Southern Hemisphere
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- 3 replies
First time outdoor grower giving a crack with one plant to start with. Have read that out door light could effect the cycles of the plant. I’ve got mine in the back yard, we have an outdoor light that we use when we take dogs out for a wizz. It doesn’t stay on long, unless kids leave it on, but it’s always off when we go to bed. Will this effect the plant?
Last reply by fishpiss, -
- 4 replies
First of all hello to all, first post and as per topic new to this. Partly out of curiosity and partly due to the current supply drought (my only two contacts have limited supply) I decided to throw some seeds in some dirt and see what would happen. About a dozen germinated and sprouted, I’d thought I’d be lucky to get one to sprout, and due to having young teenagers the missus said I could only grow one or two plants. So I chose the best four to allow for the possibility of male plants. Anyway two grew “balls” and were discarded and another died due to slug attack. so only have one left which may get more attention than my kids. Anyway have no idea what sort it is, i…
Last reply by Nostradumbass, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Summer is almost upon us n us outdoor farmers are already well underway... got white widow slowly growing with a mass shooter auto already in flower. Plan on hitting a few other auto's before the end of season. Whats everyone growing this year?
Last reply by Try Blu, -
- 2 replies
How to Cultivate High Quality Outdoor Cannabis Growing up in the tropical regions of Australia, I was exposed to the privilege of living in an incredibly fertile climate where cannabis cultivators thrived. I sprouted my first seeds as a curious 13 year old, without a clue what I was doing. As a first generation grower without guidance, it took many years to learn the do’s and don’ts of cannabis cultivation. Now, each plant in my garden can produce half a kilogram (one pound) of high quality product. Here I hope to share my decade of experience with others who also wish to grow their own medicine. To my fellow gardeners, outlaws, and students, I wish you all a prosperou…
Last reply by Black Ridge Buds, -
- 1 reply
Hi All I'm in coastal Central Queensland and this year have decided to try and grow in a shade house. It has 30% shade cloth but re enforced plastic roofing. the reason why I wanted to grow it in the shade house is so I can keep it up at the house rather than the long trek down the back to water and the greenhouse will hopefully keep out prying eyes. We are having a few issues with aphids at the moment so I've been using a homemade white oil mix. Seems to be working at this time. My question is has anyone else grown this way this far up the coast or had any issues with aphids or anything else they feel could give me pointers on. Thank you
Last reply by L0C, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys Im a long time lurker, first time poster. I need some guidance. Im a first time grower and I think Ive some mould on my biggest buds. There's discoloration and they seem brittle to touch the tops - they seem to crumble. Can anyone please advise if this is mould. Its wet where i am at the moment so should I harvest now as the forecast doesn't seem to be clearing up. Should I cut them out and harvest now? any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Atrixsta
Last reply by North yaz, -
- 25 replies
Hey all I’m looking at doing a outdoor grow later on this year and wanted to know if anyone could recommend a soil I could buy from maybe Bunnings I’m in WA and that’s pre much the only place in town I can think of to get soil potting mix I do know that a lot of it is crap tho so any recommendations?? And pot size for biggest yeild
Last reply by North yaz, -
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, Just looking for some recommendations for soil types to use. 1st one outdoors and i've got some Northern Lights and Cali Kush autos that I grabbed from aussieseeds a while back. Not too keen on making my own, something organic water only would be great. What's everybody using out there???? Cheers Jay
Last reply by micmac, -
- 6 replies
hi I recently put plants outside they have been there for 10 days maybe 14 days roughly would it be ok to put them back inside on 18/6? they are still small 10-20cm high thanks looking forward to hearing back
Last reply by buzzo, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so I messed up. I started a couple girls under lights a while back. Then when the light hit 12 hours, I put them outside. But they still flowered! One has started throwing the single, non serated leaves. So I’m happy that will come good soon. The other doesn’t seem to be showing any signs of reverting back. I’m gifting this one to a friend that wants to do it indoor. What’s the best way for them to revert it with as little stress as possible (I know it’s stressful, but trying to limit it) !? Light for 13 hours? 14 hours? 18 hours? What effect will this ,potentially, have on the girls? I read about monster cropping and revegging (Usually after ha…
Last reply by highbreed, -
- 2 replies
So I've been doing a lot of research, mainly on this site and a small amount on others and most people who are growing indoors veg their plants for around 2 months. Then I stumbled upon this thread here and people were saying the longer you veg, the bigger the plant. Sounds obvious but then it reminded me that I saw a site the other day that said we don't get 12 hour light days until around March/April and that means that my plants would have vegged for 4 months. I'm willing to go up to 52L pots if they need it, I don't mind but if that's the case and these are going to be quite large plants then it seems that I may have to do some training on them early on and througho…
Last reply by Anoma, -
- 8 replies
Hi All, ACT is the first state to decriminalize outdoor cannabis cultivation for personal use. For ACT residents this presents unique opportunities for research, advocacy and simply growing good weed. I am starting a meet-up to take advantage of the new legal permissions and bring cultivation out of the shadows in ACT. The goal is to discuss growing techniques, as well as to think about how the ACT community can better position itself as pioneers in the cannabis industry, to take advantage of the inevitable legalization of cannabis Australia-wide. Please join the group here. Our first online meet-up is tonight (24 September) at 7pm. Sasha
Last reply by Erin, -
Howdy folks, First time grow here. I received a couple of packs from MSNL. Didn’t get the first order as I didn’t choose stealth shipping and the seeds never showed up. My bad, I got in touch with MSNL and they re sent seeds no worries I just paid for stealth postage. Germinated 2 x Blue Dream and 2 x White LSD. 100% results using the paper towel method. Medium is 3 parts Hortico Organic Compost, 3 parts Peat, 2 parts wet Perlite and 1 part wet Vermiculite in 15L pots. Have them under 2 x 55w Starlite T5 lights and plan moving outside when it gets a bit warmer. These guys are 9-10 days and they seem to be a bit on the small side. Plan on giving Canna Terra Vega and Flor…
Last reply by shags, -
- 7 replies
How do I get clones that go outside to stay in veg Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app
Last reply by highbreed, -
- 4 replies
Hi Guys, It's my first attempt at growing and hoping if someone could help me out! I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on the decision to grow my seedlings in two upside down fish tanks until the plants are bigger (growing outdoor). I've attached two photos of the the pot size and tank size im going to use. I have six of these pots to fit in the two tanks. Do you think this will work alright?How long could I keep them in there?Once I've planted the seeds can I put them in the tank straight away? Cheers
Last reply by AsiaHorner,