Cannabis Law and Politics
C'mon People! 1 2
by Chev- 15 replies
Hey Guys and Gals, Where's all the spirit gone? No-one's willing to do more than whine about our current status as community black sheep, and criminals. Except for a few members. I suddenly realised, you hear all about anti-cannabis rallies and all of that. But how many MJ users out there are seriously willing to stand up and actually DO something about this unnesessary prohibition? I am. Give me a time, a place, and I'll be there. I'm a normal person. I'm sure most of you are too. What's the worst that'll happen to you? ATTENTION AUSTRALIA: I smoke Marijuana! Woopdee fucking doo. Wow. So what? You probably smoke cigarettes (Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Throat Cancer). And…
Last reply by white_cluster, -
- 0 replies
A summary of the basic facts about drugs and the drug war. Best Overall Introduction to the Subject. Basic Facts About the War on Drugs
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 1 reply
Newest pics of funny animals, photos, pot humor
Last reply by Ferre, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Hi all, Just want some of your opinions..........There is all the talk that using mj medically causes patients to have an increase in appatite. Short term users find that they get the 'munchies' when smoking - but long frequent use does somtimes lead to the opposite effect ie - loss of appatite and weight loss. I know because when I quit smoking pot (not cigs) for a while my weight balloned 10kgs but now I am smoking again I find myself slowley loosing weight again. Is this due to us aussies using tobacco in our mix? I do know that there are chemicals in tobacco are meant to have a laxative effect - and smoking through a water pipe may enhance it also. Does anyone …
100% of all mails enter Oz are screened 1 2 3
by Guest Urbanhog- 28 replies
I was watching that current affairs crap "Today Tonight", they were reporting on the custom's new mail centre where all overseas mail enter Australia. They reported that "100% of ALL parcels and mails entering Australia is screened by "high-tech x-rays". Since the government made a new law that all parcels entering Australia must be screened earlier this year, they have seized more illegal products, mostly narcotics, steriods, medicial stuff like chinese herbs and animal parts, and dangerous weapons by almost tenfold. They seize illegal automatic weapons, knives and other dangerous weapon making products almost daily. One fellow even tried to import a live genera…
Last reply by happyherb, -
- 3 replies
i am currently trying to do some advocating in canada, the usa, and oz(with the help of bacchus). i will take your ideas about what needs to be changed in the current laws of oz regarding mj. we will then put your ideas on an electronic petition and send it to your federal government. give us some input on the current situation and what needs changing? we will get as many sigis as possible. the more the better. i think 10,000 or more could be conceived as a political threat to any world government. can we do it? yes we can! help us out if you have the time. let's get up in their mother f*ckin faces people. that is how you bring about change. thanks in advance to all whio …
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 37 replies
I doubt many people will agree with me but: Marijuana should stay illegal to preserve genetic identity. Those Dutch bastards have already stuffed up cannabis genetics enough. Because cannabis is a wind pollinated plant, There would be great restrictions on what you can grow, as the cannabis factories won't want seedy buds. I believe female only strains may be the only thing available to the public limiting the homegrowers chances for strain improvement. Also buying drugs off some hippy, helps keep money out of the hands of the rich. Sure it hurts the economy, but it helps keep that money away from the corporations.(for a while, anyhow) Many people will lose their so…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone could fill me in on the laws on MJ possession in QLD. I know they are a stricter state than most - but to what degree?? Cheers
- 0 replies
Thought I'd share this with ya, this is a thread on GardenWeb about gardeners concerned about the interest by police into their legal indoor gardening. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and the topic has turned to marijuana law reform now, so I thought it had become relevant enough. This is an international forum though, so most of the views come from the yanks. Still an interesting read, so enjoy! GardenWeb Forum, "Cops are watching my house, what would you do?"
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 2 replies
This is a story about a UK gov drug envoy. In control of so called drug action teams. I actually feel sorry for this bloke, I spose it serves him right. Guardian Article - How Britain is Losing the War On Drugs Heres a snippet, I was a bit high when I read this so it was very funny: If its not militaristic fascism a la the US then its this sort of incompetence. Just another reason why drug policy should be, if anything, a health based policy not a criminal justice one. At least their incompetence isn't busting small time choofers. SNAFU
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 3 replies
If you can find the court pages for your state then it could go a long way to easing the paranoia of being busted, the actual sentences rarely match the law here in Tas. These sentences were copied from the Tas supreme court web page last year. R v ROBERT 18 JUNE 2002 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE CRAWFORD J Robert, you pleaded guilty to one count of selling a narcotic substance. I must accept the facts as they have been put before the Court. They are that you were a user and that you obtained for other people on about four occasions a gram of methylamphetamine or speed for them, which you sold to them for $300 on each occasion, that bei…
Australian Drug Foundation
by Guest Urbanhog- 4 replies
thought share this link to see how they "think" and shit like that, purely for "reading entertainment" for Australian issues..... Australian Drug Foundation Urbanhog
Last reply by Tom, -
Australian Greens Policies on Cannabis Legalisation If you want to change the laws, the number one thing you have to do is get on your electoral roll, and then check out who has the best policies for you regarding cannabis legalisation. Here's some extracts from the Australian Greens current policies regarding cannabis legalisation. Source: Greens Policies in Brief Source: Greens Policies in Full
Last reply by Tom, -
- 1 reply
quote from an article i was reading about SA: "Marijuana is still an illicit substance in South Australia even though it was widely "decriminalised" for personal use by the Labour Government in 1987. That government brought in an expiation fine system where simple possession of small quantities enabled the police to give you a fine and no criminal record - rather like a parking fine. This "decriminalisation" of cannabis has served to stop the crowding of courts of stoned offenders of a victimless crime and makes an important distinction between personal use and dealing." I think this maybe the approach to take for initating the legalisation of cannabis? crawl before …
Last reply by phreaker, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on starting an internet Co for Bongs, bits and pieces. What kind of laws govern the sale of paraphenalia (sp?) and how does one set up a bussines website. Any help would be fantastic. Thanks
Last reply by BONGCHITIS,