Cannabis Law and Politics
- 19 replies
Just thought Id let people know about a 4 Corners special on Monday night 8.30 ABC, looks like more bad publicity about mental ilness and pot
Last reply by F420, -
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Hi all, Anyone heard of ways to beat a drug test? Apart from staying of the smoke for a month that is. My mate has to get one soon but is a heavy smoker, hes prepared to quit and wait it out before the test but asked me if there was anything that blocks/masks the test. I thought it would be interesting to hear anyones ideas about what they have heard or are they impossible to beat? He can get a QML drug test for $25 so we have a test subject So fire away no matter how strange it might sound.
Last reply by veg, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
The Darwin-based drug user organisation NAP formed in March 2002 to fight against human rights abuses faced by illicit drug users in the Northern Territory of Australia. The group is a real grass-roots network made up of illicit drug users, past and present, their family members and other community members who are concerned and angry at the current approach being taken to illicit drugs on a Territory, an Australian and a global level. NAP is a member of the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League and the International Coalition of Non-Government Organisations for Just and Effective Drug Policy. On a local level, we work closely with the Top End’s indigenous…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
I love election time So much fun to be had, I love the way they blatantly bag each other out in the weeks leading up to the big day. These big shot pollies that are meant to be running our country, are basically slinging insults like children at each other and going, 'nernernerner' :: It looks as though the Green party prefs could be a major factor in Labour winning, and Latham seems fairly popular compared to John How Odd So, fess! Who voted for who? And why?
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Long story short: I had my car searched, was frisked, less than 2g of weed and 50 dollars was taken by some guy claiming he was a cop. I did managed to get a number plate. Please help, what should i do? Should i be calling the 'real' cops? Read my little adventure below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, heres an interesting story, happened about an hour ago. Im sitting at home a little bored and i decide its time for a nice cone from my new shiny Agung bong. Near my house theres a footy field and i park on one side where there is usually a desserted parking lot (note, i dont go there very often…
Last reply by SmOk3y, -
- 39 replies
Hey people, I thought it might be interesting to see what wacky conspiracy theories people have heard. A friend (and chronic smoker) is always reading those "nexus"? magazines, anyway I was around at his place havin a sesh, when the news came on about Bin Laden's new tape, Nath started blowin his top saying that Bin Laden is just a puppet, and sept 11 was setup to provide a "platform" for "global control". It might have just been the c99 but I gotta tell ya what he was saying started to make a lot of sense. :yingyang
Last reply by misstress morbid, -
- 4 replies
i need some advice on drug testing as i have heard so many different opinions on this its hard to get the right info,im having to change my job and the new one im getting will require me to take a piss test ,so how long do i need to stay clean for and how can i speed up the process,i need lots of feedback on this please so any help you guys can give me will go a long way for me,i need to try and get clean in 2 weeks if possible cheers guys
Last reply by rjzon, -
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Media Alert 3rd November 2004 Human rights activists falsely imprisoned Three members of the Darwin based Network Against Prohibition have been released from Berrimah Prison after they were falsely imprisoned on Monday night. On the 3rd June 2003, after a sixteen-day hearing in the Darwin Magistrate’s Court, the NAP activists were found guilty of “deliberately disturbing the legislative assembly whilst it was in session”. The activists subpoenaed Chief Minister Clare Martin and other members of parliament who were forced to appear as witnesses at the hearing. The activists received sentences ranging from fourteen to twenty-one months jail, suspended af…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
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Today is International Drug Users Day, a day when users of currently illicit drugs reflect on the damage inflicted on their communities in the name of the war on drugs. All around the world, people who use illicit drugs are persecuted. The death penalty is still in place for drug offences in many countries. Pressured by the United States, many governments are adopting failed prohibitionist strategies in their bid to eradicate all illicit opium and coca production worldwide by 2008. The UN General Assembly made that pledge in Geneva in 1998. Immense resources are being devoured as nations do their bit to meet this stated goal. The United States Government is paying…
Last reply by garywmeyerhoff, -
- 18 replies
i cant believe the CDP (christian Democratic Party) they have to be the most dangerous political group in australia. There policies claim the greens are comunists, gay people are evil, youth should be controlled. They claim by making drugs MORE ILLIGAL that it will stop people using. They claim if your caught with a small amount of marijuna, a jail sentence is appropriate. They are a dangerous group of people , and i cant believe they exist, if anyone has any opinions on why these people have these policies i would like to hear it......
Last reply by banned_again, -
- 420 Crew
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Mon, 4 Oct 2004 A MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE MEDIA RELEASE ME...... 'WEED CONTROL' A BREATH OF FRESH AIR SAYS HEMP What has the HEMP Party and the Australian Defence Force got in common? They both advocate responsible cannabis use! "Press reports that the Defence Department has a treatment program called 'Weed Control' advising safer drug use such as eating hash cookies instead of smoking joints, is a breath of fresh air," said NSW HEMP Senate Candidate Michael Balderstone. "Is this in the field, we wonder? It might make our guys aware enough to evade those amphetamine fuelled U.S. fighter pilots!" he added. "Voters should remember on Saturday cannabis is alrea…
Last reply by Pure, -
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I was wondering if people out there really think dope will ever be legalized? The hope seems to be fed every so often by some politician, but never really gets any further. Not to mention that our "Brave New World" is a bit more inclined in restricting our freedom than improving it. I think the best we can hope for is a distracted police force and lenient judges.
Last reply by Chev, -
- 2 replies
These results are NOT final as they don't include postal, absentee etc votes. NSW Senate HEMP 19,159 primary votes (down .2%) QLD Senate HEMP 13,767 primary votes (down .55%) #2 preferences go to the Greens. Hopefully that will be enough to get them some senate seats!!!
Last reply by Chev, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
The NAPNT 2004 Election Message Available with links at: Don't Vote Introduction The Network Against Prohibition (NAP) is a network of drug users and other community members who are angry about the harmful impact of the war on drugs in all of its manifestations, on a local, national and international level. NAP engage in a range of activities including harm reduction activities with people who use illicit drugs, direct action and protest activities and an ongoing community education campaign to highlight the real motives behind drug prohibition and zero tolerance policing. Occasionally NAP engages in electoral work. Dur…
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 1 reply
Well life some times sux, I have to sit a drug test for a job and need to detox before I go to the test. Question does anyone know of a way to purge your body quicker? Some sites say it takes up to 30 days to pass a urine test. After the first test I only have to do swabs which are easy to pass because they only test for the hours before. Has any one ever done a test or know how long it realy takes before you pass? I been smoking every day for 15 years + only a J or 2 but I only get one bite at the cherry and dont want to fail. Cheers all Rob J
Last reply by nag_champ_9,