Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
My flowering plant became very root bound and fan leaves and regular leaves started yellowing and dropping like flies. The soil had become very compact... 10cm+ and so had to transplant back into the same pot (A no no in any garden book I know) but with 10cm+ extra soil placed in. The results are that these buds aren't that compact or big and alot of the pistils are turning dark in some parts (main head) but not side stems... The flowering is at approx 46 days... ...I was thinking of harvesting into this comming week or in a weeks time... around the 50-60 day mark... thoughts? http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/7941/harvestalmost002tn1.jpg http://img180.imageshack…
Last reply by llama farmer, -
No Diary this year. Just a first grow. Bagseed, have 30 originally, split it half and had 14 beans pop. A couple were eaten and the others were male so I got 3 fems here just startin to bud at 1 week
Last reply by eexpee, -
Worms in heads 1 2
by Channon-
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
G'Day peeps, Just wandering if anyone has had any experience with little browny worms chomping the crystal heads apart? They seems to be in amongst some of the heads, and these look a little shrivelled because the worms are eating them apart. Is there an organic spray you can make that worms don't like? I've been checking every head looking for them and killing them with my fingers, but that's a bit of a process. Will a spray taint the flavour? Some beautiful plants under attack........ Channon
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
hey guys had some outdoorys discovered this season so to combat that i threw 3 quickies in a bit late but there all the same.. the jtr x celtic cross is flowering pic 2 and very dd like the pic is the lowest lat that stands taller than main tip due to suppercropping the black kalis are still veging.. black kali is my own creation of female sesi seeds black domina xed to a serious seeds male kali mist atm i have 2 phenos 1 very sativa like 1 and a small squat fat leafed indy dom anyways ill try and update weekly take care and stay safe bil oh and last pic is a cs revege starting to reflower
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 5 replies
Bear with me as I don't usually grow my own, but, I had a few seeds given to me and decided to plant them in the bush and forget. I came back to them when they were about 4' tall, there were 5, and 3 were very skinny. I did a bit of homework and decided the skinny ones were male and when I checked again (a week later) sure enough they were clearly male - so I pulled them. A couple of weeks later I have found the other two have 'gone to seed' effin hundreds! Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing as they came from good bush stock, but what I want to know is; how do I know when to pull them and dry to extract the seeds, they are fairly hard right now? are they still femal…
Last reply by Morgaine, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi there peeps, this is a quick warning note, to warn people to not make the same mistake i did.... I very much try to keep to myself cause i know that almost anyone can cause trouble when u try and grow anything in your yard. Long story short, I essentially had visitors down to 3 , a friend of my partner who we helped out by letting him stay till back on his feet again, then some distant relatives of my partners showed up on our doorstep so we helped them out with accomodation as well. long story short about a year and a bit down the track, despite many protests, relitive had address listed as our place, then "allegedly" did crimes against the former. So the…
Last reply by 67Special, -
i hate waiting
Last reply by itchy, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
My dearest Wog shoved this in with her tomatoes and surprised me with this lovely.
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, i've only grown a few times in the past and this year decided to just grow some in my backyard (fuck it) and have one plant that is only about 2 weeks away from harvest by the looks of it (the other 2 arent anywhere near being ready) i was wondering if its a good idea to try and shock the shit out of it by not watering much as i'd heard this increases potency or to give it a good 2 week flush to get rid of this african violet food i been feeding it in flower, its really weird how this one is huge and nearly ready so early. This forum looks really cool!!
Last reply by mikeoutdoors, -
- 2 replies
Hi all This was from a grow last year. it looks like one of my plants were slightly retarded... i dont no if was due to bad genetics or something i did wrong...but this was the only plant that turn out weird. i have provided a photo, does anyone no what caused this retardation? Just out of curiosity. http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii306/proxyhole/P3110293.jpg Cheers
Last reply by mikeoutdoors, -
Ok peeps, Nittys garden has been toned down over the yrsbut is in use always. Seeds These are seeds produced by crossing a M60 male with a Bubble gun female severa grows but one summer past. The Male was an awsum polland producer and the female a stocky plant. I have grown these in the past and I believe there is a outdoor grow in this section of the past grow if youu want to go find it. oh ok here it is slackers Nittys 07 outdoor grow - GO - Some good buddabe for free Pots, Compost & ferts Coco in round pots stepping up from 10 g to 25 g pots - Fecken plenty .... just need to keep them well watered during the hotter days. Well I put seven seeds …
Last reply by nitram, -
WATTO'S GROW JOURNAL I started my Skunk#1 from PlanetSkunk bout a week ago and a few days ago I put in 1 Pineapple Punch X White Skunk and 1 bagseed, they all seem to be doin great heres some pics http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8310/1002763ks0.th.jpg On the left is PPxWS and on the right is some bagseed http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/598/1002764ph0.th.jpg The Skunk#1's live outside now in my secret mini greenhouse hidden behind a thick vine. http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6694/1002765fb1.th.jpg I was balancing on a ladder when I took this. It looks like the one on the right has no leaves but its because of the reflection off the plastic. http://img…
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hey guys, just thought I'd share a pic of my babies. Not sure about the strain but looks and smells yummy!! Hope you enjoy, I do!!!! http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y69/NiKKiBiKKi/DSCN2509.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y69/NiKKiBiKKi/DSCN2507.jpg
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I recently recieved 'Ruderalis Indica' and 'Ruderalis Skunk' from planet skunk. As i live in nnsw i am always a little paranoid because of the yearly choppers and raids. I was thinking that because the above mentioned strains contain ruderalis genetics and are photo-independant, would this mean that they could be grown through winter( after the authorities have finished hassling the locals) and still get quite good yields as they do not depend on light (or lack there of) to go into flowering? Also if the plants just needed a certain amount of time they could be timed to flower just before christmas when it always seems to be dry. Or i could always have a plant going s…
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
Has anyone had any luck in re-vegen outdoors......i plant in late winter pick at the end of november .she the takes a couple of weeks to re-vege then heads back to flower..i then pick in april but the frost gets me in the after that .This year i will try winter in a greenhouse to hopfully beat the frosts.. Look forward to your comments and criticism...I will post this years grow....dont excpect monsters i play with clones, got sick and tired of males putn there balls where there not wanted {dont want seeds}
Last reply by bufo marinus, -