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Ok I was givin 2 NORTHERN LIGHTS clones the other day, which made my day lol (the guy has been growing this same strain for 7 years)


But I have big problems :yahoo: they are growing in rockwool and are about 2 months old n have well developed roots!


They needed some triming up as they were all scragly, so I did that.


I transplanted them into COCO,2/3L pots, rockwool still attached I didn't mess with the roots.


Watered them and put them In my grow cupboard 400w hps


They wilted something chronic , might have been obvious to more experienced growers not to do that???


I'm now trying to nurse them back to health I think they are comming back slowy I got them sitting in the window???


I'm going away for 3 days tomorrow, should I immerse the pots in water while I'm away because they are seriously struggling to take up water at the moment?post-17285-1230715973_thumb.jpg

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G`day mate,


Might i suggest you open that window to let the breeze onto it.......can never have too much air imo......


When you watereed them did you use nutrients in the water? and do you have a PPM test pen?.......


Also i highly advise you dont give them any more water until you get back .....coco likes to dry out.



And finally,.... are ya gonna put them back in the drobe when ya go away?.....if so it would pay to keep the light raised fairly high.



Hope they pull through for ya,



Cheers Me :yahoo: lol

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BEFORE YOU GO AWAY!!!!!!.... lol You need to buy some Coco specific nutrients. Those girls are reeeaaally hungry. Coco isn't like soil. There are no nutrients at all in Coco (inert media). Duck down the hydro store and get some Canna Coco A + B nutrient and follow the directions on the back, you'll also need a nutrient pen. The 1 litre bottles will last you for ever and are about $30 and a nute pen about $70


Mix the Canna Coco nutrient in equal parts until your nutrient pen gives a reading of 1.8 EC for the first watering and water them untill you get heaps of run off (this is called flushing). Then when the Coco starts to dry out (when the pot feels light) water again with an EC of 1.2 until you start to get a little run off.


If you do this before you go away, you should have some really healthy plants when you come back. :yahoo: If you don't, I think they will starve to death in the next week.


Here's a link to the nutrients I'm talking about. I'd shop around, $200 for 5 litres is a bit pricey. I'm paying $120.



And this is the Nute pen you'll need (yellow EC pen)


Edited by New Holland
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