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nirvanas best strain

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hello all, a friend of mine has chosen to start growing so i said i will give him a hand as hes never grown before, can anyone please give me advise on seeds, hes chosen to go through nirvana seeds cos there cheap and the seeds i ordered came here fast, so wot in your opinion is the most stable, beginer friendly strain nirvana has, i was looking at skunk1, kaya gold and hawiixmaui wauii can anyone who has grown any nirvana seeds please coment and give feedback on how it was to grow outdoors.



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Maybe nirvanas durban poison has been modified somewhat ..... Durban Poison takes a long time to finish. plant it out in September and it's not ready for harvest until late April, I have had some that were not ready until mid May.

On the plus side they grow to around 18' and can yield over 1/2pd.


Not really for the backyard :) .... although back in the 70ies someone planted a hedge of them along his driveway. problem was it was next door to the Dee Why police station :)

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Maybe nirvanas durban poison has been modified somewhat ..... Durban Poison takes a long time to finish. plant it out in September and it's not ready for harvest until late April, I have had some that were not ready until mid May.

On the plus side they grow to around 18' and can yield over 1/2pd.


Not really for the backyard :unsure: .... although back in the 70ies someone planted a hedge of them along his driveway. problem was it was next door to the Dee Why police station :huh:

hay mate it says on the site its an f1 cross between durban poison and and an early dutch skunk but im not shure, how long ago did u purchase your seeds and also how was it to grow thanks.

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how long ago did u purchase your seeds and also how was it to grow thanks.

Over 30 years ago ^_^, I met a girl from South Africa who bought them with her, funny story .... no problem growing Durban Poison, just took a long time but the wait was was worth it.

As good as, in fact probably better than todays Hydro.


I know the strain is still grown quite widely in South Africa so seeds with the original genetics shouldn't be too hard to find.

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