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I was wondering if people out there really think dope will ever be legalized? The hope seems to be fed every so often by some politician, but never really gets any further. Not to mention that our "Brave New World" is a bit more inclined in restricting our freedom than improving it. I think the best we can hope for is a distracted police force and lenient judges.
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I personally feel that it will never happen.

Possibly because they did the same thing with alcohol and now look at all the cases where alcohol is costing the taxpayer money.


I reakon it will be worst under a decriminilastion and im damn sure they wont actually make the stuff legal.


If anything is to happen, more people need to voice their opinions publically.

people and places like-

Brash, Niall www.marijuanaaustraliana.net are really our only hope, these guys are doing the hard yards for US! and I applaud them as such.

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I agree with what you guys are saying in a way. Personally i think its possible for legalization to take place but i wouldnt give something like that a timeframe. People do need to come together about the issue, much like what this forum is about. I think one has to be more open about ones choice to smoke, to give others a better understanding.

I guess we do have the option is to vote, might as well make it Greens :reallyexcited:

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yes it will defintaly be legalized just like all the other drugs. The drug war will end, but its gonna take a long time for our soiety to accepted it. In marijuana case there have been great strides in the legalized movement, alot of U.S states have decriminlized it, and Alaska is about to go to the polls on where to regulate and legalized it! And from what ive read its looking like we'll win.
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I believe it's inevitable, it's only a question of when.


I'm giving it a 10-15 year timeframe at the moment, based on progress in Canada and in the last month the USA, upcoming challenges to the UN treaties from the Radical Transnationalist Party (I think that's what they're called) and the debate that is coming in 2008 when the treaties progress(!) is reviewed, and the Greens unwavering support for common sense drug policies and regulation over prohibition.


I think everyone has to ask themselves, do I want cannabis to be legal? If you do, then do everything you can to help speed it up. You may only have an hour or two each month, but it all adds up if everyone lends a hand. Talk to your family and friends, write letters to your State's newspapers supporting drug law reform, enter into social debates on drug policy and regulation as you come across them, change people's minds with calm, rational debate... one person at a time. Talk to your local MPs, vote for The Greens, hell join the Greens and volunteer some free time to help get them elected in your next State election.


As a community, we're laughably disorganised. If we were serious, we'd be getting in touch with each other to act in unity, setting up State chapters of NORML, Australian magazines, Political parties, engaging our opponents in debate, representing our community in a positive light wherever we can.


It only takes a few people. Vancouver has achieved something truly amazing over the last 10 years because of a small group of dedicated people. California is asserting their sovereign rights, and winning, in the US Supreme Court. Belgium decriminalised, Spain decriminalised, Switzerland almost legalised, Jamaica is contemplating decrim.... WA just decriminalised, of a sort... It's happening all around us, right now, these are the exciting years.


It's just going to take time, and effort.


Will it be "legal" as in freely available for anyone to grow and use as much as they like, children included? No, I don't think so. Will it be regulated, along the lines of alcohol and tobacco but within its own particular framework? Most definitly. Look at how many people are using now - figures just came out of Victoria today that 2 in 3 young adults used cannabis in the last 12 months, 79 per cent of young

adults would not think worse of someone who had used cannabis, 61 per cent thought cannabis use tolerable or acceptable. Now I'm personally not too pleased that people are taking up cannabis at a young age, we seem to be attracting younger and younger people each year, but think about it. Under one of the strictest regimes of prohibition in the world, our community is growing rapidly.


At what point will we be in the majority? At what point will the majority agree that these laws are counter-productive and more harmful than cannabis itself? Soon, that's when. If we get our shit together, one day, then we could speed this process up by using the tools that we have available to us - the media (newspapers, TV, magazines, the Internet, talkback radio), our existing skills (some of us are graphic designers, others website programmers, others are good with people, others can write really well, others are good at budgeting and keeping finances in order, some of us are lawyers or have legal knowledge), but above all each other, we're one of the most prevalent sub-classes in modern society, we're everywhere!


If we really did want it to be legal, it already would be (in my opinion). We just need people to lend a hand, that's really all there is to it. Sadly, I can't find those people.

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Great post niall, I agree. The majority of Australians would favor decrimilisiation, the problem is getting us to voice our opinion in a way that the pollies/media cant ignore. Americans have a much firmer grasp on their "freedom" and are passionate in defending it. I dont think we are qiute as passionate(She''ll be right, mate!), and that reflects in the media. What we need is a few more people like yourself.



And maybe we can stop em from raising the price of L.P.G at the same time!!! :D

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