Guerrilla Growing
239 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
I am south west of Port Maquarie,if you dont use fences here,your pulling yourself to think anything will be harvested.I now fence of a large area wrapping six foot chicken wire around trees without removing vegitation(maybe 30 to 40 ft square)and dig huge holes to accommodate plants.I find it less visual from above,and minimizes visits by native animals due to substantialy less upturned soil(used to dig large plots to accommodate 4to6 large females)
Last reply by themistisrising, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
G day, Ill let ya eyes do the talking any questions or comments feel free....
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
No Diary this year. Just a first grow. Bagseed, have 30 originally, split it half and had 14 beans pop. A couple were eaten and the others were male so I got 3 fems here just startin to bud at 1 week
Last reply by eexpee, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi there peeps, this is a quick warning note, to warn people to not make the same mistake i did.... I very much try to keep to myself cause i know that almost anyone can cause trouble when u try and grow anything in your yard. Long story short, I essentially had visitors down to 3 , a friend of my partner who we helped out by letting him stay till back on his feet again, then some distant relatives of my partners showed up on our doorstep so we helped them out with accomodation as well. long story short about a year and a bit down the track, despite many protests, relitive had address listed as our place, then "allegedly" did crimes against the former. So the…
Last reply by 67Special, -
i hate waiting
Last reply by itchy, -
Ok peeps, Nittys garden has been toned down over the yrsbut is in use always. Seeds These are seeds produced by crossing a M60 male with a Bubble gun female severa grows but one summer past. The Male was an awsum polland producer and the female a stocky plant. I have grown these in the past and I believe there is a outdoor grow in this section of the past grow if youu want to go find it. oh ok here it is slackers Nittys 07 outdoor grow - GO - Some good buddabe for free Pots, Compost & ferts Coco in round pots stepping up from 10 g to 25 g pots - Fecken plenty .... just need to keep them well watered during the hotter days. Well I put seven seeds …
Last reply by nitram, -
- 12 replies
I grow out in the scrub and to stop roo's and other fucking cunts of animals eating my plants I have found that these methords work best build a quick fence out of sticks and braches take a piss about 1m radias arond my plants once a week tie tuffs of human hair around the stalks place a rotting peace of liver near by
Last reply by hulio2, -
- 2 replies
One of these could be handy. Was reading somewhere on here the other day that using an axe in the bush make a hell of a noise, and it sure does. HArd to explain when your excuse is a quiet bushwalk or something. But one of these might be alright. cheers rob
Last reply by G_M, -
- 5 replies
I found this ad today in the November issue of Blue's Country magazine I don't think 25 litres would keep my ladies happy for a month, but certainly a couple of weeks. I'll be ordering some today, so I'll let you know how they go.
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I was thinking of how to protect my summer grows and the fact that Poison Ivy done not bother me. I have rolled in large patch of the stuff and nothing happened to me. Any ways I know where there are large patches of Poison Ivy so I was thinking of transplanting a lot of them around my garden to keep rippers out and any one just walking in to it. Also i will tie down the ganja to keep it low and concealed. Any Ideas thanks
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Gday all Setting up a few outdoor grows this season of about 4 plants each I was wondering what sort off watering systems people have had success with in the past I am thinking gravity feed and will only be able to visit every 2 weeks at the most any proven ideas would be much appreciated stay cool
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
my very 1st grow! 1 2 3 4
by illmaticyo-
- 420 Crew
- 31 replies
hey everryone wat up? so as the title says this is my first grow and by using this thread im hoping to get some feedback on wat i should and shouldnt do etc. i am almost 2 weeks in to it already and will post up some pics as soon as i can... they are a bit sketchy cuz there of my phone.. tell me wat u think of them if they are a good size for almost 2 weeks old
Last reply by smoke p, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Hey everyone, Just thought I'd start a general thread for people guerilla growing in the '06/'07 season, sort of a shared journal I guess, and to shared ideas. Anyway, this year my friend will be growing 14x Neville's Haze and 8x Kongo (Kog X Mango, backcrossed once). The Neville's Haze are all clones, currently have 4 Kongo mother plants to take clones from, which are currently pre-sexing (clones under 12/12 flouros). He'll have 3 seperate gardens, 1x 14 Neville's Haze, 2x 4 Kongo. To water his ladies, He'll be using his experimental solar-powered pumping setup, backed up by a simple res/timer setup (just in case), if all goes well this is a set-and-forget operatio…
Last reply by s.phonics, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
ok a buddy of mine id thinking about doing a lrge outdoor grow around 1000 plants but needs genetics first off can anyone recomend a place to buy seeds in bulk preferrably 2000 seeds around a couple bucks a seed would be nice but i know just bcuz it would be nice doesnt mean it would happen how would you prep that much land for a grow i know normally you check the ph treat the soil and everything else but we dont have the supplys to do to that any ideas on a way to pull this off northern hemesphear out west in the usa closer to the top part of the country and when would be a god time to seeds them i was thinking of doing clones how many mother plants would i have to hav…
Last reply by Pam, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hey all again. I put my first lot of vegged afghans out last night, 2 of em both 2.5 feet high. I dug em into my patch, watered em in and this morning both have been decimated. Looks like what ever ate them only wanted the main stalks as the tips/cuttings have all been neatly severed. The thing is i have some other ones in the patch skunks and sativa X's that have never been touched. My first suspicion is Rats or bandicoots but not sure. Spose I could put a fence around it but it will stand out more from above. What to do?
Last reply by Pam, -