Cannabis Propagation
Cannabis hemp cultivation propagation information and discussions.
624 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
OK quick question from a first timer.. Once the seed has sprouted its whitish root to just a lil over a centimeter or so please tell me that you plant it just a few millimetres under the soil with the whiteish root thing pointing up, as in poking up out of the soil. If yes then ok I am doing it right but nothings happening. If no then "ooohhh ok I am an idiot" I figured getting the seeds would be the hard part the rest would be easy.. This is really getting me down, I'm struggling through each day telling myself its going to be ok, I'll have some relief soon when the plants are done. At this rate I just dont know what I'm going to do.
Last reply by Gazza2001au, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
i germinated about 20 seeds in the paper towel method and once the tap root came out i put them in 1.5 inch rockwool cubes with pre drilled holes with tap root going down about 1/8 inch down. i put them in my dome on a heat mat until it emerged from the rockwool. the problem i have is the seed is still on when it sprouts. it doesnt even look like it wants to come off. i put them under light about 7 inches away(4 foot 4 tube floro with mixed bulbs).and give about 20-25 ml of water once a day. water is distilled water with 35% h2o2 in it at about 2.0ml/l. the plants barely grow and after 3 days the seed starts to fall off but no roots are growing. 10 tens later they l…
Last reply by Slane420, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
hey guys just a few questions: looking at flower power today and i couldn't find rockwool anywhere, the best i could find was coconut fibre. i was wondering if anyone knows how well this works as a propogation substrate? also ph lowering products.. ? i haven't been able to find them? i've heard getting them from a fish store is no good and i couldn't see any at flower power. the only alternative i have as a substrate for cloning besides coconut fibre was perlite and vermiculite.. just wondering what i'd be best with? maybe you guys know a good hydroponics store in sydney? or a good place to get some proper materials. hey i could also get those peat pelet cubes that enl…
Last reply by Naycha, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
hey i just want to no if any1 has heard of germinating seeds in a shot glass of water and a tiny bit of clonex because i got told that it works well because it promotes rooting and makes the plant female its worked 4 me on 3 different plants they've all been female but i dont no wether its a flook or just that i happend to have good seeds or that the tip this old man told me works. so if any1 no's of this method let us no but im gonna keep doing it till it stops working cheers dirtyman??
Last reply by biggerbuds, -
- 2 replies
In a nut shell..... Some of clones have these flattened main stem towards the top of main growing tip. Branches from main don't look so much like branches but a split off the main. Plants seem Very Very Healthy. Vigorous growth like I have never seen before. I am impressed and curious as to now the cause ......and the effect of this seemingly induced oddity. Which is rarely seen. Your thoughts and questions please. I have info to share. And would love to hear yours.
Last reply by Teucer, -
- 3 replies
About five days ago 8 seeds were planted and of these only 1 has emerged and it looks sickly . 95% of all other seeds appear in 4 days. These seeds were bred from plants grown from shop bought $10 a fucking seed parents . The seeds were pollinated by same variety being lowryder #2 .These plants are apparently hybrids . All seeds were brown and ripe .They look good , can they be infertile ? Another factor may be that the seeds that were planted were removed from plant and planted within 1 hour , do they need to rest , dry , age whatever ?
Last reply by PiGMaN, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hi new here. I got an impossible to root strain (big bud). I have had success in the past, but it is hit or miss. I follow the std protocol for mister type hydro cloning, including pH control (5 to 6), changing the water frequently, using clonex, humidity (65-75%), water temp (74 F), moderate light, trimming clones on the mom the day before taking the cutting, etc. And everything is real clean, sterilized and rinsed thoroughly. However, they are so damn sloooooow to root, taking up to two weeks to show roors even when it works. Also, lately, after about a week, the leaves of the clones have been turning a silver grey color and then look like they are rotting becua…
Last reply by santacruzmarco, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
I may be able to get some seeds, but they are pretty old (3-4 years) and likely to be difficult to germinate. One essential at the moment (given it's winter) is an incubator of some kind that will maintain a constant temperature of around 27-30c. It would also be very nice if there was a heating element that the jiffy pots could sit on. Can anyone recommend something reasonably priced that would do the job? Thanks for any advice John
Last reply by mcna, -
- 1 reply
Gday everyone, so I have started my first grow from bagseed. "Officially" today was day 1 that both seeds had broken the surface. More to the point, I cannot grow them in the spot they are at for much longer, maybe a few weeks, and I am desperately trying to think of spots for my babies but have run out of ideas. Obviously I am looking for an outdoor spot that I can visit fairly often. Anyway I don't expect anybody's locations haha, I'm just after some ideas of where people don't go. Oh and if anyone has any advice on hanging MJ plants in trees pm me If somebody could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
- 6 replies
well, took one of the littlies out of the garden, gave it a root trim and wash, then chopped off all the old bud and trimmed the stems back a bit, then repotted the plant in a 5ltr pot with coco fibre gave it a drink of thrive and seasol, i will be using hydro nutes from now on though, it is going to be my new red devil mum, it is in the bathtub under a 250w hps on 18/6 light regime, the clones have been taken from what i trimmed off the plant.
Last reply by blackheartedprofit, -
- 5 replies
Ok I was givin 2 NORTHERN LIGHTS clones the other day, which made my day (the guy has been growing this same strain for 7 years) But I have big problems they are growing in rockwool and are about 2 months old n have well developed roots! They needed some triming up as they were all scragly, so I did that. I transplanted them into COCO,2/3L pots, rockwool still attached I didn't mess with the roots. Watered them and put them In my grow cupboard 400w hps They wilted something chronic , might have been obvious to more experienced growers not to do that??? I'm now trying to nurse them back to health I think they are comming back slowy I got them sitting in …
Last reply by smokinjoe, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, hope your Christmas was fun and safe. Pic of branch with split in it. Is it anything to worry about, I bathed it with peroxide to clean it up.
Last reply by brick, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey guys, I know this might have been asked a few times, there's lots of discussions on ozstoners regarding this I know, so don't mean to sound like a broken record, just this stuff can be life or death for plants if you over do it... From what I know there are 3 different strengths of oxy-plus (H202) which are 17.5%, 35% and 50% and there are alot of different guides for sterilizing rock wool cubes for cuttings. Most of the cloning tutorials say 20 drops(2ml) of oxy-plus per Litre of water and PH adjusted to 6.0 with 1ml superthrive to make up pre-cutting soak water. Problem is, It doesn't say which strength of oxy-plus being used in any of the guides i've seen i…
Last reply by Cyclone, -
- 2 replies
G'day fellow stoners and growers. A mate snuck back some dutch seeds for me a few years ago, Big bud, jack herer, silver pearl ect. and I have had great success with them. Last year though I noticed a weird silvery necrosis of my shade leaves, but only on one side and alternating! e.g internode 3,5,7. I ended up chucking these mutants and a few hermies (as you do) so I don't know if I could have bloomed these things and if the flowering growth would have been affected. I assumed the problem was genetic NOT enviromental as other plants were healthy as and I know a thing or two about indoor cultivation, maybe those seeds are just too damn old. Thoughts anyone?
Last reply by John c, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hey Ive been my clones have using coco to do my clones and for the most part it works very well but lately my clones have been showing mold or rot that starts on the outer leaf where it has been trimmed and in the tips of the clones. Just wondering if anyone else has had mold problems with their clones before and could i use an antifungal or something? thanks RR
Last reply by danoz, -