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How many people have died from smoking Pot?

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So how many people have actually died from smoking dope? I haven't heard of any 100% certain fatalities myself but one book I read alleged that Bruce Lee died from a rare allergic reaction. He was quite a dope fiend apparently. Him and his mate Steve McQueen who used to tear down Hollywood boulevard in his sports car. Bruce is quoted as saying that sitting in the passenger seat of that car was the scariest thing he ever did.


Dope is incarcenogenic like Tobacco but I've never heard of any cancer cases. Millions die from the Governments favourite taxable legal drug so why dope hasn't been shown to cause similar effects on health beats the hell out of me. I'm sure the prohibition Governments of the West would be crowing from the rooftops if there was a recorded death.


Other than people slipping and falling over etc I'm buggered if I can find anything. Nothing directly caused by reefer smoke. Anybody else got any figures?

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Well, aside the most obvious reasons like lung cancer etc, I feel the mental illness isn't a direct death statistic and possibly should be. Whether you are prone to a mental illness from some effect in your life sometimes, I feel marijauna is cause and hence suicide.


Once the Mari started to effect my mind in the way I never thought would, I gave up. I am glad I did. Every time I smoked late in my smoking career I would feel shit about myself and then have all the confidence in the world after giving it up. Therefore, Mari wasn't hard to give up at all as from my experience only, it isn't an addictive drug. What I mention here is my own experience, I still love the plant, the plant just don't love me lol.


Alcohol, I am sure a lot more have died from this than marijuana, however people generally know the direct effects and all the road stats etc from this drug. It's harder at the moment to really tell how many people have died because of smoking Mari.

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So how many people have actually died from smoking dope? I haven't heard of any 100% certain fatalities myself but one book I read alleged that Bruce Lee died from a rare allergic reaction.


bruce lee didnt die because of pot, he died because he was given a pill which contained something he was allergic to, but i have forgotten what that substance was lol and to answer your original question, 0 people have died as a direct result of smoking marijuana...alot of people have come close in situations where an alergic attack results from smoking, ie. being allergic to penacilon (spelling is off i know :) ) and smoking mouldy buds lol but imo, if a person were to die like that, it would be the mould and her allergic reaction to it that killed them, not the mj lol but the reality is smoking is by far the fastest way of getting thc into the body and you'll pass out before overdosing as its PREDICTED a person would overdose from consuming 1500 pounds in 15 minutes...but then again, its only a prediction as the scientists couldnt get a mouse or any other creature for that matter to even come close to overdosing on marijuana lol


Dope is incarcenogenic like Tobacco but I've never heard of any cancer cases.


governments cant say marijuana will cause cancer as that is an outright lie....the truth of the matter is cannabis contains chemicals which kill off fast growing and out of controll cells in the body which infact kills off alot of cancers before they even get a chance to take hold B) but the governments have to look anti drugs and all so what they say is that cannabis contains chemicals which are known to cause cancer which is true, they leave out the cell killing fact i mentioned before and then say mixing cannabis with tobacco is even more toxic to the body than smoking either alone which imo might be true, but then again the mj might even things out a bit lol


but to answer your question as shortly as possible: cannabis hasnt taken a single life in the history of its use, only dumb arses who did stupid things after smoking, eg. driving home after 30 cones have died as a result of its use. lol

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Thanks guys. That's what I thought. Like I said before, the Government would soon let us know about it if they could prove even a single case of death by ganja. Do you have any links to Marijuana destroying potentially cancerous cells? That makes a lot of sense and I know MJ has some amazing medical properties. It was listed in the Pharmacopeia Brittanica as one of the most useful herbs known to medical science until Anslinger and his squad banned it. I reckon the Gunja prohibition is the biggest proven Government conspiracy in modern history or close to it.


The health benefits of MJ make a mockery of law enforcement and its war on Dacca. So many people have died from Tobacco and Alcohol to put money in Government coffers and still we are denied the freedom to smoke a relatively harmless weed which has been used by humanity for over 10,000 years. I just don't understand how they get away with it. Millions of dollars in research by these clowns has turned up virtually zip. People prone to schitzophrenia shouldn't smoke it. Just as people prone to nervous break downs shouldn't work in high stress job situations.

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Do you have any links to Marijuana destroying potentially cancerous cells?


i read that comment in a thread on this forum, i forget which one, but what i do remember is them saying the pot smokers without cancer shocked the shit out of them and they had no real way to explain it other than to say that the mj must be preventing the cancers from growing in the first place lol


People prone to schitzophrenia shouldn't smoke it. Just as people prone to nervous break downs shouldn't work in high stress job situations.


mate that was classic lol would also make for a great point to bring up in a debat over mj hey lol

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bruce lee didnt die because of pot, he died because he was given a pill which contained something he was allergic to, but i have forgotten what that substance was :doh:




thats not true there has never been an official cause of death for bruce lee they have never been able to identify the cause and lots of rumors pop up but none of them have any basis in reality

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It's a common misconception amongst young people that pot is completely safe because you can't smoke enough of it to fatally overdose (as opposed to say heroin where you could kill yourself with one hit), so therefore, technically, "nobody has ever died from smoking pot".


But at the end of the day, if you SMOKE anything then you're risking things like lung cancer and so on. You can of course avoid such worries by eating it rather than smoking it, or if you still prefer your quick hits then switch from smoking to vaporising.


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To me the important question you need to ask yourself is are you using pot to enhance your life or are you using it to hide from life? Or to take another angle, will the overall quality of your life be better if you stopped smoking pot all the time? I believe a lot of heavy pot smokers have trouble facing these types of questions honestly.


Like anything pleasurable, it can be addictive and therefore destructive. Or if not destructive, lead to stagnent, unforfilled existance. And of course heavy pot smokers tend to experience mood swings and certain strains for certain people can really bring on artificial feelings of depression and anxiety.


But at the end of the day anything can be an addiction and a destructive force in your life, and the fact that this also applies to cannabis is certainly no good reason to make it illegal. It should of course be a health care issue not a criminal issue. :doh:

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