Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 0 replies
hey all once i get organised(figure out rezizing ) il post sum pics but for now id realy like to see any pics of anyones sensi skunk or lowryder x blueberry as thats wat seedling iv got in along with sum bag seed and a few old family ones ive realy got to suss the rezizin stay save and hopfuly every one has a good season
Last reply by newplantdevil, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
hey all has anyone smoked or grown seriuse seed kali mist aperently tha ladies like the smoke of this one so id like to no thanks ppl
Last reply by XPATSEEDS, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hi all you wonderful people out there i would like to hear what you think of skunk these days, You see i haven't had any skunk in about 20 years yes i am showing my age forgive me on that but i would really love to try and grow some skunk as it has been so long since i have had any would love to know what all you wonderful people have tried and what you think of the stone its gives you.. You see the last time i had any it was bush skunk and it was coughie and ruff but the stone was wild . What i would like to know is, is it smoother now and what is the best high u have gotten from it. I have asked about different strains in pot and what will grow i am getting closer to fi…
Last reply by Hanky, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
here's a couple of pic's of my plant's post sprout in cotton wool. the one's in pots are in 50\50 soil and worm castings[i have my own worm farm & if anyone's interested i'll take some photo's for you] yeah just doin it on the cheap, old windows I scored and a fish tank Do ya's notice the difference in the potted plant's to the one's under the fish tank? or is it me?
Last reply by bushgrowa, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hi again sorry to ask all these silly questions but i have never used rockwool cubes and need a little help. I have got my seeds and found that they say to use rockwool cubes to start them out. Now i have never used them before so i have a few questions. 1. What nut do i use to sock the rockwool cubes in? 2. Does the rockwool sit out in open or does it sit in a try with nut socking it? 3. Do i get the Rockwool cubes that are covered with holes? 4. Do i put them into the potting mix before the seeds open or after?? 5. Will they work fine for outdoor growing? 6. What kind of potting mix works well with Rockwool cubes? ( you see i mix my own potting mix up most…
Last reply by Ozskyz, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi everyone! Got everything together for a hopefully FANTASTIC season! But I would like to know if anyone can recommend an outdoor growing book that is worthwhile? And for OZ conditions, no use reading a book written by a pom! Wantsomething that covers all the needs, Anyone???? Thanks :thumbsup
Last reply by F420, -
- 5 replies
Hey, A few questions, Last springs grow didn't go so well, (outdoors), germanation occured and they grew upsidown and died when I turned them over, How can I avoid this occuring again. Also, I am growing in a risky location(maybe i'm just paranoid) and was wondering what a good strain would be that produces a small plant suitable for outdoor growing. cheers, Sid
Last reply by Pickle, -
Outdoor season
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey champs, thanks for taking the time to read my post.Here's the go..... Im trying to decide on wheather or not to buy some seeds from a seedbank. Me and my mates are planning to do a moderately large grow for all our personal needs for at least 6 months to a year. I've only ever ordered seeds once years ago from a HT mag and they were shizenhousen (or however you say german for shithouse). I recently got given a sandwich bag full of seeds. Im wondering weather it would be better to plant the lot and pick out the best after a month or go with some seeds from a bank. Im thinking if I plant say 3-400 seedlings then pick the very best after a month or so I would get hopefu…
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
:yingyang how much sunlight is actually needed for an outdoor plant per day is it only 5 hours because i was told this on another site
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
I'm interested in growing some plants but i need to ask a few questions. 1. Can you germinate the seeds just in pots? 2. How often must they be watered? 3. How big will they get? 4. What does the soil have to be like?
Last reply by tomA, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Hi again all, Well considering the outdoor season is encroaching soon I though I might start getting my green thumb into gear and try to grow a shrub or 2... (and ultimately save me some coin) I've read all different posts from this site and OGrow, however hopefully someone can help with a few questions. First up.. i've decided to give Durb a go... from reading up and speaking to some sth african friends.. this seems to be alright genes to try for a noob like myself. Ill just pretty much put them in seedling tray and see how they go with just plain potting mix from bunnings. (Any recommendations on potting mix?) Also I heard that it's good to make a brew from B…
Last reply by Hanky, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Thanks everyone for all your help with getting and picking the right seeds. I didn't end up going with a shunk seed in the end couldn't find one that sounded good to me at right price. So i ended up with a sativa mix for the high and as a plus a got a free lot of blueberry seeds too which is the other end of high so i ended up with one lot of each kinds of high in a way so i am very happy cant wait for spring now. Thanks for everyone words of wisdom you made a hard job lots easier and now its just wait and see and fingers crossed i get some nice females will you all posted once they are in and up and going as to how lucky i am at getting females. :smoke
Last reply by Ozskyz, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Gday Punters The trailer to the movie is certain to make you drool (hover your mouse over the mj leaflets to access link) ... the drying shed is something to behold ! Green Goddess Tug
Last reply by GodsFreeGift, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
hey all i want to do an outdoor grow next season, and im going to start planning now. i want to grow thhe plants to about 30cm high in my hydro in the shed to about 30cm tall each, ill probably have 2 grows, 5 plants in each (different location for each) can anyone recomend some stealth idea's for me ? im going to be growing near some wetlands, but in some real dence thick bushy part. would 2 oz per plant be pushing it ? also, i will be bringing my own soil down there. which would be better, growing in big pots, or the ground ? what sort of bug killing spray stuff should i use ? how can i make my grow area stealth ? how long do plants usually take th…
Last reply by allhailthebud, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Hi i hope i am in the right place this time. I have question for those in the know. How do i find out what will grow and where to grow ???? I am so confused i have found from all you lovely people out there where to look to find seeds that i can get to australia but now here is the problems i have how the hell am i to know what will grow here and what will not, bugger me easy to say go and look at the seed banks what is the point is when you have no idea what would be best for where u live. No wonder every time i have grown have ended up with damn bag seeds as i have no idea what will grow and what will not . I live in queensland on the sunshine coast come on all you lo…
Last reply by Ozskyz, -