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You Don't Know What It Will Do To You

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Even though you prolly won't return to the thread funnyman, i'll try and explain it. It's not a advertising campaign that being run in the good ol' U.S. of A. But instead, one being run by the Australian Government, with national coverage. As you can see it's quite pathetic 'n poorly thought out, and all it's trying to achieve is to "Dumb Down" the citizens of Australia.


I must admit, i do like the slogan. Because it can be adapted to anything...



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Yeah government and government run companies.


Did you make that indycar? we should make a shitload of them and get all members to post em up ahha.


I just found the poster I put my poster on top of was taken down (my poster and the original) and they put up another one right down my road. So I need something new to put up haha. Heaps of people go down this road.

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Funnyman Just thought id add my two cents.


I honestly believe the government would have much more to loose by turning the population off the opiates that they would gain.


Why did we go to afghanistan and what was the first objective?, it was to take controll of the poppy feilds because apparently al qaeda had been raiding and destroying the poppy fields that made millions but not for themselves. Apparently we didnt even help the people that were being terrorised by al qaeda we went in, basically ignored all the other problems of the people and tookl controll of the opium feilds that would make the CIA, the royals, the pope ect mega rich through heroin addiction of the people.


Just look at our history and what the our 'western' society was founded on..




A few hundred years ago the royal famalies made millions by forcing china men to become addicted to opium, and when the emperor made opium illegal england went to war with china throwing out their rightful ruler and once again forced their drugs onto them.


Same thing is happening today, except today u and I are basically controlled by the media through deception, misdirection and a fear policy meant to keep us in the dark..


Much harder for the government to make money on weed when it is so stinky, so bulky and so easy to grow yourself, also when a g of heroins worth more than an oz of weed its obvious where the money maker is..


Sorta went off topic here, sorry for that




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