Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 6 replies
Hi all, I hope everyone has a good year & didn't have too many casualties with the heat we've had so far. I've gotta start from scratch again... NOT very happy about it!! I've lost all my pens for this year to fire (4), fuzz (3) & bikies (3). I've just thrown in the last of my seed to hopefully get atleast a pound, maybe 2, but I'm reduced to doing it in the backyard now. The only good thing is that I can keep the water up through the summer if needed. Good luck to everyone & I hope yours grow well! MUD.
Last reply by MUD, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys im goning to repot my plant soon into a pot the same size as its in now (A big one 50cm wide by 45cm deep) i am repoting cos the soil it is in now is so shit its not funny now the roots have managed to spread almost all the way to the side of the pot on the top lv of soil and i think it might not be growin down mabey cos the soil is a bit compact the plants only bout 20 - 25 cm tall but i dont know. im just wondering how should i do this? i as thinking getting a shovel push it down the side as far as a can and just lever up all the soil and plant, but then how should i pot in again? will it be bad if i just put all the roots into the potting hole cos there wouldn…
Last reply by gitm69, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
hello all, i had an idea and thought i would seek some of your opinions here it is, i was wondering if you could use the solar led garden lights that u you stick in the ground and they come on when it gets dark to put around a nice plant before the days get short to keep it veging all winter and then in summer take them out and and let it flower the next winter or put the lights back in and grow for anather season. if this worked could you get a plant to gow like 30ft any coments welcome
Last reply by TheTreeBoundRat, -
Hey peeps Thought it might be time to replenish the strain list ... was recently given a shitload of strains to try from a very generous young fella so this one`s for him. Only gonna raise em to a foot tall b4 taking a few clones from the best to determine sex and to keep a few for new mum`s/dad`s. STRAINS: Low Ryder#2, C99, Chemdog x Sensi Star, Blue Berry x Northern Lights. METHOD: Premium potting mix in 6" pots.....1seed per pot, hand watered when required ......seeds get forced to pop (stay tuned) Will get pics later Me
Last reply by Chronmasta, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
hello all, i recently started growing white widdow from nirvana its been about 5 weeks and its started to flower and its summer can anyone explain why its flowering its the only one out of 4 that is is flowering. oh if it helps im in queensland
Last reply by vaughn, -
- 420 Crew
- 34 replies
Hey guys this is this years seed run project the seedlings consist of the following strains: LR#2 Diesel ryder auto AK47 x Diesel ryder (not low life's version.. a fellow breeder made this cross be-for they did) I Am not really fussed as to what crosses with what atm just need some more stock to work with they are currently in the little starter pots and will be transplanted into 20ltr pots 6 per pot... and left together to do there thing.. and here is the pic they are a week old... a little slow with the growth i know but they are out side and its winter atm
Last reply by Nooby, -
- 6 replies
If you guys havn't seen my first post take a look at it here: https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...showtopic=26409 my 2 biggest plants are getting quite large, at roughly 90cm tall, they have 8 main stems each with a couple of smaller stems about 5-8cm coming from the nodes. Some stems are changing from dual nodes to seperate nodes, is that a sign of something to come or is that just how they change when they get big? the nodes are getting tighter and tighter as you travel to the top of the stems and i've noticed a coule of super tiny preflowers but they have brown hairs, is this completely normal or are they not going to flower for some time? will they just…
Last reply by Astro84, -
- 7 replies
Hey all, I've been experimenting with growing positions outdoors and ATM I'm moving the bigger plants into a more full sun position. They are getting the morning sun from about 5.30 am till about 2.30 pm when the shadows from buildings come over. Is this enough or should I move them to where they get even more? Cheers
Last reply by louise, -
- 5 replies
Just a local young bongrat from Western Sydney. Sick of buying the stuff at inflated unregulated prices. I've got access to seeds and have been reading alot about Cannabis in general and browsing around the forum/web for info. Just gotta get the ball rolling to start the grow. The old woman cant know about it, but I've got a great hiding spot that'll get direct sunlight all day. I've got a few little plastic pots ready to go. The holes in the bottom of em will do fine to drain all the water out Gotta get some potting mix and nutes though. I wanna know the best way to germinate seeds as I get told different things by different people. Just wondering is it true if you …
Last reply by BaronS, -
Hey all Just after some feedback on me little plants, they went in early sept and didnt grow much to start with. some have taken off lately but some are still stunted. I know some of the problem is just not enough light and most likely a bit of overwatering on my part. But any comments welcome, what kind of plants they might be or just to laugh at the little freaks!! Its been raining most of the day so theres some drooping! rain droopage of the best plant had a growth spurt the last couple of weeks the skinny one on the right male? both planted at the same time, they all were. about 40cms high and budding allready!! ...not enough light im guessing.. got…
Last reply by Astro84, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
G'day there, I've been doing lots of reading around here for a while and have learnt a lot, thanks, but this is my first post. I've had a few half hearted goes at growing over the years and never been very successful. This year I went through an old collection of unknown seeds and sorted out a few that I thought looked the most likely to succeed. I tried germinating them in various ways and had no luck. I didn't really expect much as they were a few yeas old and had just lived in a plastic bag in a drawer. I chucked the ones that looked no good out into an old unused pot plant outside. Did absolutely nothing, no watering at all. It got 1 good lot of rain just after I p…
Last reply by Astro84, -
well i repoted my plant yesterday all good until 5am today attack of the snails imagin 300(not really but my shoes are smelling of snail) snails charging up for this 4week ol plant, it was a race found all these snails around my pot sliding up and about like little spartins trying to reach it it was still dark so i grabed my torch found them all over my balcony they have destroyed my babys i swear ive never seen so many snails in my life all converge on one location and destroy it then just illch like they have won the war, little basterds i squashed every single one! what luck first mites now this! sigh!
Last reply by reddevil6, -
2009/2010 grow 1 2 3
by chucko- 21 replies
the 9 in the single pots are feminized Early Skunk, and the ones in the tray are from left to right the first 9 is Hollands Hope (afghani x skunk) the next 4 are Hash Plant and the ones on the end that are just starting to sprout are unknown strains from a mixed outdoors pack i got from 420 seeds, ill be growing the early skunk and prolly 10 others in the ground in big holes approx 3ft x 3ft that i filled with top soil, cow shit, mushroom compost as well as other organic matter that i threw in and also some blood and bone, dynamic lifter and sum lime, the rest ill grow in pots
Last reply by cone head, -
- 420 Crew
- 16 replies
Hi All After some advice and trawling through the pages on here I ordered my seeds from the UK and they arrived in a week. Ordered some Papaya and they threw in 5 free PPP seeds, spent 5 days germinating and potted them a week ago in some seed raising mix and Perlite, all bar one have broken the surface now. I dont have the ideal situation with regards to light (no hydro as I'm renting), basically I'm going for an outdoor grow long term (have a nice sunny private spot save for the troops come the time), I'm up at 05:30 for work and take them out into the garden, water them and then bring them in at about 18:00 and keep them in the laundry room under a normal tube un…
Last reply by harshmano3, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hey heres a few pics of my 7 week old plant and some pics of what i think are preflowers thats not good but im in SA spring is about to start in a few days and dayligth savings in a week so if they are do yous think it will revert back to veg befor its to late? sorry bout the shit pics but its a shit day again and i couldnt get it focused weve had rain for the last week strait very dul days
Last reply by weaz, -