L of aloe/lacto and the ph was around 7 when I checked it before watering.  I checked a feed water beforehand and it was way acid like 5.5.  sprinkled some dolomite and watered that in when I re-potted. 


What have I Missed?  have a great day and good gardening to all of yas :bongon:


Faith :sun:




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Hi Faith you may have a micro nute issue and you could try mixing some Epsom salt into a few litres of water. I find in hydro when flowering and I see yellowing or leaves getting light in colour and everything is correct ph nutrient mix adding magnesium sulphate seems to correct the issue. It won't harm your plants or build up salts in your soil. I posted a link on the benefits to your plants, But I would try check your ph but adding Epsom salt will benefit your plants in all mediums soil or hydro.




"Magnesium also plays a crucial role in photosynthesis by assisting with the creation of chlorophyll, used by plants to convert sunlight into food. In addition, it also allows the plant to soak up phosphorus and nitrogen, which serve as vital fertilizer components for the soil."

Edited by lookinggoodguys
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What have you missed , not much by the sound of it . 


Agree with LGG on the use of epsom , won't hurt your plant , just don't use the whole box at once , but i didn't see any purpleing on leaf stems & stems

to make me think Mag , just going off the pic's 


Back off on the lacto for a bit in foliar & soil , if you can top dress with some castings or compost for re-inoculation , Great White will do the same if no castings

or live compost otherwise whats lying round your backyard that you think would have some bene's & worms , something under a happy healthy looking plant ,

try to get the stuff that's almost broken down , goldilocks , not the bottom & not the top  , although the bottom would be better than the top 


oyster shell flour would be a quicker acting Cal than dolomite , i have a bit of oyster shell , yell out if you want some


i'm thinking maybe just an imbalance in the soil web , build up of lacto maybe , going all lime at once is what makes me think soil life 

if pot was out of N lime / yellow would be from the bottom up , she doesn't look angry just lime green 


the deformed leaves can be lacto sometimes "i think" but in another group i hang out in i've been shot down if flames with a not possible unless spraying with lights

on or in full sun


Re-inoculate would be what i'd try first faith , & just check your water source , if you collect rain in open barrels , bits of organic matter & other things can get in

& water is the best at breaking  things down & incorporating them  


What cha think mate ?

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Thanks heaps LGG and Itchy.  I will give her a bit of mag sulphate and back off the lacto.   I have just watered in after re-potting so it will be a day at least before i wanna water again. 


Yes I collect in open tubs and let them sit for a day or two before I use it itchy.  I can see all kinds of goodies in there most times.  I just thought of something, I added a half measure or so of gogo last time...but everything got that and it is only this plant and to a lesser extent a small cheese  plant.


I have some really nice compost going but I am too afraid it would be too hot still.  Is it okay to foliar spray epsom salts? 


When I potted up I incorporated  myco to the directions...I guess just a waiting game .


Thanks again stoners :peace:


Faith :sun:

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Thanks heaps LGG and Itchy.  I will give her a bit of mag sulphate and back off the lacto.   I have just watered in after re-potting so it will be a day at least before i wanna water again. 


Yes I collect in open tubs and let them sit for a day or two before I use it itchy.  I can see all kinds of goodies in there most times.  I just thought of something, I added a half measure or so of gogo last time...but everything got that and it is only this plant and to a lesser extent a small cheese  plant.


I have some really nice compost going but I am too afraid it would be too hot still.  Is it okay to foliar spray epsom salts? 


When I potted up I incorporated  myco to the directions...I guess just a waiting game .


Thanks again stoners :peace:


Faith :sun:

I would do the Epsom salt thing first because due to your experience that your soil would have the right levels of nitrogen, potassium etc... Just needs a boost to allow access to the nutrients especially it's in flower. You could first just give a lite flush of water with Epsom salts. You should see it green up quickly. If not then you have other issues. 

