General Problems
HELP! Whats wrong with my Plant?
To assist the cannabis community in providing you with an accurate diagnosis, help and advice please answer as many of the the questions below as possible including a description of the problem/s and how long the cannabis plant has been suffering along with any good clear photos when available.
Growing Medium:
Growing Style:
Watering/Feeding Frequency:
Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC):
PH Levels:
Temperature/Humidity Levels:
Air Flow/Fans etc.:
Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.):
Total Wattage:
Growth Stage:
Plants Age:
Cannabis Strain:
1,384 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Well, as some of you know by now, I have been dealing with fungus gnats over the past few days. Yesterday I treated with a pyrethrum drench. Prior to that the plants had been given three drenches with a garlic basil and tobacco brew. Today I poked my head in to see how my victims, I mean patients are doing. First thing I noticed when I open the door was that some, not all, of the leaves seemed to be kind of wilted. Having a closer look, it was obvious that it wasn't wilt, but the leave had curled down. It hasn't affected them all too badly, it's more obvious on my two bigger plants, B2 and WW2. I also noticed a wee bit of clorosis on the tips of some leaves an…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
my girl got some stress balls i have some clones of her growing now and my mate tells me that these clones will also have balls then. Can i give her something or do something to make them not grow the balls?
Last reply by Evoke, -
- 6 replies
Recently, a couple methods of how to send clones to a mate were made public, and in both it was suggested the clones be misted before they get sealed and put on their way. Don't want the poor girls getting dead for lack of moisture now PURE raised a point, suggesting mould should be looked out for. Especially seeing as the one method in particular (a very good method, suggested wrapping the clone tops in cling wrap plastic. I've only ever had one set of clones arrive with mold, this time last year in fact, so it wasn't overly hot. And I don't think the risk is overly serious. but it can happen. Anyway, I was just wondering if when preparing the clones for packagin…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
I know these pictures are not very good they were took on my camera phone, but can someone please help me find out what the problem is? i grow them under a 75w fluorescent and when its sunny put them outside the spots started on only one plant but has now spread to others, i was thinking it could be spider mite or some sort of bug attacking them any feedback would be great fully appreciated
Last reply by Radic, -
- 6 replies
My seedlings have not grown vertically in over four days. The leaves continue to grow but the stem hasnt grown at all. Is this normal or should i be concerned? would pictures help? if so ill upload some. thanks
Last reply by Roadblock, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey. my 2 WW girls are getting real big now... I reckon I got another 5 weeks to go at least. I been having a problem with space as they have only just seemed to stop growing in height! I put them to flower when they were about 300-400mm high. Well, they are nearly a meter taller! Was not intended... I'm growing in clay balls and have the nutes running 24/7 as recommended by a friend who has continued success. I had a problem on Sat of a pot overflowing, but had guests over so couldn't deal with it at the time. Instead, i shut off the pump and got back to it 24 hours later, 12 of which was 'lights on'. Needless to say, they looked a little thirsty, so i swtched the pu…
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi, Last night while piming my plants and trying to multi task plus feeling the heat of my 600whps I made a grand stupid mistake my sleeve got caught on a branch and bent it, basically bent it right back so I had to trim it off , now all the leaves are looking sick on the plant. Prier to this she was looking quite healthy and I was ready to pull her back to 12/12 This is my first grow so I have no experience and basically no one to help me. I feel totally depressed because she's looking like she's dying I'm guessing she's in shock but never the less I would like a professional opinion on the matter. And what can I do to prevent her dying? Thanks in advance
Last reply by Medusa, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
hey guys. ok so i am 5 weeks in looking at my plants very disapointed my big bud is only coverd in little tips and my orange crush x orange tango is doing better but not much. i really dont know whats happening they turned quick and where going good then from about week 3 till now iv been watching them do very little. i was thinking maby the heat this last week or so it has had my shed up near 42 for about 6 hours a day. well basicly im wondering is there anything i can do to hurry them along. and will they just take a bit longer or am i going to get near nothing do you think ? gnome.
Last reply by Radic, -
- 5 replies
i have a large female that i grew from seed, she has been growing big beautiful buds for 4 weeks when all of a sudden I notice these small yellowish leaves within the buds, you have to look closely to see them. there were male plants near here during the 1st 2 weeks b4 they were identified, i carefully removed the males at that time. could these be small male flowers developing at this stage or could it have been an abnormal growth period causing the yellow leaves? if they are male flowers is the rest of the garden in jeopraody? none of the others are showing this
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi peoples, A friend of a friend has been having a small problem with one of his Sweet Tooth 3 canna plants. He was growing a few in smaller (maybe 3 liter pots) and all was going fine, was looking green and fresh. He knows he may have left the STs in the smaller pots for abit longer then whats recommended but i dont think they got rootbound as there was they where looking very fine.. Annyways, he ended up repotting them into bigger pots a week and a halfa go or so, and all was looking fine, but after a week or so in, he started noticing the older parts of the stems (not the main stalk) but more the branches and leaf stems started to turn purple and and the stem…
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hi all, Im growing 2x beauties, 400W indoor, not far from finishing I have started to notice a few leaves beginning to curl and thin out (they may have just grown thin) and a couple of leaves are starting to get black tips? I don't know if its normal but a lot of leaves seem to be yellowing and falling off. Theres still a lot of nicely coloured ones and the buds are looking healthy, getting nice and thick on top and more turning up at the bottom I did notice a couple of little blue flies as well but theres only a couple in there and i have a small homemade trap (banana in a glass covered in clingfilm with little holes in it) which has got a few of the ones i d…
Last reply by rickyroo, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hey all, I have a drama... A grow tent that I bought has sooooooooo many problems with it - mainly light leeks, that my plants look like they are in 2nd wk of flower instead of the 6th week like they are. I have used so much gaffa tape it is ridiculous and the tent is going to the tip after this grow - but if I can manage to seal it up - will the plants finish properly with an extended flower period? Jimbo
Last reply by racingsnake, -
by biggerbuds-
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
hi im 5 weeks & 4 days into flowring white rhino and i just notice a few male flowers on some of my plants. i do not have light leaks, temps are good, i have slightly burn them with nutes though, at the moment im feeding them EC 0.8 canna aqua PH 5.8. do you think this is normal for white rhino? or have i got a real problem & they are going to go to seed. what should i do now, i have just pulled all male flowers off that i could see. i found a total of 5 male flowers in my space of 30 plants, there maybe more but i cannot see them without pulling the plants to bits. i think i read somewhere onece that some plants can give out a few male flowers near the end…
Last reply by Lollygag, -
- 9 replies
Hi guys, well onto the 2nd grow. I just transferred 3 4 week old seedlings into a DWC system using phytoflake as the medium with some clay balls on top. Since transferring from CFL 150W to the new system under to 600W HPS they have been looking really droop and sick. The leaves were looking quite dry too, and yellowing. Is this an overwatering issue? I have them on 10 X 30 minute waters a day In the pics I have given them a foliar spray with superthrive. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
Last reply by BentBuddha, -
- 3 replies
has anyone come across a problem like this cant figure it out thought it was ph problems first changed it abit but all the other plants arent looking that bad . . not sure what you guys think
Last reply by nugget,