Paraphernalia Q&A
Navigate your choices in cannabis accessories. Post inquiries and get clarity on products ranging from vaporizers to more intricate apparatus.
496 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Hey Guys Looking for some suggestions or recommendations on after market mouth pieces to improve the airflow on an Arizer Solo. I'm new to vaping, its been a little over a month now and my first purchase was a Da Buddha which I love. The only downside to this unit is the lack of mobility, so to overcome that I just purchased an Arizer Solo. Now I did a fair bit of research before committing to these purchases. I read numerous rave reviews about the solo and in them the only common downside was a few reviews mentioning the difficulty to draw through the solo. Being abit sceptical how hard the resistance could be I decided it was still the model for me. On first usin…
Last reply by doctor_nelson, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
So I've ordered the MFLB and would like some user reviews if anyone here has used one. From what I can tell it's one of the best vaporizers out there but I've never used one before so any opinions would be appreciated.
Last reply by yeswecannabis, -
- 16 replies
sup all, just wondering where you keep your greens in, either for smoking or storage? i have this cool little coffer that came with my dragon coffee table, perfect use!
Last reply by MrEasy, -
- 24 replies
Hi Guys So I'm ready to enter the wonderful world of vapes I do most of my toking in the car and on the go so throwing away the bong and getting a proper vaporizer will be so much easier to use and much stealthier. After reading and listening to reviews and researching I decided that I want the Pax by Ploom. Problem is , no one delivers to Australia.... I have a few questions regarding the Pax - Are different voltages used? If I am able to get one, will I be able to simply use an Australian adapter. - Anyone know of anywhere I can purchase one (found some on eBay but none that are reputable sellers and ship internationally) - Reviews, experices ? How good…
Last reply by ozbongs, -
- 6 replies
Trawling though ebay and found this Anyone got one / know if they work good? would be awesome you could have a normal size bong anywhere be able to help conceal the smell.
Last reply by ozbongs, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
I have finally decided to make the change from a metal pipe to a glass. I have always been fond of metal. I have always been around metal and never used glass very often. Glass pipes have become much more popular in the modern day, and I figured it was time to make my first purchase. I started online and found a ton of options ranging from bubblers to vaporizers. The options are nearly endless, and I was hoping for some feedback and help. I have always had a small metal pipe. It was easier to carry around and store in my opinion than glass pipes. I just come from a place where metal is the preferred choice for smoking, and I have always liked my little baby. Glass has a…
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 4 replies
HI all! Having a problem with my new Solo. I received it 2 nights ago, turned it on and got a decent session out of it, no worries. I charged it the next morning to full battery, then I used it quickly once that day to show some friends how it worked, no problems its worked fine for one small bowl. Now the next day (tonight) I went to fire her up and it wouldn't work. It turned on, it flashed on 7 to say the battery was full so I turned the temp up to setting 3, however it heated for about 15 seconds and then stopping (red lights stopped) and the blue idle light blinkered for a few seconds before the unit died. I put it back onto the charger and it went straight up to…
Last reply by doctor_nelson, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi, A while ago I bought a vapour star and after about a week went back to the Billy, as it didnt seem to work very well. Anyway, this week I am on holidays staying in a unit at the beach, so thought for stealth reasons I would use the VS , but bought a kitchen blowtorch, rather than a bic, to heat it up. I have to say it works much better, gets me positively smashed!!The problem is that the metal swells, or, the timber shrinks while I am using it, and it is very difficult to pull out the little metal thing and stir it up, etc. The following is back to normal again Anyone know about this issue? Ford
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Hello:) I orderd a 40cm glass beaker base bong 2 weeks ago from which is in the Neatherlands. After i orderd it I thought 'oh shit, am i gunna get introuble with customs? did i just lose $180 dollars?' So thats the Question... Will the bong make it past customs into WA? and if it doesnt will I get into much shit with the authorities? Any info would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!
Last reply by louise, -
- 9 replies
where do you buy the little microscopes with a light from that people use to tell if the bud is at its prime?
Last reply by Ferrethead, -
- 3 replies
up until now I've been a joints and baking man but I'm looking to buy a decent bong to try my inhale differently. anyone know of a head shop in Sydney (thats easily acceable by public transport) where I can make this kind of purchase. would prefer a shop rather than order online. thanks in advance! danny
Last reply by ozbongs, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
It says on Wikipedia a "Blunt is a slang term for cannabis rolled with the tobacco-leaf "wrapper" from an inexpensive cigar called a blunt. Blunts take their name from Phillies Blunt brand cigars, although any commonly available inexpensive cigar or cigarillo is likely to be used, due to suitability and availability. Another common term for a blunt is an "El-P" or "L", a reference to the El Producto brand. In the tobacco industry, a blunt is defined as a cigar which is wider than a cigarillo and not quite as wide as a Corona. A cigarillo that has been split and re-rolled with marijuana is called a blunt in cannabis culture." Now I know what a blunt is but there's some…
Last reply by NastyNoble, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
So I Discovered The Ultimate bong cleaner. Instead of bagging on it, Try it. Just once. You are so fucking Welcome. Stay Stoned friends x P.s - Thanks for the welcomes.
Last reply by Ozzy420, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, I'm thinking of purchasing an Agung Side Slide bong from OzBongs and have a question regarding adding extra attachments. I'm thinking of buying a pre-cooler and charcoal filter which all up weighs about 100 grams and as the cone piece on this bong is on the top, it might cause some balance issues. Just wondering if anyone has this bong and knows if this is an impractical set up? Also, anyone have any thoughts as to what the best bong set up (pre coolers, charcoal filters, diffusers, etc) is to remove as much heat and harshness from the smoke? I have pretty weak lungs and standard bongs often leave me in coughing fits. I have moved on to a vapourizer which is…
Last reply by Eddie_r, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hi first of all, I feel I have to say all these online sites for buying bongs look dodgey as hell( that's Com.Au) , only site I will consider is ozbongs because it has the molino mad scientist V2, it looks awesome and is affordable considering what it includes also this looks to me to be the least dodgey looking site( it still looks dodgey but I've heard good things) I want a glass on glass and hopefully with some attachments
Last reply by DeepSpaceMind, -