Cannabis Law and Politics
- 5 replies
Hi all, was just wading through a few pages of links when I clicked on this one to the Commonwealth Government, Department of Health and Ageing Looks like a report into cannabis policy by a bunch of uni qualified legal arena consultants, lawyers etc, financed by you and I. Looks like it was tabled 2004 In particular chapter 4(Dutch approach vs US approach) is very interesting, as well as Chapter7(Conclusion) and also the chapter on Medicinal Use, actually sheds some light on an easy way for the government to legislate for medicinal use and still meet it's obligations to archaic international treaties. Actual…
Last reply by 67Special, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
So how many people have actually died from smoking dope? I haven't heard of any 100% certain fatalities myself but one book I read alleged that Bruce Lee died from a rare allergic reaction. He was quite a dope fiend apparently. Him and his mate Steve McQueen who used to tear down Hollywood boulevard in his sports car. Bruce is quoted as saying that sitting in the passenger seat of that car was the scariest thing he ever did. Dope is incarcenogenic like Tobacco but I've never heard of any cancer cases. Millions die from the Governments favourite taxable legal drug so why dope hasn't been shown to cause similar effects on health beats the hell out of me. I'm sure the proh…
Last reply by Mugwort, -
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Forgot I even had this book but it's such a long winded pile of numbers and graphs and psycho babble that after flicking through a few pages again it's not hard to see why. It highlights that pollies have had favourable info on pot for some time This thing is 157 A4 pages thick so it will take me a while to wade back through it, but here are a few items, Chapter 2 The Background to Cannabis Page 9, Table 1.1 Summary of Inquiries British East India Hemp Commission 1893-94 Findings; Cannabis use more extensive than believed, and effects less than feared. Use not linked to insanity or crime. Excessive use weakens constitution and increases susceptibility to d…
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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Here's a gem from those dimwits known as the Federal coalition government : Please don't misunderstand I am not defending amphetamines just pointing out stupidity and more ominously being told what we can and can't say yet again. Mmmm,drugs are bad ,m'kay Senator Ellison I'm so sure that banning the term "party drug " will stop them being used and make them disappear ,just like magic I find it disturbing that some people think its ok to repress free speech.I additionally wonder whether he wants the term "fantasy:the date rape …
Last reply by Jess Stone, -
OK we have the reasons to legalise cannabis thread. Which I hope people will continue to add to. Now what reasons are there NOT to legalise cannabis? This is mainly from the point of view of the straight community, to prepare us for any arguments we may encounter, but there may even be some reasons that stoners don't want cannabis legalised either.
Last reply by Zaknefain, -
- 420 Crew
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Waste Not; Want More. And Other Scholarly Words. Some time back – years ago; probably late 1980s, I homebrewed some wheat beer. I remember that this brew did not come from a pre-prepared can of ingredients that you mix with sugar-water and bottle. This stuff was made with hops that had to be boiled in a net-bag, with ingredients and procedures I have long since forgotten. Anyway, the time and effort paid off because I made about a hundred and twenty dollars worth of beer for twenty-something – using the old extra strength Australian owned Redback as the standard. I know I made more than two dozen long-necks because I hide some of these in a box, at the back of a dila…
Last reply by bongonaussie, -
As everyone here would know the only way we are going to get the canabis laws changed in australia is to change the fact that a majority of our population is ignorant. We can all sit around and tell the other people here(who in principle agree with our beliefs) but that isnt getting the message to people who otherwise wouldnt know it. i was just tossing the idea through my head then of a full page colour add in the big newspapers(courier mail, australian, sydney morning herrald etc) with information but then i realised i deffinatly wouldnt be the person to right it because so many people know the facts better then i do plus i wouldnt be able to afford it. thats wh…
Last reply by Ruen, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
This evening i began drafting a short letter to A Current Affair(yes i know its a ignorant show but a lot of people watch it I have tried to avoid the topic of legalization for recreational medicinal or high thc fiber crops(yes i am aware that high thc crops grow better) instead it is a request that they try and educate their audience that there is no reason to fear low THC hemp. yes i do know their is no reason to fear high thc hemp either but making the smaller step first would work better. plus make it slightly less likely to be ignored (damn ignorant tv people) id be very thankful if anyone has anything to add that they please tell me i shall be waiting atle…
Last reply by Frazz, -
- 420 Crew
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I sometimes hear the words from polititions when talking about drug law reform to the tune of "the softening/decriminalisation of drugs would send the wrong message to the community". Does this mean that some laws are largely symbolic? This logic can be used to justify laws which are clearly ineffective, as are most laws against drugs. With this being the case it is then the responsibility of the police to determine the degree to which different laws are policed and enforced. So really, the policies/attitudes of the police are often more important than what the actual laws are in terms of how it effects the average citizen/victim. So what say does the public have…
Last reply by Ruen, -
- 420 Crew
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g'day; check out this site, it has been around for few years now, we need an Aussie chapter......any ex-cops here with the nads?
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
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Dr Andrew Katelaris has a 'channel' up and running on youTUBE Cannabis Hemp dot info
Last reply by Stoney, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Marijuana link to stabbing murders by Dr Right Monday July 10, 2006 at 09:09 AM HOMICIDE squad detectives are investigating whether a mix of marijuana and mental illness was a factor in four murders in the past month Two young men and a couple who left behind a young child were the victims of fatal stabbings in the space of nine days. It is suspected psychosis brought on by marijuana may have been a factor. Drug counsellors have warned super-potent, genetically modified dope grown in suburban houses is severely affecting some users. There are strong concerns among senior police at the links between cannabis-induced psychosis and killings and other violent c…
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 4 replies
Some how or other I managed to get the Telegraph to approve and publish in the readers opinion section not a blog but editorial comment and readers responses,so I assume that theres a strong possibility that a user of some kind of illicit drugs was working in editorial over the weekend and decided to publish,very much to my surprise as no other letter like this has been published out of many attempts,I have had plenty of extremely controversial blog comments published on various Oz MSM however this surprised me,it will certainly be worth a lot of hits of the next few days on DTS. link to letter Go figure ????
Last reply by wildflower, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Guess which one of us had a cone before this meeting? I had reason to be at the launch of Poverty Week in NSW at Parliament House - didn't get the chance to raise my favourite topic as I glad-handled the Premier, I was representing another group but I certainly decided to mellow out before I left home.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
21st Oct ,2006 The Cannabis Resistance Front announced that several Cannabis Warrors of the CRF have been given medals for bravery in the line of duty in a costly Drug War battle being fought around occupied Cannaustralia by the CRF against the evil imperialist occupation forces of the Anti-Cannabis-Nazis. 1]Gilla Mogilevsky*VC* 2]Uri Mogilevsky*VC* 3]Roni Mogilevsky*VC* 4] Aitan Mogilevsky*VC* 5]Three Agents of the CRF who's identities must be protected working on an undercover operation in the Restive city of Proserpine in the N.E. sector of Cannaustralia,*VC*,*VC*,*VC*. All 7 have been awarded VC's (Valour for Cannabis) medals our HIGHEST award for b…
Last reply by Jess Stone, -