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A vote for the Greens is a vote for Mark Latham which means more of the same... just a different series of attacks on our lives. Mark has sole parents in his sites as well as young people who will be forced to learn or earn.


Wake up people... the greens have no chance of being elected, all you are doing is lending a hand to Labor. Anyone in Sydney dare to comment on the police state Carrligula has created for you?


Anyone in Melbourne care to comment on your new sniffer dogs?


And.. even if the Greens were elected... they support current federal government drug policy - harm minimisation and they will NOT LEGALISE any drugs.


For the real motives behind the greens see:


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We all know there is not much chance of the greens being elected, but in case you missed it, the general feeling here is people don't like howard.


We understand the two party prefered system and have faced the fact that we can vote for what we want and direct our preferences to one of the two major parties in the direction we choose.


We have also been discussing the real issue relevant to voting, voting in the senate. Realisictaly, the ballance of power is where we get to flex some muscle, limited though it may be.


Have you ever considered some of us can't afford to pay the fines associated with not voting? To be honest with you, even if you offered to give me the money to pay the fine for not voting before the election, i would not take it and still vote.


Stop preaching to the choir and weild you organisations power in a way that allows us to help you and as i said before with all the ignorant people voting, it is galling to see someone who has a brain, not voting.

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weild you organisations power in a way that allows us to help you and as i said before with all the ignorant people voting, it is galling to see someone who has a brain, not voting.


Agreed. I have the utmost respect for NAP, but I'm not sure what you guys are trying to achieve, aside from protest and get arrested repeatedly. Protesting and making your point is great, but I'm not sure what is achieved by being arrested and having your resources and time squandered in the courts, over and over again, not to mention your lives while you're behind bars.


I think it's a shame that you're recommending people to abstain. What does this actually achieve? By encouraging the disenfranchised not to vote, surely you're only making things worse? This is what Zero Tolerance zealots want - for us not to be represented, for us to remain a downtrodden and persecuted minority.


Voting is a precious gift, and I personally believe that every single vote counts, that every numbered box in our favour (Greens/Labor) in such a close election is very, very important. Please vote guys. If you don't, you've only got yourselves to blame for the Goverment that is formed.


Do you want cannabis to be legalised and regulated, or not? It's a pretty simple choice. The only chance this will happen, under the currently enrolled political parties, is to vote Green. The Greens specifically want licenced venues where cannabis can be used, for penalties for personal use to be removed, for a regulated intoxicant industry like alcohol and tobacco, and:


3.27 continued research, expert advice and public debate on the most socially responsible options for the use of cannabis including that of eventual legalisation.


"Legalisation", as in free availability and a complete lack of regulation, is simply not going to happen. When I talk about "legalisation", I'm talking about strict regulation along the lines of alcohol and tobacco and other medications and intoxicants. Our society is simply not going to make a mildly addictive and potentially harmful intoxicant available for children, or anyone, to use, cultivate and sell in whatever quantities they like. This simply isn't going to happen. Most people understand that alcohol and tobacco need to be regulated, and they accept them as "legal" drugs because they are not illegal, they're regulated. Similarly I believe most cannabis users would understand and accept a regulated environment for cannabis.


Not voting works against this goal. Recommending others not to vote, is simply shameful and counter-productive. Like it or not, we are part of a society here, and it is completely within our power to change our laws and improve the lives of Australians. I'm utterly stunned, but thankfully not speechless :D, that NAP are recommending people not to vote!

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Oops wrong thread.


Here it is, the Greens voting guide. Click this link, look through under your state and click on the link for your electorate and wait for the .PDF file to open (you can read .PDF files with Acrobat Reader). Remember don't just follow it because it's the Green voting guide, watch where your preferences go and if you are in NSW make sure you vote below the line.


Unfortunately i havn't recieved any news from the Greens yet reguarding voting in the senate, i am doing a bit more research but it's different for every electorate so you have to find the parties who have policies and preferences you don't want. A quick bit of info you might like: liberal, democrat, family first and CEC don't support legalisation of MJ as a party.




Also, here is a bit more info about voting Green on this page:




Fight the power, with the power.

Edited by Medicineman
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