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I do the same with water faith & have many times left 20 or so littler's in the bottom for a bit until it filled up again . i kept doing that , adding to some left 

this became a prob with plants doing strange stuff , i noticed the build up on the bottom of the barrel which was the prob , i still do the same but make sure 

it gets a regular clean / spray out , also i find the first lot of rain water you collect off spoutings a little grungy looking , i never tested it for ph or anything but 

i tend to avoid giving that to canna of food just on the way it looks & the fact i'm inner city you , lots of cars trucks buses ,plenty of diesel 


wouldn't have thought gogo juice would cause an issue , bene's , fish & kelp ,have you used B4 ? either way let's keep away from that for a bit as well



being a soil grower i tend to top dress most things & avoid liquid mag or cal or whatever just cause feeding like that unless pretty certain of your issue , can 

throw up a whole bunch of new issues or just not do anything , if wrong , but your thinking could be sound LGG & not trying to discount you cos you could be

on the money , it's a growers call , only faith has all & see's all unlike us in the gallery with a bag of chips & a comfy seat for the show  


i'm wanting the soil life to feed the plant & control the pot , i'm thinking faith is attempting the same 


if you added myco when repotting that should be cool , if she's looking good tomo or next get some other things on the soil , canna leaves , any green leaf herbs

you have round fresh or dried , Comfrey is a good one to top dress in flower , diversity is key hear , diverse food , diverse life , you want to lift your mulch layer &

see shit run every where ,


i still say she doesn't look like an angry plant , she might not be tomo but not today at least , see what the new day brings  faith 

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I do the same with water faith & have many times left 20 or so littler's in the bottom for a bit until it filled up again . i kept doing that , adding to some left 

this became a prob with plants doing strange stuff , i noticed the build up on the bottom of the barrel which was the prob , i still do the same but make sure 

it gets a regular clean / spray out , also i find the first lot of rain water you collect off spoutings a little grungy looking , i never tested it for ph or anything but 

i tend to avoid giving that to canna of food just on the way it looks & the fact i'm inner city you , lots of cars trucks buses ,plenty of diesel 


wouldn't have thought gogo juice would cause an issue , bene's , fish & kelp ,have you used B4 ? either way let's keep away from that for a bit as well



being a soil grower i tend to top dress most things & avoid liquid mag or cal or whatever just cause feeding like that unless pretty certain of your issue , can 

throw up a whole bunch of new issues or just not do anything , if wrong , but your thinking could be sound LGG & not trying to discount you cos you could be

on the money , it's a growers call , only faith has all & see's all unlike us in the gallery with a bag of chips & a comfy seat for the show  


i'm wanting the soil life to feed the plant & control the pot , i'm thinking faith is attempting the same 


if you added myco when repotting that should be cool , if she's looking good tomo or next get some other things on the soil , canna leaves , any green leaf herbs

you have round fresh or dried , Comfrey is a good one to top dress in flower , diversity is key hear , diverse food , diverse life , you want to lift your mulch layer &

see shit run every where ,


i still say she doesn't look like an angry plant , she might not be tomo but not today at least , see what the new day brings  faith 

Without proper testing of soil or ph it is a guessing game but go cautiously first before adding nitrates etc..But would try to ph the water correctly.


I'm finding my plant is quite magnesium hungry and needs quite bit of Epsom salts ..If I don't add it it starts losing colour.

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I have some really nice compost going but I am too afraid it would be too hot still.  Is it okay to foliar spray epsom salts


When I potted up I incorporated  myco to the directions...I guess just a waiting game .


Thanks again stoners :peace:


Faith :sun:

The box says it can be done :)



I literally bought these nutes from bunnings today so I can't attest to their quality or anything but it seems to have all the major bases covered and if it works as expected at less than $10 it would be worth picking up some for yourself too.


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Without proper testing of soil or ph it is a guessing game but go cautiously first before adding nitrates etc..But would try to ph the water correctly.


I'm finding my plant is quite magnesium hungry and needs quite bit of Epsom salts ..If I don't add it it starts losing colour.

sorry LGG i just typed a response & lost it 

Soil testing would be fantastic but a bit expensive & we can't talk detail on the plant we're growing at this point in time ,

which is not the be all & end all but would be nice to be able to do


In a living soil PH will be taken care of by the plant & bene's as it would be in a untouched forest , Jorge C Vid on water testing /PH , if you haven't seen already https://youtu.be/cz0myB7XXFA


As far as adding things,  for me anyway , it's top dressed , which needs breaking down & consumed by the bene's B4 being available to the plant

& i only use one kind of poo & that's worm , never had a bad response from using more or less castings , you can even sprout seeds in castings alone 

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