Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 8 replies
Hi all, Just wanted to post a pic of a "friends" outdoor plant......about a month before budset. would love to see others outdoor pics too. ...thats all.... Damo the_great_outdoors
Last reply by nolungs, -
- 7 replies
G`day All .. In my regular garden I use companion planting , plant tomatoes with basil you get much healthier plants & better fruit .. Same with pumpkins & corn .. cabbage with sage .. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who would know if there was a companion herb to use in my other garden ?? Happy Houtch ........
Last reply by barefoot, -
- 11 replies
Can you give me some tips on deterring animals from an outdoor crop without using fences? I want to be able to spread my crop out so that they blend in, making fencing unpractical and fencing would defeat the purpose.
Last reply by gooddaysunshine, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hey all , had a most distressin visit to my ladies in the fact that they had grown legs and walked , all 18 packed there bags and moved , i would really like to now who helped them move but alas in this game prospects don't look good! so word of warnin " no matter how careful and discret u think your being there is always some 1 searchin for your plants " 1 word for them" Bastards" on a good note my later crop is still at this stage safe and growin well , here is sum pics , can anyone tell me what family they derive from . take care all and safe growin. bushy :angry:
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
Here's a picture of how a plant goes when it's exposed to cold weather, it is a Bubble Gum clone that was transferred form indoor hydro to outdoor soil as part of a breeding program that didn't work too well, all the seeds I planted turned out to be female, they still got seeded but by an unknown male a neighbour didn't pull in his yard. http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/ruinkai/coolgleamA.gif
- 5 replies
I threw some seeds in the garden 4 weeks ago and look what happend :-D i ahve done nothing special to em. They are waterd along with everything else automatically 30min a day.
Last reply by Mick666, -
When will it b safe to vege outdoors.?
by Guest elefunk_delivers-
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Ppls i was wondering from your experiance when will it b ok to throw plants outdoors to vege.. at the moment the days r too short and cold as we have all noticed but when will the days get longer again..? ele
Last reply by Mick666, -
Gout Tablets 1 2
by Kash- 11 replies
Anyone used gout tabs on their outdoor crops?I heard it induces polyploidy in cannabis like colchocine. I heard a woman died in Inverell from smoking some Polyploid dope a few months ago. Just interested if anyone does it , from here? A picture of a colchicine plant: http://www.overgrow.com/edge/gallery/685328/ColchicineTreatedThai.jpg Regards Kash
Last reply by Tom, -
- 15 replies
some budz have been forming over the last few weeks not sure how old it is exactly, but shes doing very well had some others but i sorta picked at them a bit much for smokeo, got 1 other plant thats is just starting to bud. this pic was taken a few nights ago i bring the plant in some nights cause its getting hell cold in sydney lately of a night. theres thousands of little cystal bally type things happening which is looking pretty cool the smoke is very fruity and strong i sorta picked at this one aswel
Last reply by SoDrysBro, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I germinated a couple of bag seeds round march some time, (totally forgot the dates), just for a little fun. Anyway, theyre doing pretty well, i've got em outside in a nice potting mix. The initial growth was pretty slow, (the weathers been kinda strange here on the Goldy), but theyve formed their first few sets of 5set leaves and seem to be growing at a better pace now. But my question is this.. I know the harvest season is at the end of April early May, so I planted them at the worst possible time and was wondering what theyre likely to do. Will they stay in veg all the way through to next April, or are their chances pretty doomed? thanks again
Last reply by B3nJ1, -
i would like to share some pics of my two girls, Sophie and Sasha... first Sophie, of unknow random seed, grown outdoors in a pot in sunny perth :
Last reply by merv, -
- 2 replies
http://www.bluegrasseeds.com/ubb/image_uploads/Dsc00353.jpg jrs
Last reply by johnnyreeferseed, -
- 0 replies
any tips on growin outdoors in brisbane?seeds or strains? earth or plant pot? time to sew? time to harvest?sum1 please help!
Last reply by big chornz, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
im moving to oz soon, brisbane actually, and thinking of growing my own weed.do you think this is a good idea as i have never done it before and am struggling to decide whether or not to do it.i no how to grow it but am wondering wot to do in australia.can anybody help me? chornz.
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
DucKs-FooT - 1 2
by sodry- 13 replies
gday just noticed a nice upsupsicous looking plant on http://www.cannabis-strainbase.com/Austral...ains/index.html ,just wondering where to find some aussie seed sellers to get some, or any links and info about the plant or what eva would be gr8. my lil babies are almost 4 weeks old outdoors growing pretty well will have some pics soon ducks foot is the plants name hope the link works.
Last reply by white_cluster,