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Christian Democratic Party

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i cant believe the CDP (christian Democratic Party) they have to be the most dangerous political group in australia. There policies claim the greens are comunists, gay people are evil, youth should be controlled. They claim by making drugs MORE ILLIGAL that it will stop people using. They claim if your caught with a small amount of marijuna, a jail sentence is appropriate. They are a dangerous group of people , and i cant believe they exist, if anyone has any opinions on why these people have these policies i would like to hear it......
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Well...... I was born a Catholic, and I can't say my experiences as a kid in a Catholic school were all bad. It's each to their own man, some people find comfort in a paticular faith. Religions that condemn things like blood tranfusions are just stupid imo, and yeah, some organised religion is scary. The Holy Qur'an is actually a very peaceful religion, believe it or not. It's just a pity that they had to be tarred with the same brush the extremists have. Now it's all one big bad religion.

The CDP can kiss my arse...... now there's an example of trying to jam your own beliefs down everyone else's throats <_<

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All religions are EVIL!!


Just look at the wars in this world, what is 3/4s of them over?? fucking religions.


I have a personal view that its the religions that are EVIL, I believe that there is a satan but those religious freak have it all wrong.

Its the BIBLE that satan wrote and everyonr that follows a religion is following satan.


Now we have political parties that are claiming to be christians or there for your family like family first etc.


What a bloody joke, they are more interested in breaking families up, as long as they carry this bullshit veiws on MJ.

I use MJ for medical and recreational reasons, and those of you who remember me under another nickname will back this. When im using the LEGAL presciption drugs well im a fuckhead, I get on with nobody, I abuse people for no reason, I dont like to spend time with my kids or wife. I argue with anyone over anything. I cant think, I cant sleep and somedays I cant even get out of bed. not to mention the extream pain that I feel when im not smoking.


When Im smoking im easy to get on with, im freindly I enjoy my family and my kids, I take the kids to school, pick them up again and do alot of stuff together eg- trail bike riding, parks etc.

I get compliment letters at work, im just a happy fellow that is in a bit of pain but can deal with it. The mj helps in many many different ways where the drs meds dont do half of this shit.


SO at the end of the day because of this iam a criminal and deserve to be in jail away from my wife and kids??


Oh not to mention who the main pedofiles always turn out to be religious, usually catholic ministers, preists etc.


religion is EVIL I tell ya!! :reallyexcited:

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ill just add another bit, i was also brought up a a christian, i attended private schools and i never took part in relegious ceremonies, in my diary the school rules said respect all opinions, they didnt respect mine so, what can i say, typical christian hypocracy, i agree ferengi all religions are bullshit, your born you die, you turn back into dirt , end of story, your brain ceces to work , we are just like any other animal, thats my opinion ne way!!




ps relegion causes more harm then good

Edited by OpticalRush
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if anyone has any opinions on why these people have these policies i would like to hear it......


Fred Niles was so ugly that he couldnt even get a root when he drugged young boys, so he decided to end all fun for everyone....He is an extreme closet homosexual who beats off everynight rubbing the likeness of jesus's muscular body on the crucifix in his church... He hates all homosexuals because of extreme jealousy, poor virgin Freddy....But his hatred of homosexuals is all surface... He just wants to send more marijuana smoking young boys to jail so he can increase his collection of gay prison-sex tapes he obtains from insiders... he likes to focus on young male marijuana smokers cos we have a tendency to look like his dream-lover jesus....theres ya reason....

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I was born and raised as a catholic too. I took the sacraments and i tried to learn about the catholic perspective.


Around the time i was going to be anointed, no one would answer my questions. I didn't know why i was being anointed for a start, but there were many other discrepancies i wanted cleared up and no one could give me an answer apart from "because it is! now stop arguing it's blasphemous". I didn't want to be anointed after that but i was forced.


Years later i found my own answers to my questions and funily enough it was through a christian preist who was a bit 'wacky' but understood what i wanted to know and why.


Suffice it to say i knew the answers all along and that is why i had my 'crisis of faith" but at the time the people who were in charge of my spiritual guidance were ignorant of the concerns so many of us have. My shepherds left me alone.


In the end, my conclusions lead me to believe as i do, i believe in personal faith not organised religion. A preist, a church or a religion are no substitue for beliefs and good deeds. Some call it karma.


Although i am not gay, one of the things the catholic church has done in recent years has just proved (for me) that i was right to follow my own common sense and moral judgement. In the catholic school i was educated in, i learned 'to forgive' (although i do not see any reason to forgive a gay person until they commit a real sin), but i have to ask, "Where is the forgivness of the religion that is supposed to be my spiritual guide? If i sin will i be forgiven as the catholic church forgives the gay person?" If so, that is a scary thought and not much more than i expect from a religion that left me alone to fend for my own spirituality.


I have more personal issues with organised religion than the catholic church's lack of forgiveness for 'misguided souls', but as the catholic church is so quick to cast that first stone, i will stay well out of their throwing range and follow the my own moral code in my own way.


My faith is mine to believe as i wish, as is anyones, if that is a sin, then i fear for my soul.


The big question is, can i fogive the ignorant who left me as a babe in the woods and now seek to turn my path to their's because they are the only ones who know the 'truth'? The answer? I guess i can forgive the individuals but not the mighty beast that spawns them.

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