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Christian Democratic Party

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The Christian Democratic party..well Optical Rush, I think Tom has it simple and right. A lot of Christians have forgotten their faith. In the time after the dark ages, when the faith of christianity was opened to anyone that could read, and it was no longer illegal to own and read your own bible; it was said that "the choirs of heaven are filled with sinners".


The idea being, that Christianity is the faith of sinners, who have no trust in their own ability to do good, and hold to the belief that jesus has made a way for them into heaven, in spite of their lack of goodness. That, in a nut shell, is Christianty.


These days, a move toward a more fundamental way of viewing things has happened. That is, people have put their faith in what they themselves can do, in means of "being good" and so the borders between christian, islam, or any fundamental belief is very gray.


The reason fundamental ism is such an aggresive religion, no matter what basis it is come from, or what name it takes, is that it places all the weight of entry into heaven upon the good deeds of the convert.


Anyone with an ounce of brains will see immediately the vain hope this has to be. Obviously, no one is good, hence, no one is going to go to heaven on their own strength.


In lack of anything to substitute, people who would normally have found themselves in a faith that believd not in one's own goodness, but the benevolence of God; find themselves with no where else to turn but to the "church". As stated, already way down the road of fundamentalism, and heading stronger still that way, with the Americanisation of the chirstian church. These people are filled with the fear of knowing their own pathetic selves, no matter how much they strive to hide it.


So, why do these people go about condemning people, when Jesus didn't? Why do they demand that people be punished, when the bible says to be merciful? Why do they act so stuck up, when the bible teaches to be humble, and strive to be "better than no other"?


The answer is quiet simple. If you live, with the scarey thought, that the actions you take, the way you live, seen and unseen; add up to the inevitable eternal destiny you have waiting for you, you're going to panick. No one deep down thinks they are "good". So when you know this, the next best thing is to turn to those who are what you consider "lessor" that you, and point them out. Take the attention off yourself. In this day and age, that means the public spectacle of law breakers and party goers. Anything that's in the public eye, and can be poited at easily, with no need for much explanation.


It's sensless, but it's what the human mind does when it's cornered.


I myself am a christian, and believe with my who;e heart, that if the church would return to the simple "treat people as you would like to be treated yourself" , offer forgiveness, not punishment. Love and peace, not judgemnt and anger..as jesus un-arguabley taught, none of this nonsense would get anywhere. Such political parties as the Christain Democrats would arrise, with their own agendas. They would try to masse votes by manipulating people's desires to live in safe, non threatening world, by fueling fear of the unknow, and fail. Because people's faith would be as I said, not in what they do, but in what Jesus did.


However, that isn't the way it is. As Tom pointed out, people have lost their faith. they go this way and that, and follow the next smoothe soundng voice that sounds right, and throw their weight behind it, with little thought.


The Christian Democrat party gave weight to the rise and continuance of Adulf Hitler, they joined forces with the Mafia in Sicily post WW2, to share the power of that government, and directly attributed to the power the mafia has today.


The Christian Democrat Party seems to be organised in a very loose cell structure, and so I can't say that the chapter that exsists in this country has any sypathies for the nazi party, or the mafia, or if they are diametrically opposed to them. But that's just 2 examples of what the political christain democrats have to their fame. Or infamy rather. They had their own agendas, they fueled the congregations of chriistians with fear of their own weaknesses, by literally pointing them out to them, and waited for the inevitable backlas. The backlash of taking it out on the people that they saw as "Worse" than themselves.


it's not restricted to the christian church. many people, when they see they have some weakness in their life, turn the pressure onto others, who's faults are more obvious..simply to make themselves feel better about themselves. Kinda like a sub conscious version of " Imight be bad, but I'm not as bad as them". And there-by giving themselves a false sense of superiority.


I have to stress again, this is not christianty. it's the natural human response to finding out one is imperfect, and believing they are themselves being judged on their actions. True Christianty is to accept one;s own faults, and accept them, never again there-fore, condemning another for their faults. This is amessage that is dieing in the chrch, for many reasons, that are just too extensive to go into here. But it's basically a loss of faith.


I remeber the very first time I went to a chistian church, they waved some petition in the air, asking everybody to sign it, and send it to ther local member. It was just before a federal election at that time too. I reead it, and yep, it called for the harsher encarceration of smokers.


I went beserk at the end of the meeting. I was a bit blinded by rage, and didnt notice that the rather huge attendance at that church were all outside watching me argue my guts out at the pastor and the political instigator.


They didn't know what to say. First of all, he says "Oh, you dont understand, we only want to imprison growers"

I exploded and shouted " I am one!"

He stammered I mean er um...dealers... "

Again I shouted " I am one". And I come from a line of dealers!" <_< (not anymore if any cops are watching)


I couldn't believe I had heard stories of Jesus extending peace to all these people that were law breakers of not just governemnet laws, but his own laws; with no hint of judgment, and here I am, come to hear more about this, and they wanted me to be stuck in jail for a bit of smoko! You can see the obvious conflict imediately between the original classic christianty, and wha I had walked into.


All I can say after some years now of myself being a christian, that they really are no releflection on the true christiany that Jesus gave us. They have a self righteous, rigid fundamental religion that could as easily be traded for any other set of religious rules in any other religion anywhere.


Christianity is a faith that extendas peace and forgiveness to people, due to the fact that the devoutee has understood their own lack of anything to merit themselves. This is meant to create a humble approach to life, with people not seeing each others faults, or life styles.


But you get people from time to time who raise up, and see a huge crowd of loosely banded people, and get the idea of getting control of them, and useing them as a power base for some selfish idea that copletely belies it's origins.


It's happened many times, and I can only imagine it will happen again.


All i can offer as some kind of good news in all this, is that not all of us christians are fooled by every clown that would try to derail us, and we struggle constanty against these kinds of things within the "church". It's tireing, but when I read threads like this, I'm reminded why it's important to continue. Not all christians go for this garbage, and it's probably more aggrevating to us, than it is to others. Not ony does it infuriate us for the same reasons as you guys, but it mis-represents what really is supposed to be quiet the opposite, and paints us all bad.




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There's something about the way you explain things Robbie that makes most others opinions pale into insignificance :bow

And no Niall, it didn't hurt more than a regular birth, I'm glad to have been given the oppurtunity to grow up with my faith in God, even if I'm not a 'devout' practising catholic. It can give a person suprising comfort.

I've got only good memories of my religion, probably because my nan was a devout Irish Catholic, God rest her beautiful soul. And all I remember was gentleness, kindness and more loving than I could handle! I only recently began to say my rosary again after she passed, and I can understand why she used to turn to her faith so often. I'm pretty sure she's got a gold throne up there, where ever she is <_<

And it all comes down to this: Each to their own What gives one person comfort, won't necessarily give another comfort. As long as someone doesn't try to ram their beliefs or opinions down my throat. I don't care if you worship a herd of goats man, just don't expect me to :P The same as I don't expect everyone to believe in or even understand my religion.

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i think religion is for confuzed souls ... people are looking for answers and some have more faith than others. I didnt grow up being pushed into religion, my parents let me choose my own path & i went down the dark alley into drugs, fighting etc at a young age ... I do admitt i did believe in god and one stage of my life but that only lasted a little while before i was on that dark path again.


But im glad at least i havent ended up like half the people i use to know, these days im just another quiet young adult not what they classify as a raging teen.


Im not a religious person anymore , just due to some life changing moments that have happened in my life. I play this life iv got like a game ... you choose your path thru life and it dont get anymore simple.


RiP = RESTORE the iNNER PEACE and " never let the game change you into a strange fool "


~ peace

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