Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
hey yall got a few babies bout one week old under the fluros in soil. lookin sweet but when do i swap over to the 400 sontagro cupboard?? dont wanna burn the little buggers. I heard the top of the plant should be around 20 cm away from the bulb... hmm
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 1 reply
hey guys, I really dig this site and are just startin off in the game and am thouroughly impressed with the knowledge and help that flows thru these forums. hope this post does not offend moderators im not trying to deal here
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 3 replies
I am doing some work on my microATX case that i am doing seedlings and clones in, i was wondering how often they like too be watered, i will be building a small flood and drain system that will just wet about 3/4 of the way up the rockwool cubes for however long is necessary then drains back into the res. the seedlings will be in a seedling try, the tray suspended over a plastic container which will fill too the level i elect too put my overflow pipe. I am just wondering how often i should set they system up too fill the container, and also i have left an area large enough too house probably 4 clones at a time next too seedling tray, how often do they like too be watered …
Last reply by need4weed3, -
soil question
by Gee-
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Would it be ok to use regular soil from the veggie garden mixed with blood & bone, home made compost and perlite? The only nutrients I currently have is Ionic. This is my second attempt at growing and I only have a small grow space (1.8m x .75 x .55) so I'm not after massive results.
Last reply by Radic, -
- 2 replies
hello i have collected pollen from a male plant and have it stored. my questioin is what is the correcr moment to pollenate the bud? thanks for you r help fuzzy
Last reply by fuzzy40au, -
- 3 replies
Hey growers, just a quick question about seedlings and clones, I have 2 energy saving compact fluoro's, both 100watt, one 6500k the other 2700k. will they be ok for raising clones and seedlings or too intense?? please give me some advice, i need it!!!
Last reply by loylty gets u nothing, -
- 21 replies
Hey ppl i know its a little late to start cloning outdoors I know its even far stretch to sucsesfully clone out doors But shroomy has some spare time on his hands after he finishes work today and even this week end to put together a little thread at giving cloning a go outside... he will be using cogs method so basically the clones will be cut from the mother plant dipped in water and then dipped in rooting powder and then inserted into a peat pelet.. come to think of it i will do 5 this way and 5 with rooting gel just to see if it make and difference at all.... there will be no humidity dome... and will basiculy come down to the surival of the fitest... th…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 6 replies
Havn't got the $$$ for a double heat mat, but have waaay too many clones for the old single to deal with , so... came up with this idea... Whats do ya's think? will it work? anyone tried it? major oversights? ???? I have everything to make it except the slotted tray (should have got one with the dome ) THC PS. oh and lighting will be from 2x 18w fluro's
Last reply by ~sawyer~, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Just wondering how many other people clone in flowering.... Out of 4 clones, taken from 4 differnet plants.. 1 died 2 are doing fine, but there is no new growth... they just have roots and color in the leaves, but no growth. This one was a the biggest cutting and i didnt pick all of the bud off.. I get the feeling thats where new growth comes from. So here is a pic Four week old DoubleGum clone taken at fourth week of flowering Cheers.
Last reply by everest, -
- 4 replies
hey guys the title preety much says everything i just started my first batch of clones and was wondering is a heat pad really necessary i got one started the clones under them but thought it was a little to warm in there so i turned it off for a couple of days not noing weather it was the rong thing to do so i turned it back on today the clones are still fine they were not effected at all they are 9 days old and my clones are in rockwool on a bed of perlite in a propagation dome and it was the cubes that felt a little to warm to me not the air temp so if anyone nos what a good medium temp is it wood be great if they shared it with me coz iv looked on countless clone guide…
Last reply by dirtyman, -
- 4 replies
Hi All! This is my very first post at ozStoners! A friend of mine have a problem with his Mango clones. They have been sitting in a clone-bubbler for approx two weeks. the bubbler has a dome on top with humidity around 70 %. The first two clones started developing small roots about 3 days ago (about two centimeter roots), and were transplanted in soil and put under fluoros (70/15/15, soil/perlite/vermiculite). after just an hour or two the leaves were curled and leaning against the soil (at "groundlevel" so to say). i assume this was the effect from the low humidity in comparison to inside the dome that they vere used to. a thin transparent plasticbag were fitted o…
Last reply by sunnycoaststoner, -
- 5 replies
well the title has nothing to do with it but, is she fucked or will she make it. what can i do to make things go better. my cousin is in terrible pain(has his card) and can't afford to start over again because of my inexperience
Last reply by John c, -
- 8 replies
just looking to see if anyone has ever had this happen? had 3 seeds in a glass, 2 cracked, 1 grew twice as vigorous as the first, come home today and the tap root is in the bottom of the glass. it's fallen off? how could this happen? it's been in there for 2 days today and i haven't touched the seeds or anything?
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 4 replies
i took cuttings a month ago and have had them under a clone dome ever since.there rooted and look healthy until i take the dome off.within an hour they are totally wilted,i put the cover back on and they spring back.why is that.(medium is damp)there starting to get brown spots and kind of soggy looking,im thinking mould because of humidity but i cant take the cover off.also i put them to flower a week ago and no sign of gender,when will i see hairs or balls.(ak47 x nl)
Last reply by need4weed3, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
I took some clones in the 5th week of flower, and they rooted last week (pics here) I'm not sure whether to pinch out the flowers, or to just leave them alone. Cheers
Last reply by canaman, -