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- 2 replies
Hey folks just found this show flicking through the foxtel magazine Its a story about a couple who smuggle cannabis into Amsterdam to fund their dream lifestlye. The mag says its on at 8.30pm tonight and repeated a couple more times over tonight and next week. I would have thought Amsterdam would have all the cannabis they need you know a bit like selling ice to an eskimo? cheers roy
Last reply by cybergenesis, -
- 7 replies
Just saw a ad today for Today Tonights show on Cash Cropping Bikies. Saw glimpses of big buds, SOG warehouses, bikies gettn busted etc... I hate today tonight, aca... crappy journalism, pathetic stories and basic waste of television viewing time but this story looks interesting, thought i would let some of you know. Anyways have a good one... Ez...Mos
Last reply by sparkler, -
- 1 reply
- 1.1k views This video is a once in a lifetime experience of a British civilian getting a flight at over 70,000 ft. in a U-2 spy plane. The civilian getting the ride is the host of the car show Top Gear on BBC (James May) shown through Europe at 9:00 pm Sunday night in Belgium. The views are spectacular as the U-2 flies at altitudes which constitute "SPACE."
Last reply by redmg, -
- 2 replies
Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) Ambiant Intellegance In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 23 replies
Summary Although the media sporadically reports on major narcotic raids, the general consensus about the war on drugs is that small battles will not win this war. Despite all the money spent on drug enforcement worldwide, illicit drugs are still relatively cheap and widely available. Increasingly drugs are being viewed as a social problem rather than strictly a legal one. So is it time to rethink traditional approaches to the illegal drug industry? Countries like Portugal and Argentina are forging ahead with drug reforms, but will Australia follow suit? In this panel from the provocative Festival of Dangerous Ideas the argument is put forward that decrimin…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
- 9 replies
Just downloaded and watched the first episode of the new Family Guy season. Freakin' sweet! Pretty much the entire episode is dedicated to legalizing marijuana with Stewie and Brian singing a "a bag a weed makes the world better" song about halfway through which convinces the mayor to legalize it. Genius....pure genius.
Last reply by AlexWeed, -
- Admin
- 28 replies
I got an email today: So keep your eyes out, at this stage I don't know when it will be on, or what the angle is, but I will be phoning the producer tomorrow to see what sort of help they want. And to see what angle they are taking. If they intend to be negative about the legalisation of cannabis I will not be involved with them.
Last reply by, -
- 7 replies
The blurb: Ever wonder what British Columbia's most profitable industries are? Logging? Fishing? Tourism? Ever think to include Marijuana? If you haven't, think again. BC's illegal marijuana trade has evolved into an unstoppable business giant, dubbed by those as The Union. Commanding upwards of $7 billion annually, The Unions roots stretch far and wide with 65% to 85% of all BC bud being exported to the United States. Follow film maker Adam Scorgie as he dives head first into Canada's most social acceptable illegal activity by interviewing growers, clippers, police officers, criminologists, economists, psychologists, doctors, politicians and pop culture icons, to expo…
Last reply by sparkler, -
Has anyone seen the TV ad campaign that the government is running here? "You Don't Know What It Will Do To You". They have one for speed, X, and now pot! Here's a youtube compilation of the ads
Last reply by sparkler, -
- 420 Crew
- 37 replies
SBS one has show on at 8:30 Cannabis The Evil Weed go stoner
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 1 reply
- 1.1k views View the story here. Caught the end of it tonight by accident. Looks like they got in before 60 minutes too seems to be the same theme.
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 3 replies
this nutter cracks me up, sorry if its been up here before...I had a quick look and didnt see it. They say that MJ saves lives, well i reckon it saves more than we think!!...Imagine how angry he would be without his medicine edit: more "pills" for cappo!!
Last reply by ilegalalien, -
- 4 replies
- 1.2k views Check it out there is some interseting information here as well as some bullshit
Last reply by br3tt3, -
- 19 replies
Seriously, anyone seen that pathetic excuse for propaganda? LMAO who thought up that shit!? Must have been drunk out of their fucking skulls! Basically a guy smoked a joint at a mates house and him and his wife a driving home (him driving) and he keeping fucking up and he DECIDES TO GET OUT AND LET HER DRIVE and he opens the door and gets out and THEN gets hit!!!! WHAT THE HELL!? If anything that's an ad to tell you to watch for people getting out of their car. Or telling you to keep driving and don't get out or you'll die!
Last reply by br3tt3, -
- 2 replies
hey guys, i happened upon this ebook titled 'The Joint Roller's Handbook', it has lots of crazy styles of joints for the joint veterans to try as well as basic style joints for beginners! Heres the online link (i recommend downloading the 10mb pdf instead as this site loads kinda slow and has lots of ads) The Joint Roller's Handbook Online and heres the download link, its a 10mb pdf file, it should take no time at all to download. The Joint Roller's Handbook eBook Here are some screenshots of the contents page so you can see what the book has to offer. Live long and smoke well! Peace, Crunchy.
Last reply by Crunchy,