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Hi all, me and a trusted mate got ripped. Its a long story but we know who ripped us and we know where they moved all our ice and purple passion too. Their taking good care of our plants and have even put them in the ground. But their going to fucking pay when we let them look after them for us all season and rip them back. I see the fucks in the pub and its hard not to give them a touch up, but they don't know that we know so I don't want to tip them off by getting medievil on their ass's :peace:. But in the meantime I wanted to try replanting. I've never tried this late in the season as I've never been ripped. Can I plant this late in the season?



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thats so fucked man :thumbdown


i remember the last time i got ripped, fuckers stole the majority of my strains and only left me with like 3 plants from 12 :thumbdown i was spewing for days on end, mainly because i knew who stole them and the only proof i had was their shoes which were behind my back fence + i told the guy that i could get him cuttings and he would get some off me the following week, he never came round nor did he ever speak to me again...karma got him in the end though, from what i have heard, he is in major trouble not only with the police but about 99% of the people in his suburb from ripping them off, basically he has to watch his back 24/7 :peace:


i'd advise you and your mate get a wheelborrow each, go dig up your plants and wheel them into a new home, i highly suggest never growing in the same area as you did when the plants originally got ripped from....just make sure that you have a decent baseball bat, steel pole, pepper spray, anything that can be used to defend you and your plants should those arse holes come out and wanna fight for the plants.....


alternatively, you can go to your crop with a few glasses of water and take as many cuttings as possible, put the cuttings into the glasses of water, walk back home and root them like you would any other cutting....while that sounds pretty lame compared to thumping their skulls in, remember they stole your plants and revenge is deserved ;) once your home and clear of any troubles from the rippers, go to a pay phone, ring 000 and tell the police about their cash crop and how they were saying they would be selling pounds in a few months when they pull their crop...give names, addresses, etc. and tell them you will have no part in the investigation for fear of being killed and hang up....also mention that they said the crop will be ready in a month and are already pulling plants so if they want to catch the guys in the act, they better get a move on ;)


if it were me, i'd opt for the second suggestion...they get prison time for dealing and you get cuttings so you can grow once again...keep in mind that they will more than likely be used as currency in prison so they'll get a fair punishment ;)

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thats 2 bad bro :thumbdown


i caught a bunch of little grommys trying to rip my cali oranges from my back yard,

a blunt samurai sword and a "loooong conversation :peace:" taught those little shits a lesson. they'll never try'n steal plants again.


man if i were u i would go fuk up his house hardcore and take you're plants back. ;)

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man if i were u i would go fuk up his house hardcore and take you're plants back.


get a 600mL coke bottle, a 10 pack of matches and like 20 packs of sparklers....crush all the grey shit from the sparklers into a container, same with the red heads from the matches....mix the red and grey shit together, place into the coke bottle and compress it down the best you can....leave a bit of sparkler (atleast 5-10cm in length) coming out the top of the bottle as a wick and once you light that wick, fucking run your guts out :peace:


if you can find the soda stream carbon dioxide cylinders, put a couple of them into the coke bottle as well, those things blow up like crazy and will split bricks ;)


great place for that coke bottle is a fuse box, it'll melt it all down in about 10 seconds and then proceed to blow it to bit if you have a soda stream bulb in it....basically they'll be stuck without electricity for a week, maybe 2 and will set them back a fortune to replace it all ;)


just dont do it if they dont own the house, would be nothing worse then leasing out a house only to have it burnt down for a land lord so only do that if they own the house and ONLY after you get the plants back!

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But anyway, I've got some reserved seeds and I dont want to waste them. I don't want to put them in if they get to four inches and bud, thats gonna be a waste of time. Can I still get enough vegitative before they bud to get at least a few before the end of the season.



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