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I got robbed today, heres the story

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Long story short:


I had my car searched, was frisked, less than 2g of weed and 50 dollars was taken by some guy claiming he was a cop. I did managed to get a number plate. Please help, what should i do? Should i be calling the 'real' cops?


Read my little adventure below.






Ok, heres an interesting story, happened about an hour ago.


Im sitting at home a little bored and i decide its time for a nice cone from my new shiny Agung bong. Near my house theres a footy field and i park on one side where there is usually a desserted parking lot (note, i dont go there very often). Well i park and start loading my cone when a car reverses next to me and out come this huge dude, in plain clothes, says hes a police officer from this area, etc.


He asks what im doing there, tells me to get out of the car. Reaches into my car and takes my tin where i had two 1/2 full gram bags. At this point im still shitting bricks because i actually think he's a cop. Tells me to get out. Frisks me, pulls out my wallet, gingerly pops my 50 into his pocket and says he can arrest me for a trafficable amount of 'dope' as he put it. Confiscates my tasty stash.


Gives me a lecture on how drugs can ruin your life, and how his son is on heroin... BOOOO McFucking HOOOOOOOO. mind you, this twit is only in his late 20s, so if his 'kid' was on H he would be no less than 12 years old.


Bless his heart... he says he'll let me go, but only this time (in a serious voice). Naturally i asked to see his badge, so he changes his tone of voice and tells me he wants my parents numbers, says if i want proof im going to the cop shop. Says he could take me down to the ground and mess me up, but 'i'll let you go this time' tsk tsk tsk. what a fcuking tool.


Im not a big guy, im 5'7 rather skinny and 19. This guy was 6'2 and was built. Im not fighting him, especially at this point i didnt know what to think. I jumped in my car and drove off slowly, to try and at least get his rego. - What do u know, he's squatting down and pretending to fix his rego plate, so i couldnt see it.


I wanted to go around the corner and wait for his car, as i went up the road to do U turn and hide my car somewhere he flew off in the other direction.


I searched for his car about 15minutes, just around the suburb. (you can only imagine what i had planned for him). Finally after racing around i saw him at some traffic lights, got his rego and tried to tail him. He clearly saw i was following and did a runner. I lost him in traffic after only 10minutes chasing the scum.


Now i am here. and i need advice.

I need to know what i can do to get him back. Like i said, i have the rego, i know what kind of car it is. But i am way way too pissed off to think straight.

Edited by lsd
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He asks what im doing there, tells me to get out of the car. Reaches into my car and takes my tin where i had two 1/2 full gram bags. At this point im still shitting bricks because i actually think he's a cop. Tells me to get out. Frisks me, pulls out my wallet, gingerly pops my 50 into his pocket and says he can arrest me for a trafficable amount of 'dope' as he put it. Confiscates my tasty stash.


Live and learn mate, that's about all you can do. At least you got his rego, hang onto it, cool off, and if you want to take it further I'd go make a complaint and don't mention your pot. He assaulted you, stole from you, impersonated a Police Officer, left the scene of a crime and is now in possession of illicit drugs :devilred: If you want to press charges he is in serious shit, but you might need a witness. Worst-case scenario is they will look into it and send someone around to give him a good scare, then he comes back and beats the shit out of you because he knows where you live...


At least you weren't beaten and it wasn't a real cop, you're down a bit of cash and some pot, but you've probably learnt something. Keep your doors locked and your windows up, and never get out of your car if you feel intimidated. Ask for ID first, his name and badge number and that you'd like to call in to confirm he is a cop. And don't smoke pot in public imho B)

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I guess you guys are right, i didnt lose much and it could have been worse. But i had to vent somewhere where id be understood u know B)

Though im usually a pacifist and wouldnt harm a fly, if i do stumble on his address by chance ill be doing more than 50 bucks damage.

Before i take any drastic measures im calling up the cops 2moro confidentially and i'll ask what i can do. :devilred:


-and no im not afraid of getting beat up by this turd

Edited by lsd
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Don't believe anybody without solid proof dude !


Don't ever believe a cop dude !


Even they steal, lie and cheat !


I have personally witnessed it on more than one occasion !


Allways get a badge number and a rego number - write em down !


And for fucks sake be more carefull with your stash and where you smoke it eh !

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if u ever get pulled over by some1 in plain clothes saying they are a cop, ask for a badge and if they dont produce 1 stay in the car...think its law that if a police offer intends on doing anything with a civilian they have to produce evidence of who they are upon request.....


now what i would do is get ring the police, say that this cunt bags car is transporting herion and guns and then give them a description and the number plates + a description of him...let him find out first hand what u went through :thumbsup ofcourse his experience will be worse as they will tear about the car and even if they dont find anything, they are likely to impound it on him :devilred:


IMO he was just a scum cunt who knew what u were upto and he thought if he acted like a cop he might be able to get ya stash + any cash :thumbdown and since it worked with u, it wouldnt suprise me if he has been doing this for a long time....like dont get me wrong normal cops will steal any stash and cash u got lying about too but what happened to u sucked ass and i would torch the fuckers car if i ever ran into him again :whistling


BTW, wtf were u doing smoking in public for starters and secondly without some1 else? sounds totally weird to me as smoking by yaself is boring as (atleast it goes further :thumbsup ) and smoking in public is illegal + smoking next to a park is a big no no with all the kids around, etc.....play it safe and toke indoors :smoke

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Imo if you wanna get the cunt back make a few calls complaining about neg driving , selling drugs to kids , asking in a suspiciou sor "terrorist " like way

I mean the list is endless and with enough complaints on the guy he will get red flagged and pulled over all the time , imo the dude wasn't a cop because after following him a real cop would have taken you in for harrasment pluss once a police officer identifies him or herself they are required to show their badge if requested

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give the pigs a whole load of shit about how he was hired by afghani terrorists to sell their weed to the kids of australia that is laced with a biochemical hazard B) also mention everything u know about him and shit like that and in no time that fucker will be stuck in a gaol for 2 weeks without rights because of the new laws in place :thumbsup


alternatively u could buya bit of coke/herion...mix with glucose in a big ass bag and plant it in his car and "warn the police" of a traficking attempt ::devilred::

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