General Cultivation Q&A
General cannabis cultivation queries, information and discussions, growing techniques and propagation
- 12 replies
hey ppls just gone 12/12 grow pic back AK47xC99 @ 4 weeks front misty @ 2 weeks
- 8 replies
My seedlings are getting a bit big and the roots are starting to leave their homes, I cant put them in my grow room for 2 weeks till harvest is over. I have a 1/2 finished system i'll use as a bubbler and veg in this for now. I have no spare water heater and the water is prettty cold. Just wanting to know if the cold nute temps will do any damage?. Thanks.
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 4 replies
hey ppls was thinkin bout it n was wonderin once the roots r down in the res do ya really need the pump? m
Last reply by white_cluster, -
by Guest sabator- 39 replies
I need some help. I want to know what additives on the market really boost up your yeilds. By this i mean apart from your generally A+B nutes. The reason why i ask this is because the other day i went into my local shop wanting to buy some super bud I found out it was 150 buxs for 1L and i thort to myself...... Am i really gunna get a return on this 150 BUXS??? Then i continued to think the same about the other "additives/ enhancers" i currently have. IE CANNA PK 13/14 CANNAZYM. For the money you spend does this stuff pay dividends???? Now i know alot of you guys have expereince with alot of products..............The ones i would like to discuss in this …
Flushing Hydro
by Guest weekprik- 4 replies
Who flushes thier plants every 2 weeks roughly?? I thought you just flushed at the end before harvest, Do I just remove the nutes and cycly ph adjusted water though my system for 20 min?? what will this do for me?
Last reply by hydrodude, -
Growing in mangroves?
by Guest nick_milligan-
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Some friends of mine are planning to put some plants out into the mangroves up on stands above the ground in large pots :: , i told them that it would be too salty but hey, who listens to me. what do you think?
Last reply by Sadant, -
- 7 replies
hello all. I am 8 weeks into my current grow and my plants are doing fantastically well, this grow has made me appreciate CO2. As I'm growing in my laundry, there is a gas water heater and the results have been amazing, however my plants have an extremely strong odour about them and I fear it will only get worse when it comes time for them to flower. I have invested in an ioniser and this has had limited success, just curious as to techniques people use to stop the neighbours from enquiring about that fruity smell that comes from the room that glows. all suggestions would/will be much appreciated. Cheers Holyreality
Last reply by Sadant, -
here is a pic of how the ozco seeds are currently doing,, might post some pics of the clones we just turned later to... the middle one didnt come up,, but thats ok, that seed had a dint in it, we will just plant another one Thanks Ozco!!
Last reply by Sadant, -
- 4 replies
greetings to you all , i'm bac again after a long absence . i been busy ...hehehe i finally got things up and going and will get sum pics 4 you all to have a wee peek at . alas i'm on my lunch break so please bare with me for a couple more hours till my sentence is finished . 8ltr friends bushy
Last reply by BlackBeauty, -
- 7 replies
I was having a summitt the other day with fellow stoners, when we got onto the subject of using shopping trolleys in the grow area for various functions..the list seemed to be endless. Can you think of any ideas? Because for the life of me..I cant seem to remember any of the ones I thought of. :: Regards Kash
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 28 replies
Hi everyone, I'm new to ozstoners, I'm a Perth Gal. I've said hello to a couple of you already, and thanks to Luke Skywalker. Your pages on recirculating hydro set-up were priceless to me while I was trying to get my shit together!! I'm going to begin regular posts from tomorrow, and I'll be posting digital pics up (Thank god! Hate webcams) after I get my camera tomorrow. My babies are on the GO! I managed to score White Widow clones (my favourite!), 8 weeks old and ready to turn. I have a 2 pot set-up under a 400 watt Metal Halide, in a big, old wooden wardrobe. The double door type with a bit of wood between the doors, sturdy! Painted the inside with flat white plas…
Last reply by Chev, -
Flood and drain 1 2
by Guest weekprik- 11 replies
Hi all, Can anyone tell me if the plant takes anything from the nute mix when in the dark??? can I turn my timer to not pump nutes when its lights go off?? will this hurt it?? Also can I do this with my fan?? or should i just keep them on 15 min feeds every 2 hours as I have been doing,
Last reply by white_cluster, -
i'm running a recirculating flood and drain and my ph needs to be lowered from approx 7.0, twice per day. seems like something is wrong, what is the best ph range for this system? i have been trying to kep it about 5.8-6.1 i have even found it rise to 7.4!
Last reply by tigger, -
- 11 replies
These pics are for RobbieGanjaSeed , thx mate, coming along nicely, email me for more info..............
Last reply by Stalwart, -
- 0 replies
Well actually just maximum yield. Krusty Freedom Bucket System 1. Constant top fed nft 2. Seeper Hose in Bottom Bucket with 6" 15.25cm riser between buckets 3. One light per plant 1000w where plants are on all four sides. 600w between 2 plants. 4. Stages are Clone Pre-veg Veg and Bloom The layout above is bloom. 5. Basic layout of 4 plants with a 1k light and four 600w. 6. Root Clones in cheapo-aeroponic tub Preveg in 1-2 gallon pots veg in 5 gallon pots and veg in same just in different size geometry. Essentially ~1lb-2lb per plant is possible depending on strain. I will be back with more details later OG is so slow nobody has posted for a…
Last reply by Stalwart,