Cannabis Grow Rooms
Information and discussions on grow room construction, lighting, ventilation and security
Large area requires light 1 2 3
by Guest Field_of_Light- 29 replies
Ok the basic plan is to do a one off and go nuts on a scrog...the dimensions of the scrog are about 4 metres by 3 metres...what sort of lighting would I need to optimise the grow area........ cheers
- 10 replies
I heard when they have between 6 to 8 sets of leaves..... is that correct? There under 36 watt glow lux tubes atm
Last reply by aka MR nice, -
- 16 replies
i got a hood with my light & ballast that was an 'ablite' like an adjustable 'batwing' one but was rigid & one piece( picture here ) . My grow room wasn't cool enough in the first run, it wasn't critical, but i wanted to lower the temps. So i made this air cooled hood and am changing my idea from an active exaust system to a passive intake arrangement. pic .......
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys Even though I’ve seen different seeds grow and smoked them from sensi seeds to xxx serise seeds and whatever. I’ve never attempted my own grow before. now that I am moving out into my own place with a room mate, I only have a 8 by 10 room to grow possibly a bit bigger then that so I don’t have allot of room and I am going to need to grow inside a closet space as the room will be my bedroom so heat is going to be a problem what can I do to reduce the heat off Sodium bulb’s in my closet space . Also is it true what they say about color fluro's flights in growing or is it just a myth? cheers Cronic
Last reply by Seeker, -
- 3 replies
last grow I changed to a 600w sonT-agro, for my 8 week flowering (from 400w sonT), its the only change Ive made, an I have doubled my output from a consistent 8 or 9 ounces to 17 ounces of dryed and manicured filthy Buds . My cupboard measures 1200 wide an 600 deep it has a light rail of about 700 an an air cooled hood, I run an air-con for most (not all) of the time as I live in Darwin woohoo Mozz
Last reply by wassily, -
When to change lights? MH or HPS 1 2
by Guest Field_of_Light- 11 replies
There seems to be some debate about when the exact time to change the globes used in the growroom. I am not too sure about this, I have heard change it every 3 months, change it every 6 months, and some that say dont bother changing it for a couple of years as the loss in lumens isnt really going to affect the plant....provided u start with a decent globe such as the phillips in the first place..... BY this I mean 3 months worth of usage etc.... Anyone got any ideas?
Last reply by wassily, -
Wots Perfect Fluro watt
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 9 replies
Sup guys i was wondering wots the most perfect watt for a clone to root at under 2ft twin tube fluro set up.. ? and dose any1 know if i can buy a 600 hps or 1000 hps (globe only) and throw it into a standard rectangle ballast..? "without me no fryin" and if so how much am i lookn at globes..?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 7 replies
I couldnt think of any where else to put this, but lately the nights here in brissi are getting cold like tonight I was thinking would it be benificial to heat the area at night? if so would a little portible fan/heater be alright?
Last reply by hydrodude, -
- 6 replies
Hey all I was wonderin can anyone tell me some good places to buy hps lights(ballast lamp bla bla bla)everything I need a place with good prices and reliable delivery? cheers prozac
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 12 replies
Hey all first post here :-D i have 22 9cm tall seedlings under a 400watt HPS how high should the light be from the plants? i dont see very much growth. There in soil BTW. Also please note i dont plan on finishing with 22 plants i plan on flowering only 4 maby 5 if the room permits.
Last reply by Tom, -
- 3 replies
i wanna start growin my own little crop of weed and i was wondering if you guys could tell me about where to buy the correct lights and how much it will cost me? i am all ears oh venerable weed gods*worship worship*
Last reply by pipeman, -
3 x 400watt phillips hps
by Guest elefunk_delivers- 3 replies
Gday ppls.. ive currently got a grow at 3weeks flower at the moment and ive just got my hands on another 400 hps ive got 2 x 400hps lowbays (800watt hps) and i was thinking about settin the extra lamp up..? would any1 b able to tell wot time in the flowering stage should i put it on at..? ive been readin around about adding extra light for the last too weeks to improve overall yeild has any1 tryed it? or should i put it up now..? much respect Ele
- 6 replies
hey, I was just wondering how much it would cost to run somthing like 3 cfs and a computer fan. thanx all high_hoper P.S. how many grams in an ounce?
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 4 replies
I am buying a 430 Watt Son T Agro.Yet was wondering if i wanted to use it for clones and that later down the track can i get a 250 Watt globe aqnd put it in it?.Or do i have to get a full 250 watt lighting kit?. Thanks
- 3 replies
how many lights would i need for 20 plants because ive got 3 would that be enough!!! soz 10foot by 10foot
Last reply by Tom,